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Introducing Comic Gold 3
submitted by GeniuSxBoY on Saturday, September 10, at 1:39 PM
GeniuSxBoY has been around a long time. So is the mind that it is built on. In one sense, the fact that GeniuSxBoYcontinues to work so smoothly today is a testament to the mind's resiliency. But on the other hand, GeniuSxBoYdoes have its fair share of trolls and long-missing fans. Plus, we do things a lot differently on the web today. We have better animated gifs, greater understanding of memes, bonding cliques and more sophisticated thread hijackers.
Over 10 years ago, I started a project to entertain TWW from the ground up. That effort has come to be known as "Y'alls posting in a GeniuSxBoYthread". Today, I am sharing my amusement with all premium subscribers and one guest each. Over the next few months, I hope to get your feedback, suggestions and probably some pictures of a dude shaking his head 'No', too. Come check it out at
Oh, and to celebrate this first step toward the new GeniuSxBoYfor a limited time I am offering a LIFETIME premium subscription option. Support my threads and troll the fuck out of me while the getting is good.
Thanks, GeniuSxBoY 9/10/2011 1:43:41 PM