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 Message Boards » » I-85 blows Page [1]  
All American
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through southern rowan and cabarrus county, its two lanes of people going 65. through davidson county, its a police state with cops at seemingly every gap in the woods. not to mention the yadkin river bridge construction for the next two years around Salisbury. ughhhhh.

Traffic seems much more efficient on I-95, I-40 imo.

9/28/2011 7:54:29 PM

114667 Posts
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who fucking cares

9/28/2011 7:55:54 PM

All American
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so tuff

9/28/2011 7:57:54 PM

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9/28/2011 7:58:33 PM

All American
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9/28/2011 8:00:46 PM

All American
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It is a lot longer than just one area where you have to travel it but sorry for your loss.

9/28/2011 8:07:36 PM

All American
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I did an internship for a summer commuting from Raleigh to Salisbury. Every day I wished I had flame throwers on my car to use against the idiots driving between Greensboro and Salisbury

9/28/2011 8:21:16 PM

All American
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the truck drivers are ruthless on that stretch

9/28/2011 9:05:57 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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85 rocks in VA though

9/29/2011 2:35:12 AM

Duh, Winning
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isnt the speed limit 65?

why would you mad if the cars in front of you are making sure you follow the law?

9/29/2011 7:33:10 AM

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The pointless rubbernecking and pure madness of most of the drivers is terrible. I, too, drive this stretch a lot. Every time it rains a little I just prepare to jump off on an exit, because someone will wreck and traffic will crawl for miles. I swear when people get to the bridges with a few trees in the middle (I don't know the mile marker) they see eternity and know the best way to get there is by flipping over in that median/creek. I agree that the VA portion is cool, though.

tl;dr rawr rawr

9/29/2011 10:33:57 AM

35780 Posts
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Quote :
"Traffic seems much more efficient on I-95, I-40 imo"

not a handful of years ago when they were going through all of their improvements. way to compare an updated highway to one in the middle of a complete overhaul.

you also make it sound like you're the only one to notice these issues. why do you think it's under so much construction?

9/29/2011 10:35:56 AM

All American
16807 Posts
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Quote :
"Traffic seems much more efficient on I-95"

From north of Lumberton to the I-40 exit (MM 81), this is bullshit. Can't speak for the road north of that though, but I can't imagine it being much different.

9/29/2011 11:14:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I swear when people get to the bridges with a few trees in the middle (I don't know the mile marker) they see eternity and know the best way to get there is by flipping over in that median/creek. I"

hahaha I know what stretch you're talking about and I think you're right.

9/29/2011 11:17:43 AM

All American
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95 traffic is awful from maine to miami

9/29/2011 11:22:38 AM

All American
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85 is the worst highway in the state..............PERIOD

9/29/2011 11:45:31 AM

All American
1131 Posts
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85 South from Lexington to Charlotte on Sunday morning: smooth, took maybe 45 minutes to an hour.

85 North from Charlotte to Lexington after the Panthers game, in the rain: not counting the time spent getting out of charlotte traffic, easily 1.5 hours.

85 from Lexington to Durham/points beyond at any point or vice versa: not that bad.

9/29/2011 11:54:11 AM

All American
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hey gang what's the stretch on i-40 between the airport and 440ish like during evening rush hour now that they've made the extra lane- still dumb as always or improved slightly?

9/29/2011 12:13:54 PM

All American
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It doesn't start getting bad until you hit the US-1/440 interchange. Still retarded over there.

9/29/2011 12:17:15 PM

All American
1590 Posts
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Quote :
"not a handful of years ago when they were going through all of their improvements. way to compare an updated highway to one in the middle of a complete overhaul.

you also make it sound like you're the only one to notice these issues. why do you think it's under so much construction? "

I've lived in Rowan Co. for a few months now. Before that I was solely in the eastern part of the state and just never dealt with it.

9/29/2011 12:49:23 PM

83" of class
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OP speaks truth, 85 < 95/40

9/30/2011 11:57:32 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I-85 blows Page [1]  
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