11/15/2011 1:31:53 PM
11/15/2011 1:32:42 PM
I lurv me some lurv!Lurves for everyone!
11/15/2011 1:34:03 PM
11/15/2011 1:36:21 PM
WTB some lurvin - you have for sail?
11/15/2011 1:41:13 PM
I too would like to purchase some lurv
11/15/2011 1:42:04 PM
11/15/2011 1:43:32 PM
11/15/2011 1:51:01 PM
11/15/2011 2:07:06 PM
divababy will blow this thread UP
11/15/2011 2:07:37 PM
Oh hay b00
11/15/2011 2:35:31 PM
11/16/2011 12:21:31 PM
consider it blown
11/16/2011 12:24:02 PM
i do
11/16/2011 12:29:46 PM
11/16/2011 12:31:46 PM
11/16/2011 12:36:17 PM
11/16/2011 2:50:13 PM
11/16/2011 3:19:04 PM
I need some lurv like I've never needed lurv before...wanna make lurv to ya baby
11/16/2011 3:26:23 PM
11/16/2011 3:39:08 PM
11/17/2011 10:42:14 AM
i need some lurv...its been atleast 4 months since my last lurv and its gonna be another 10 months before my next lurv...14 months of no lurv
11/17/2011 12:01:21 PM
ew why?
11/17/2011 12:03:42 PM
getting married next september...wanna hold out till then for religious reasons and also so when we do something for the first time as being married, it feels new and special
11/17/2011 12:07:27 PM
11/17/2011 12:09:13 PM
meh, laugh all you want, doesn't bother me any. I have my beliefs and wants, and you have yours obviously.
11/17/2011 12:10:10 PM
11/17/2011 5:39:25 PM
11/18/2011 10:06:02 PM