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 Message Boards » » Jury Duty on Halloween Page [1]  
All American
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Oh what fun. First we checked in. Then we watched a video. Next we had to place our left hand on the Bible
for the oath.

Now we're just sitting here. What comes next?

I debated wearing my costume but decided against it.

Should I try to get picked? Tips on how to get dismissed? Cool jury duty stories?

Entertain me T-dub, I'm bored.

10/31/2011 10:08:54 AM

balls deep
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I have jury duty today too. Waiting to be called now. A judge jusy came down and talked to us and she was wearing a witch costume.

10/31/2011 10:12:27 AM

New Recruit
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Halloween is not a real holiday.

10/31/2011 10:17:02 AM

All American
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What city are you in? I'm in Raleigh. At least the tv's are not blaring some inane program, and I brought two books.

10/31/2011 10:17:54 AM

balls deep
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Rockville, MD. Montgomery county court.

Also, it would suck pretty bad to get handed a sentence by a witch

10/31/2011 10:21:45 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Also, it would suck pretty bad to get handed a sentence by a witch"

Ahaha. That's awesome.

10/31/2011 10:30:01 AM

All American
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The one hot girl just got to leave. This day keeps getting better. Off to search for some food...

10/31/2011 10:33:46 AM

All American
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One time I went and waited nearly 12 hours to be called as a juror. I never was.

10/31/2011 10:52:04 AM

All American
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I'm curious about the Bible thing. Do they have a Torah or a Koran on hand if you are Jewish or Muslim? What if you are some obscure religion or just outright atheist?

10/31/2011 11:02:56 AM

45912 Posts
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^not even this.

religion should not be included in a courtroom. it has no place there.

10/31/2011 11:04:24 AM

All American
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^^ In the case of atheists, they require you to pledge an oath.

10/31/2011 11:06:44 AM

All American
4264 Posts
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Quote :
"Off to search for some food..."

6th floor

Quote :
"What if you are some obscure religion or just outright atheist?"

You can be affirmed which is basically the same thing minus the bible and religious stuff. Just raise the ole right hand and repeat after them.

Jury duty sucks though. When I did it a few years ago it was painful how obvious some people were making it that they were trying not to get picked for a jury, to the point that the Judge called one lady on it. I ended up on a jury for a civil suit which was pretty interesting and more importantly, short.

10/31/2011 11:22:09 AM

All American
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Not sure about the Bible. We're still stuck in the Jurors lounge. If I ever get into a courtroom I will ask.

Courthouse deli was surprisingly nice. Large selection, healthy options, and affordable. Got a tasty
turkey sandwich toasted w/ cheese, lettuce, tomato, and bacon. Chips and large drink for $7.

Better deal than any fast food place. Back to waiting.

10/31/2011 11:25:59 AM

All American
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This is what you get for voting! Never register to vote and you never have to worry about this haha

10/31/2011 11:29:04 AM

balls deep
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They can get you by registering your vehicle, or having a license too I believe

10/31/2011 11:38:17 AM

All American
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called for jury duty twice, first time served on a case of an adult molesting a kid and second time just waited in the room all day. Only interesting thing that happened to me was during the jury selection of the molestation case one potential juror stated there wouldn't need to a trial if that was his son because he would have killed the son of bitch that touched him before it got that far. Needless to say he was excused.

10/31/2011 11:44:41 AM

All American
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Parked in the wrong parking deck this morning, cost me $8.

Got a two hour break for lunch. Went to the bada bar and drank three beers. Now back to waiting.
Supposedly if we don't get called by 4pm we are done and can leave. We shall see.

10/31/2011 2:40:30 PM

All American
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I think I'd like to serve as a juror once in my life but I've never been called.

10/31/2011 2:51:23 PM

All American
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And we're out! Some dude plead guilty, so we got to leave early. No jury duty for this guy. What a wasted day.

10/31/2011 3:32:33 PM

balls deep
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...and I just got back home. They never called me.

hour spent doing nothing. how productive...

10/31/2011 3:43:30 PM

All American
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Can't you bring a book or a computer or something?

10/31/2011 9:09:30 PM

balls deep
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you could where I was. They even had free wifi, a cafeteria, etc...
it would have been tolerable if they had the 3 HDTV's on CNN or something.... but I guess that might have interfered with the possible jurors if the news aired something about an ongoing trial?

10/31/2011 9:11:00 PM

All American
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The cafeteria meal should be compensated.

10/31/2011 9:12:57 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Jury Duty on Halloween Page [1]  
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