Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
in other words, people from china?
I was wondering about the one child policy... is that still enforced these days?
Is it weird in China to have a Brother or Sister? is it uncommon to hear those words?
I know these are odd questions, but I am just genuinely curious. (and i'd rather hear a first hand account than some generic google search.) 10/18/2011 7:23:24 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
I have a question, if you saw a toddler in the street who had obviously been injured, would you just walk by and go on your way? 10/18/2011 7:26:34 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
(that's what made me think to ask the question on here, but didn't think that thread was appropriate.) 10/18/2011 7:43:11 AM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I was wondering about the one child policy... is that still enforced these days?" |
Did you see the news a few days ago? Government officials have been going to villages and forcefully stealing babies from couples who have more than one child and then handing them over to orphanages where rich Westerners go to adopt children (without knowing some of the children are stolen children).
They also commented on the news that stealing children from couples who have more than one is against the law. Correct recourse is to punish them by a fine. However, when the affected couples complained to the local authorities, they turned a blind eye to the other officials who stole the kids.
I can't even imagine the pain of a mother/father whose child is taken away by force by the GOVERNMENT. I would seriously kill some motherfuckers if it were to happen to me.
May the Lord help the Chinese from the Chinese.
P.S. And fuck the orphanages as well because they reported that the orphanages are also turning a blind eye and not asking where the babies come from. In fact, the BBC reporter placed a call to one of the orphanages during the news report and said she had a child which was not hers and she would like to give the child to the orphanage and they said no problems leave the child with us. Rich Westerners pay a shitload of money for the babies.
[Edited on October 18, 2011 at 8:00 AM. Reason : ] 10/18/2011 7:58:18 AM
Dr Pepper All American 3583 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "
10/18/2011 8:04:13 AM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Here is the report I am talking about. It is Sky News (UK), not BBC:
And here is a good read:
Gendercide: China's shameful massacre of unborn girls means there will soon be 30m more men than women
Quote : | "They even chase after citizens who go to Peking to complain about their treatment, or to petition for help. Parents who had put up posters begging for news of their stolen children were shocked to find that officials immediately snatched them from walls.
On June 1 last year, International Children's Day, dozens of Kunming parents held up posters in a central square, advertising their missing children. City officials told them to take down the posters and disperse because they were 'defacing the city with unsightly material'." |
Quote : | "Boys are kidnapped by families who want a male heir and do not care where they get him. Girls are taken to be brought up as child brides for cherished, spoiled boys, who will not have to worry about the increasing shortage of girls." |
10/18/2011 8:30:58 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
tmi nevermind
[Edited on October 18, 2011 at 8:35 AM. Reason : ] 10/18/2011 8:35:24 AM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
shoot 10/18/2011 8:50:23 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
I vaguely remember from my Chinese politics course that people in the countryside are allowed two children since they need farm help.
There's also a really good movie about how the one child policy has fucked with the dating scene in China. Can't remember the name but will ask my friend who showed me the movie. 10/18/2011 8:53:37 AM
MisterGreen All American 4328 Posts user info edit post |
^i heard something similar, except i thought the one child rule applies to everyone, it just isn't nearly as strongly enforced in the rural areas as it is in urban areas. 10/18/2011 9:45:00 AM