Agent 0 All American 5677 Posts user info edit post |

Water cooling towers of the John Amos Power Plant loom over a home located across the Kanawha River, near Poca, West Virginia, in August of 1973.
11/16/2011 2:52:49 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
Pumpkin? 11/16/2011 2:53:36 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
haha west virginia is the only place i ever saw two singlewides put together in an attempt to form a doublewide 11/16/2011 2:54:35 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
At first they were like

but then they were like
 11/16/2011 2:55:21 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39556 Posts user info edit post |
another reader of The Atlantic exposed  11/16/2011 2:56:18 PM
Agent 0 All American 5677 Posts user info edit post |
subscriber 11/16/2011 2:56:59 PM
scotieb24 Commish 11097 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "haha west virginia is the only place i ever saw two singlewides put together in an attempt to form a doublewide" |
I have family in Henderson that did that. The two single wides were in parallel with a makeshift hallway to connect the two so it looked like an H. I'm just glad no helicopters landed on it although many lolicopters have. 11/16/2011 3:29:44 PM
A Tanzarian drip drip boom 10996 Posts user info edit post |
ibtomgnuclearpowerplantnoitsnot 11/16/2011 3:31:32 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "WEST

nuff said 11/16/2011 3:34:25 PM
HockeyRoman All American 11811 Posts user info edit post |
How did so much human debris end up in such a beautiful place?  11/16/2011 3:36:20 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
I went there the weekend before last and it was awesome!
You can just ride ATVs up and down the road there and when you see a cop you just wave or nod rather than running. They're just glad you're there spending your loot and they don't even think about tazing you unless you're all strung out on meth and causing a riot.
There is a shit ton of land that nobody seems to give a fuck about. You can ride ATVs, shoot animals, dump old appliances, carve your initials in trees or whatever else you're into out there.
They sell liquor in gas stations.
The waitresses are bitchy and slow, but they don't expect good tips for their shitty work like they do in Raleigh.
See also:

[Edited on November 16, 2011 at 6:50 PM. Reason : s] 11/16/2011 6:49:28 PM