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 Message Boards » » Man Accused Of Mutilating, Hanging Dog Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. -- A Grand Junction man has been arrested for his alleged involvement in the brutal killing of his mother's dog.

On August 15, Grand Junction police were called out to the pedestrian foot bridge of Eagle Rim Park on a report of a dog hanging from the bridge.

Officers arrived to a brutal scene. According to the arrest affidavit, the dog was cut along it's abdomen leaving the internal organs exposed. Police say, in addition to lacerations to the neck and body, they discovered the dog's left eyeball laying about six feet away from the corpse.

He claims that he and Nelson had been drinking that evening and after the police had let them go home, Nelson became very angry. The witness says once they got back to Nelson's home, Nelson grabbed one of his mother's dogs named DeMayo and began hitting him.

He went on to say that Nelson put DeMayo on a leash and took him outside where he began swinging him ten to twelve times, hitting his head into the ground. Apparently he kicked the dog multiple times afterwards as well. The witness believes the dog was dead at that point because he couldn't see him moving or breathing.

The witness tells police that he was severely upset by Nelson's actions but when he tried to intervene Nelson attacked him as well. The witness left the home and says the last thing he saw was Nelson walking northbound dragging DeMayo along the ground.

Police say they contacted Kathy Nelson after speaking to the witness. According to the affidavit, they told her that her son had killed DeMayo. She mentioned her son was heavily involved in methamphetamine and she didn't know where he had been staying."

Meth's a helluva drug

11/3/2011 7:39:06 PM

Mr. Joshua
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That's nothing new.

Quote :
"Initially a nuisance preying on livestock, the wolf soon began attacking women and children. The citizens of Ansbach believed the animal to be a werewolf, a reincarnation of their late and cruel mayor (German:Bürgermeister), whose recent death had gone unlamented. During an organized hunt the locals succeeded in driving the wolf from a nearby forest and chasing it down with dogs until it leaped into an uncovered well for protection. Trapped, the wolf was slain, and its carcass paraded through the city marketplace. It was dressed in a man's clothing and, after severing its muzzle, the crowd placed a mask, wig, and beard upon its head, giving it the appearance of the former Bürgermeister. The wolf's body was then hanged from a gibbet for all to see until it underwent preservation for permanent display at a local museum."

11/3/2011 7:42:30 PM

TX R. Snake
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At least there's no video.

11/3/2011 7:43:30 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ At least they had a good reason for the time period

11/3/2011 7:46:48 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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i was there^

waarhaffige begebenheit! doesnt even BEGIN to sum it up.

11/3/2011 7:47:45 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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And I now have a new word to use in Scrabble: gibbet.

11/3/2011 7:51:49 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Man Accused Of Mutilating, Hanging Dog Page [1]  
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