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 Message Boards » » I just ordered 2 pounds of garlic Page [1]  
All American
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Vampires ain't gonna touch my garden

9/28/2011 3:34:22 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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now you gotta worry about Jaybee1200

9/28/2011 3:35:26 PM

16786 Posts
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By "garden" you mean your vagina?

9/28/2011 3:36:07 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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why would you buy a shit ton garlic for fish?

9/28/2011 3:36:49 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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I love me some garlic... but while on this discussion, what are the benefits of fresh garlic over minced? the process of peeling and crushing cloves of garlic is such a pain- or do garlic presses really make it that much easier (I've never seen one in action). Garlic is probably my favorite thing to add to anything I make, so any way to make it easier is a good thing!

9/28/2011 3:37:19 PM

All American
18332 Posts
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^^^ No, that's her secret garden.

9/28/2011 3:38:56 PM

All American
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I've never really had a hard time peeling garlic. You just cut a thin line vertically on the clove and then the skin peels off easily. Those garlic roller things works really well too but I'm lazy and find the knife method just as easy.

Personally I think fresh garlic tastes better than the jars of minced but I definitely use minced when just making a quick stir fry or something.

I ordered a bunch of heirloom varieties. Interested to see if they taste any different.

9/28/2011 3:42:20 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"or do garlic presses really make it that much easier"

Yes. I'd have trouble living without a garlic press.

9/28/2011 3:43:21 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^ No, that's her secret garden.


It's not a very good secret if everyone knows about it

9/28/2011 3:43:21 PM

384 Posts
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I, too, love my garlic. 1 clove....pah....if there isn't half a head of garlic in there then there isn't enough. I just drop a head in the food processor until I am satisfied that it is sufficiently chopped. Longer for minced.

I took a bag of 16 bean soup mix, cleaned,soaked overnight, cooked the beans. Then added 1 pound smoked sausage, 1 pound cooked shrimp, 2 onions chopped, 1 huge head of garlic minced and 2 cans of Rotel. Cook that up and it was right! Add a little cayenne and/or jalapenos for extra heat.....

9/28/2011 3:44:57 PM

All American
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Mmmm that sounds tasty and like I could throw it in my crock pot.

9/28/2011 3:48:57 PM

63151 Posts
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garlic presses are great for being a huge pain in the ass to clean well, and beyond that, not much else.

it takes all of what, 2 minutes to break down an entire head of garlic?

but jesus christ, two pounds of garlic is quite a lot

9/28/2011 3:49:48 PM

37776 Posts
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Why would you buy garlic when you can easily grow it?

9/28/2011 3:50:31 PM

384 Posts
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^^^ Hells yeah!

[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 3:51 PM. Reason : extra "^" needed]

9/28/2011 3:51:13 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Why would you buy garlic when you can easily grow it?"

Time constraints.

9/28/2011 3:56:38 PM

37709 Posts
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I have a garlic roller, shit is awesome. So simple, yet so effective.

I also have a garlic press and a garlic slicer, but both are a pain in the ass to clean, so I just use a hand-held grater-thing

9/28/2011 3:58:53 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"Why would you buy garlic when you can easily grow it?

Because you don't have anywhere to grow it. I finally have a yard and plan on filling one side of it with delicious, delicious garlic

9/28/2011 3:58:58 PM

45208 Posts
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yeah its really not that hard to prep and mince garlic with a knife

I think a garlic press would make things a lot more difficult

9/28/2011 4:01:17 PM

37776 Posts
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Quote :
"Time constraints"

Right. Which is one of the reasons I grow garlic. It takes less time to go to my garlic stash than it does to go to the store

9/28/2011 4:09:04 PM

63151 Posts
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so i guess you dont go to the store for other things, ever.

or outside of the shelf life of garlic, which is like 3-4 months for a whole head.

that's impressive sir.

[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 4:26 PM. Reason : e]

9/28/2011 4:26:08 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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if I had a garden, I would probably try growing some... but I'd rather try to grow peppers and 'maters

9/28/2011 4:27:56 PM

37776 Posts
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^^ shelf life of garlic is much much longer than 3 months fool.

9/28/2011 5:00:25 PM

63151 Posts
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i've never had the opportunity to test that out

9/28/2011 5:01:45 PM

All American
10713 Posts
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Hardneck garlic is way stronger and hotter than store bought softneck heads. The heads/cloves get way larger in the garden too.

Here's a pic of a giant head that came out of last year's crop

9/28/2011 5:15:59 PM

45208 Posts
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where's your wrist?

9/28/2011 7:35:28 PM

All American
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The garlic leaves are delicious too. I throw them in stir fries, pasta, stews, etc.

9/28/2011 8:03:44 PM

56200 Posts
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now you gotta worry about dweedle

9/28/2011 8:04:31 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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honestly i can't taste the difference between fresh/canned garlic. however, when i have the time,- like when i'm spending all day cooking for thanksgiving, i really enjoy taking the time to chop it up myself. so much fun. i'm weird.

9/28/2011 8:06:47 PM

All American
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^ If it was store bought fresh garlic, that's why you couldn't taste a difference. It's the same garlic

9/28/2011 8:08:38 PM

45208 Posts
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nah she's probably cooked it to death to the point it doesn't matter

Meg I bet you could tell the difference if you tried

9/28/2011 8:12:11 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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ok, i reread, i see now.

i've done all of the above -- canned, store bought fresh, fresh from the garden

all tasty

[Edited on September 28, 2011 at 8:16 PM. Reason : ]

9/28/2011 8:14:26 PM

45208 Posts
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train your tastebuds girl

that's all

9/28/2011 8:15:15 PM

11725 Posts
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i did not read the whole thread but i find garlic presses to be a bigger hassle than they are worth. I just slam the shit with my knife, quick chop and done

and a trick to washing garlic smell off your hands: wash your hands with something stainless steel. like a ladle or something. something about the ions. it totally works.

9/28/2011 10:23:11 PM

290 Posts
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Quote :
"I took a bag of 16 bean soup mix, cleaned,soaked overnight, cooked the beans. Then added 1 pound smoked sausage, 1 pound cooked shrimp, 2 onions chopped, 1 huge head of garlic minced and 2 cans of Rotel. Cook that up and it was right! Add a little cayenne and/or jalapenos for extra heat..... "

NRR and I just finished eating some of this and it was very tasty!!

10/2/2011 3:27:17 PM

All American
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My garlic arrived Now to wait for the first frost so I can drop these suckers in the ground.

10/3/2011 9:00:01 AM


21814 Posts
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I spent a good part of my weekend separating garlic to get ready for planting

10/3/2011 9:29:14 AM

All American
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Do you amend the soil at all or just plop them into the ground. I usually mix in some topsoil with the clay but it'd be kind of nice if I didn't have to go buy more bags before spring

10/3/2011 11:15:12 AM

384 Posts
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DeeMarie and NRR,

I am glad you all liked the recipe.

10/3/2011 11:52:37 AM

All American
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Planted four varieties today and cooked the leftover cloves for a taste test. Surprisingly we could actually taste a difference between all four. The first two were really mild, almost sweet. Not sure how I felt about them. The other two were spicier and had a BAM GARLIC taste to them. Can't wait to have more of that stuff.

11/6/2011 5:37:57 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I just ordered 2 pounds of garlic Page [1]  
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