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 Message Boards » » Thanks FOX! Page [1]  
All American
21497 Posts
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For showing a re-run of the Arsenal game instead of NFL football!

Way to go cocksuckers!

10/2/2011 10:12:39 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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like right now or what
it's 10am on Earth

10/2/2011 10:15:16 AM

All American
21497 Posts
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NFL football starts at 1pm sir but you knew that didn't you. I am referring to the lack of a double-header on FOX. How do re-runs make you more money than the NFL?

10/2/2011 10:16:19 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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I'm certian there has to be some sort of stipulation about double headers or else both fox and cbs would have doubleheaders every week

10/2/2011 10:18:06 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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Are you new at this?

CBS gets a double header one week, Fox gets the double-header the next alternates

[Edited on October 2, 2011 at 10:19 AM. Reason : what saps said]

10/2/2011 10:19:14 AM

All American
21497 Posts
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3 games instead of 4.

It doesnt make sense.[/thread]

10/2/2011 10:23:35 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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why dont you demand a la carte TV programming and a team-specific Sunday ticket for DirecTV that costs 1/32nd of the total cost while youre at it

10/2/2011 10:24:40 AM

63151 Posts
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10/2/2011 10:25:13 AM

All American
22137 Posts
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I agree, it would make much more sense to play the Premier League games live rather than on tape delay. Then we could have both.

Instead i get to watch shitty streams that skip constantly.

10/2/2011 10:29:54 AM

All American
21537 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm certian there has to be some sort of stipulation about double headers or else both fox and cbs would have doubleheaders every week"

to the 506! make way for quote block!

Quote :
"NFL TV Rules at a Glance

The basics

Who airs what:

CBS: Sunday afternoon games in which the visiting team is in the AFC
FOX: Sunday afternoon games in which the visiting team is in the NFC
NBC: Sunday night games, plus the opening week 1 game on Thursday night
ESPN: Monday night games
NFL Network: Late-season Thursday and Saturday night games


With the exception of week 17, only one of CBS or FOX gets to air a doubleheader on Sunday. In most areas (see below), one network airs 2 games on Sunday while the other only airs one.

Primary and Secondary Markets

A television market, in layman's terms, is the general viewing area of a set of local stations....i.e. the Cincinnati TV market is the area served by that city's stations.
A primary market is the one in which the team is physically located....for instance, the Bengals' only primary market is Cincinnati.
Most teams also designate secondary markets. In order to be designated as a secondary market, a portion of it must be located within 75 miles of the stadium. Not all teams designate all markets within 75 miles as secondary markets. For instance, the Bengals designate Dayton, Ohio and Lexington, Kentucky as their secondary markets, although not Louisville even though Louisville stations reach within 75 miles of Cincinnati.
Primary and secondary markets are required to air all road games of the team in question, and are not allowed to air blacked out home games (see below).
Just because all (or most) games of a given team air in a given market does not necessarily mean it is a designated secondary market. Again, the ONLY markets that can be designated secondary are those whose stations reach within 75 miles of the stadium. For instance, all stations in Texas air Cowboys games whenever possible, but only those whose signals reach within 75 miles of Cowboys Stadium are officially secondary markets.
If the local team is playing at home and the game is sold out, it is the only game allowed to be televised in that primary market at that time, even if the opposite network has a doubleheader. That means if the Cardinals are playing at home on FOX while Patriots-Colts is on CBS at the same time, Patriots-Colts does not air in Phoenix. There are occasional exceptions, such as in selected markets during week 17, or in Washington DC, which is also a Ravens secondary market and airs their road games whenever possible.
Milwaukee is also designated a "primary market" for the Green Bay Packers, but only in the sense that ESPN and NFL Network games are broadcast on an over-the-air station in that city.
There are occasions, such as in Orlando with the Jaguars or in Harrisburg PA with the Ravens, where the team that claims secondary market status is not the most popular in the area, leading to viewer frustration when their road games air over those of the more popular team. The NFL does not take fan support into account when enforcing secondary market rules, only geography.


If a game is not declared a sellout within 72 hours of kickoff, it is declared "blacked out" and cannot be shown in the home team's primary or secondary markets.
In addition, the affiliate of the doubleheader in the primary market is only allowed to air one game. The doubleheader network first determines which game of theirs will air in the market, forcing the singleheader network to air a game in the opposite timeslot. In effect, this means there are two games aired in a market of a blacked-out game - one early game on one network and one late game on the other, regardless of which one has the doubleheader.
In secondary markets, stations simply air another game in place of the blacked out game, and both games of the doubleheader are still shown.

