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 Message Boards » » wait why would the westboro baptist church protest Page [1]  
I'm Eggscellent
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Quote :
"The church is perpetually on tour promoting its brand of hellfire and brimstone, protesting military funerals, churches and, as announced this weekend, the funerals of the nine people killed in an air show accident in Reno, Nevada."

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

9/19/2011 4:26:32 PM

All American
14296 Posts
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what is this

9/19/2011 4:28:41 PM

All American
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That's no different from most of the stuff they protest. They show up anywhere that they can get attention.

I can't wait for someone to go all Texas belltower on those motherfuckers. I hope all the evidence gets mishandled when it eventually happens, too. I would take leave and follow them around the country like they were the Grateful Dead if I could be granted an immunity deal upfront, killing every one of them that I could find.

9/19/2011 4:30:12 PM

All American
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If it makes the news, Westboro will protest it. I'm surprised they haven't made an SNL skit of such by now.

9/19/2011 4:30:39 PM

5290 Posts
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SNL doesn't want to give them any attention, even in parody

probably the right move

9/19/2011 4:36:07 PM

All American
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can we release some unstable mental person on the westboro people? I'm usually all peace and have no ill-will towards people, but they've been asking for it for a long long time. Someone needs to do the deed and just erase them from history.

paging Arnold

9/19/2011 4:39:05 PM

45208 Posts
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this is how they make their do don't send a crazy person after them

they will just sue and get paid

9/19/2011 4:42:24 PM

Thots and Prayers
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they can't sue if said crazy person kills them.

9/19/2011 4:50:07 PM

45208 Posts
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that's a lot of them


9/19/2011 5:04:05 PM

All American
14296 Posts
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wow guys, extreme much?

9/19/2011 5:12:15 PM

All American
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Why can't the terrorist just suicide bomb these mother fuckers. Seriously.

9/19/2011 5:28:12 PM

All American
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dont worry, its only a matter of time before they picket the wrong funeral.

some dexter motherfucker will get em.

9/19/2011 5:47:20 PM

16786 Posts
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I don't get why nobody insane has killed these people yet.

They are like the only people they could probably kill and get let off the hook for.

9/19/2011 6:01:33 PM

All American
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I don't get why nobody sane has killed these people yet.

Quote :
"hey are like the only people they could probably kill and get let off the hook for."

Like I said, I hope all the evidence gets overlooked and/or mishandled when the carnage eventually unfolds.

9/19/2011 6:12:40 PM

11149 Posts
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Should they spare the children?

9/19/2011 6:13:58 PM

All American
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Sure, spare the children.

9/19/2011 6:17:37 PM

11149 Posts
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Maybe we can try to re-program them or something. But anyone over 18, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

9/19/2011 6:19:20 PM

All American
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9/19/2011 6:21:18 PM

Sup, B
53289 Posts
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fuck these people. i hope their bus falls off the side of a mountain, and by "falls off" I mean "runs into an IED"

9/19/2011 7:26:04 PM

All American
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can we just round them up and ship them off to Liberia to be free or something...? Seems like the most humane way to deal with them... that or give them a boat to set sail, then forget to mention that it comes pre-wired with remote explosives.

9/19/2011 9:25:59 PM

All American
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having been face to face with phelps and his wife, i have to say there aren't two more vile people on this earth.

except maybe some people on tdub.

nah but for real. creepy as shit.

9/19/2011 9:27:39 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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WBC are trolls of the finest quality. Real professionals earning a good living. A testament to America. My hat is off to them.

9/19/2011 9:40:38 PM

All American
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I would like to suspend them.

...from a rope.

9/19/2011 9:48:03 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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attention whores for Jesus. They are equated to virgin whores.

9/19/2011 9:51:46 PM

All American
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9/19/2011 9:53:40 PM

All American
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Can we throw paint on them in protest? like the animal rights people? And by paint in mean acid.

9/19/2011 10:33:19 PM

All American
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You can do whatever you want, but they will sue you, and if you break a law, you might face criminal charges.

9/19/2011 10:37:08 PM

TX R. Snake
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Didn't they come to Raleigh (or a nearby city) relatively recently - within the past year or so?

Quote :
"In May 2011, representatives of the Ku Klux Klan distanced themselves from the church, denouncing them as "hatemongers"."

[Edited on September 19, 2011 at 10:45 PM. Reason : ]

9/19/2011 10:39:47 PM

All American
3633 Posts
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idk why this is a surprise to anyone

those loons will find the 'godlessness' in anything

i think its hilarious that they waste their time like that, most days i don't believe in the here-after but i hope there's one just so saint peter can laugh in all their faces for being such idiots and then they can protest the gates of heaven for all eternity

9/19/2011 11:07:10 PM

All American
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I am surprised they did not show up at the 911 memorial or in Pennsylvania at the field in Shanksville.

9/19/2011 11:15:48 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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This church probably moonlites as the westboro militia

9/19/2011 11:19:46 PM

All American
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I would LOOOOOOOOOVE to see how Jesus would react if he walked up on these people protesting...

That day in the temple would have nothing on that.

9/19/2011 11:28:02 PM

All American
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They're just trolling anybody they can. They spend $200k a year on traveling.

9/19/2011 11:31:56 PM

All American
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I made that Cyborg Pirate Ninja Jesus poster when they came into town.

9/19/2011 11:32:40 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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Quote :
"Gah I understand that you can't make exceptions for the first amendment because then it becomes meaningless. And that goes doubly for imprisoning people based on their beliefs.

But with WBC I always find myself thinking, "C'mon, let's do it just this once, what's the worst that could happen?"

It's like "just the tip" but it ends with Fred Phelps dying in Guantanamo Bay"

Yeah, I'll quote myself.

9/20/2011 2:40:44 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Gah I understand that you can't make exceptions for the first amendment "

Unlike amendment #2

9/20/2011 4:00:15 AM

All American
4343 Posts
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I didn't realize these schmucks were still relevant.

9/20/2011 4:01:39 AM

16786 Posts
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they weren't... so now they're doing this

9/20/2011 4:03:43 AM

I'm Randy
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The reality is most of these people don't really care about what their protesting against, as someone said ^ they are just trolling people trying to get assaulted so they can file civil charges. Big group of trolls looking to get paid. People need to realize this and just ignore them.

9/20/2011 7:40:43 AM

All American
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lol you know you're doing something wrong (or right, depending on your stance on crazy) if not even the KKK wants anything to do with you.

9/20/2011 10:31:03 AM

All American
9221 Posts
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WBC is doing more to protect our freedoms than any soldier currently is.

9/20/2011 10:38:09 AM

83" of class
2524 Posts
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^No, not at all, if you think fighting for freedom consists of protesting funerals and bashing gays then maybe. I don't think any WBC member would ever consider taking up arms and dying for what they believe though.

9/20/2011 10:45:58 AM

All American
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No but they would definitely sue their enemies for any harm done

9/20/2011 11:36:23 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » wait why would the westboro baptist church protest Page [1]  
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