bbehe Burn it all down. 18454 Posts user info edit post |
We hit a bump on the road driving on the highway through the mountains, led to us hydroplaning and the driver losing control of the vehicle. Slammed the driver's side into the guard rail. Guard rail helped us regain control of the vehicle if it hadn't been there would have easily spun and been hit by a rig. Or if it had happened earlier we would have gone off the mountain or into oncoming traffic.
Happy friday. 10/7/2011 12:39:04 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Bump led to hydroplaning? Does not compute. Oversteer maybe. 10/7/2011 12:41:13 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I've always suspected that hydroplaning is just something that girls make up as an excuse when they wreck their car. 10/7/2011 12:41:40 PM
bbehe Burn it all down. 18454 Posts user info edit post |
No, it was pouring rain with 50-100 feet of visibility. We definitely hydroplaned 10/7/2011 12:43:20 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I'm ashamed to admit, but I've properly hydroplaned a car before. It can happen. Going about 85 in the rain as a dumbass 16 year old... I realized that the car no longer responded to the steering inputs. I turned the wheel over a quarter of a turn and nothing happened. Then the highway started to curve to the left as an exit ramp broke off to the right. I went right down the middle through the grass. Passed one of those huge twin I-Beam highway signs about 3' from my passenger's door. Never made that mistake again thankfully. 
[Edited on October 7, 2011 at 12:46 PM. Reason : l] 10/7/2011 12:44:21 PM
bbehe Burn it all down. 18454 Posts user info edit post |
hydroplaning is a lot easier to do in a light pickup truck (ford ranger) with no weight on the back end. 10/7/2011 12:46:04 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Defying the laws of friction ITT. 10/7/2011 12:53:28 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
Big deal. My head is peeling from last week's light sunburn. 10/7/2011 12:55:08 PM
bbehe Burn it all down. 18454 Posts user info edit post |
ps, I never said the bump directly caused us to hydroplane, it led to us hydroplaning. There is a difference. 10/7/2011 12:55:47 PM
tripleD4u All American 6247 Posts user info edit post |
Try rolling on some bald super swampers in MT mountains in the pouring rain and get back to me.  10/7/2011 2:14:17 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I was driving on 440 back high school in my bitchin' 89 camaro during a light rain. My car turn 90 degrees and went sideways down the road for about 30 yards before turning 90 degrees back to normal like nothing had happened.
Later I realized that the shop had put my tires on backwards and they channeled water directly to the center of the tread. 10/7/2011 3:09:24 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
I hope you didnt go back to that shop  10/7/2011 3:11:35 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I did not. 10/7/2011 3:12:03 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Later I realized that the shop had put my tires on backwards and they channeled water directly to the center of the tread." |
 10/7/2011 3:20:01 PM
arghx Deucefest '04 7584 Posts user info edit post |
bet the driver was a fucktard and hit the brakes. that's usually when shit gets real 10/7/2011 7:31:23 PM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
This is just like sailing The caddie's hydroplaning 10/7/2011 7:36:57 PM
ghost613 Veteran 324 Posts user info edit post |
When i was 17 i totaled my 92 dodge daytona. I "backed it into a tree". I think the front tires got traction on the highway and the rears hydroplaned. (being a 17 year old idiot I slammed on the brakes) Result was a car where i could sit in the drivers seat and touch where the tail lights should have been. I climbed out the window unscathed. 10/8/2011 12:02:32 AM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
I hydroplaned on I-40 east during a thunder storm one time. Since no damage was done to any vehicles, or people, it was pretty fun.  10/8/2011 12:24:04 AM