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16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Deadbeat state: Ill. owes billions in unpaid bills

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Drowning in deficits, Illinois has turned to a deliberate policy of not paying billions of dollars in bills for months at a time, creating a cycle of hardship and sacrifice for residents and businesses helping the state carry out some of the most important government tasks.

Once intended as a stop-gap, the months-long delay in paying bills has now become a regular part of the state's budget management, forcing businesses and charity groups to borrow money, cut jobs and services and take on personal debt. Getting paid can be such a confusing process that it requires begging the state for money and sometimes has more to do with knowing the right people than being next in line."

This is terrible. I can't even fathom it. How the hell do people not know how to spend money?

Don't spend money you don't have.

Wow. Just wow.

10/15/2011 9:23:00 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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That's the American way they are just joining the party

10/15/2011 9:26:04 PM

41010 Posts
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oh ok i thought this was about football

10/15/2011 9:29:54 PM

16786 Posts
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I don't give a good god damn. Responsibility comes first. I'm sick of this.

10/15/2011 9:31:37 PM

23634 Posts
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i may be pulling this out of my ass - but don't businesses operate this way sometimes? hold off paying those who aren't bitching at you and pay the ones who are WAY passed due?

granted, illinois should pay their bills, but let's be honest - it's not realistic for anybody to be operating a balanced budget right now.

and if you're so sick of it - i hope that you exercise your voice by using your vote next november (and whatever month your primaries are in)

10/15/2011 9:31:42 PM

16786 Posts
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10/15/2011 9:34:56 PM

16786 Posts
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before you bitch, I know it's rigged simply because there is no way to prove it's not rigged.

10/15/2011 9:35:55 PM

23634 Posts
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wow okay done responding to anything you say

10/15/2011 9:36:44 PM

16786 Posts
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you're so fucking ignorant about the problems in the country.

you see the fucking article.

tell me how this happens without a corrupt and irresponsible government

10/15/2011 9:39:16 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Yes I have called companies about past due invoices and they flat told me right now they are only paying people who call and complain. If you don't call them they aren't paying your invoice. In response the next time work shows up for them it just sits on the shelf until they start calling and bothering us. Customers who pay on time get preferential treatment.

10/15/2011 9:45:13 PM

319 Posts
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I would say, why do we not tolerate people being fiscally irresponsible, but it's acceptable for governments to do so. Except apparently we're throwing that out the window as well.

10/15/2011 9:45:14 PM

10254 Posts
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10/15/2011 9:45:47 PM

23634 Posts
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Quote :
"you're so fucking ignorant about the problems in the country."

i'm not ignorant, fwiw, i'm just a realist

10/15/2011 9:46:27 PM

All American
1882 Posts
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Considering Illinois' political history and leadership, this should surprise no one. If I were the private sector in that state I'd refuse to pay state taxes.

10/15/2011 9:58:59 PM

13178 Posts
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This shit should be TSB. Move it over there and lock GeniuSxBoY in there with the rest of the trolls.

10/15/2011 10:01:40 PM

45912 Posts
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Illinois has one of the worst, if not the worst, state governments in the nation.

10/15/2011 10:39:55 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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All governments do this. Working for the government is a bad idea. It's like working for the mob. If they decide to hold your money for a few months(or forever), what are you going to do about it?

10/16/2011 1:14:29 AM

All American
4673 Posts
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^ This happened to North Carolina not to long ago...

10/16/2011 1:52:57 AM

All American
7547 Posts
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Quote :
"I know it's rigged simply because there is no way to prove it's not rigged."

Aw yeah fuck logic man.

10/16/2011 3:07:37 AM

37709 Posts
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Obama was senator of Illinois...coincidence? I think not. GG America

10/16/2011 7:22:01 AM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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Where is that extra 2.25% (they took out of my paycheck starting in February but they retroactively took it for January too) going? 5% state income tax and they haven't done shit to balance the state deficit. Any private organization and they all would be fired. Some one needs to grow a pair and start making heads roll.

10/16/2011 8:21:43 AM

926 Posts
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Quote :
"Obama was senator of Illinois...coincidence? I think not. GG America"

foreshadowing ITT

10/16/2011 8:23:18 AM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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^^^That was my first thought...

10/16/2011 8:37:45 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Obama was senator of Illinois...coincidence? I think not. GG America"

One state senator isn't going to change what happens in Illinois.

It takes men. There are 59 state senators. It would be completely changed right now if it weren't for opposing members striking down so much legislation.

and One man isn't going to change the country.

It takes men. This country would be completely changed right now if it weren't for Congress striking down so much legislation.

Right now, the checks and balances that are supposed to help us, are kicking us in the ass. The rich own the legislative branch.

10/16/2011 1:20:31 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » WTF ILLINOIS Page [1]  
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