To make sense of all these rules above, here's an example:

Detroit: primary market for the Lions
Lansing: secondary market for the Lions as Lansing stations can be seen within 75 miles of Ford Field
Grand Rapids: not a primary or a secondary market, but one with a strong Lions following.

Imagine this is a partial game schedule on a hypothetical Sunday in which FOX has the doubleheader:

Arizona @ Detroit (FOX)
Seattle @ Green Bay (FOX)
NY Jets @ New England (CBS)

Dallas @ NY Giants (FOX)
Denver @ Oakland (CBS)

If the Lions game is blacked out:
FOX early FOX late CBS
Detroit NO GAME Dal @ NYG NYJ @ NE
Lansing Sea @ GB Dal @ NYG NYJ @ NE
Grand Rapids Az @ Det Dal @ NYG NYJ @ NE

Since the Lions were blacked out, FOX could only air one game in Detroit. Since they feel Giants-Cowboys is a major matchup that would garner large ratings, they decided that would be the one game that would air in Detroit. CBS is then forced to air an early game. Lansing is still allowed to air two games on FOX, the only caveat is that one of them cannot be the Lions game. Grand Rapids has no restrictions and thus can air the Lions game.

If the Lions game sells out:
FOX early FOX late CBS
Detroit Az @ Det Dal @ NYG Den @ Oak
Lansing Az @ Det Dal @ NYG either game
Grand Rapids Az @ Det Dal @ NYG either game

CBS is not allowed to compete with a sold-out Lions home game in Detroit, meaning they have to air the Denver-Oakland game. CBS is not bound by that restriction in Lansing (let alone Grand Rapids), meaning they pick whichever game they feel will get the best ratings.

Now, if CBS had the doubleheader:

Arizona @ Detroit (FOX)
Seattle @ Green Bay (FOX)
NY Jets @ New England (CBS)

St. Louis @ San Francisco (FOX)
Denver @ San Diego (CBS)

If the Lions game is blacked out:
FOX CBS early CBS late
Detroit StL @ SF NYJ @ NE NO GAME
Lansing Sea @ GB NYJ @ NE Den @ SD
Grand Rapids Az @ Det NYJ @ NE Den @ SD

CBS, with the doubleheader and the first pick, decides to air the Jets-Patriots game in Detroit. This forces FOX to air a late game, as unappealing as it is to a Detroit audience. Lansing still gets its full complement of 3 games (none of which are the Lions), while Grand Rapids still gets the Lions game.

If the Lions game sells out:
FOX CBS early CBS late
Detroit Az @ Det NO GAME Den @ SD
Lansing Az @ Det NYJ @ NE Den @ SD
Grand Rapids Az @ Det NYJ @ NE Den @ SD

National Broadcasts

NBC, ESPN and NFL Network are deemed the national primetime broadcasters for NFL games, as all their games air to 100% of the country. (The NFL Network's cable carriage woes are irrelevant to this discussion.) Although CBS and FOX sometimes air games that also go to the entire country (such as Thanksgiving), they do not play into this section.
Most teams can air in primetime a maximum of 5 times a year, a maximum of 3 of which can be on NBC. The Thursday Night game in Week 1 with the defending Super Bowl champion counts toward this total.
Three teams can air 6 times a year. These teams are not pre-determined, they just depend on how the schedule is drawn up.
ESPN and NFL Network games are also simulcast on an over-the-air station in the primary markets of the two teams only. Stations in secondary and other markets are not allowed to air these games, even if the NFL Network is not widely available in the market.
There is no known restriction on having both games of a divisional rivalry air on NBC, although it has never happened as yet."


10/2/2011 11:47:40 AM

All American
33197 Posts
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I love my RedZone....

10/2/2011 11:49:48 AM

All American
7333 Posts
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Where every channel has a double header....

Just opened my first beer.

10/2/2011 11:50:34 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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10/2/2011 4:36:13 PM

All American
7067 Posts
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Feels like we go through this every season. How long have you people been watching NFL football?

10/2/2011 4:51:41 PM

13178 Posts
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you people

10/2/2011 4:52:31 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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you people

10/2/2011 5:03:46 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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919 must be new to the NFL

10/2/2011 5:47:11 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Thanks FOX! Page [1]  
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