Snewf All American 63551 Posts user info edit post |
I want to get a TV and wall mount I'm getting a little excited thinking about it
oh yeah: 11/24/2011 11:07:33 AM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going for a 32" LCD TV, that's about it 11/24/2011 11:11:45 AM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
^The Sears doorbuster one, mayhap? 11/24/2011 11:18:35 AM
terpball All American 22489 Posts user info edit post |
I don't know what I'm getting yet, I already have a big TV... my whole entertainment center is taken care of.
Maybe I'll get some new furniture
wait, fuck, I'm a broke grad student without savings!
nevermind, carry on! 11/24/2011 11:21:55 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
There's a desk for like 80% off at Michael's that I want but not sure I'm want to fight crazy cat ladies for it. There's also something on clearance I want at Williams-Sonoma but I might just order it online rather than deal with the mall.
[Edited on November 24, 2011 at 11:26 AM. Reason : a] 11/24/2011 11:26:18 AM
Snewf All American 63551 Posts user info edit post |
is there a better deal than this one? 11/24/2011 11:41:52 AM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
LG 32" with same stats but a far better brand (Westinghouse is definitely not very high up on my list) and for $199 at Sear's doorbuster. But, again, you'd have to go to the 4AM doorbuster, which to me is one big "fuck that". 11/24/2011 11:53:40 AM
Grandmaster All American 10829 Posts user info edit post |
Sharp 42" 199 at Best Buy I think. 11/24/2011 11:55:26 AM
Snewf All American 63551 Posts user info edit post |
yeah I don't want to have to go anywhere or talk to anybody
its pretty much worth the extra $50 not to 11/24/2011 11:58:30 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
the only thing I would do is best buy for the asus transformer... but I aint doin that 11/24/2011 12:02:15 PM
badboyben All American 7631 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ are you in line? 11/24/2011 1:51:32 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah I'm buying gas and a shit load of booze
I'm Krallum and I approved this message 11/24/2011 2:36:48 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
must. have. 11/24/2011 2:38:08 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
Borderlands GOTY for 20 at GameStop. 11/24/2011 3:23:14 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Might swing by wal-mart tonight and see if I can get a $200 TV, if not I'll try to pick up Battlefield 3 and/or Arkham City for $30
But I'm not buying any christmas presents tomorrow, no  11/24/2011 3:25:02 PM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
^^That shit was FOUR DOLLARS for GotY on Steam not that long ago.
Anyone know if someone's doing video game discounts on Skyrim or Skyward Sword? I know a lot of places are doing almost 20 dollars off newer releases, but often the largest and most recent releases slip by without discounts. 11/24/2011 3:58:55 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
Meh, but it's the cheapest I can find it for PS3. And I wouldn't buy Skyrim until people confirmed the patch is working and resolved issues.
Of course Bethesda doesn't give two fucks about PS3 owners. 11/24/2011 4:00:54 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
uh, NO
Someone shared on FB:

+1 11/24/2011 4:32:45 PM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
might get a vacuum at walmart 11/24/2011 4:39:21 PM
Doc Rambo IV All American 7202 Posts user info edit post |
Nope, paying full price > dealing with crowds. Or waiting until it is on sale later with no crowds or buying online. I don't have the patience to deal with lines/crowds. 11/24/2011 6:32:38 PM
jakis Suspended 1415 Posts user info edit post |
^ 11/24/2011 6:55:07 PM
bobster All American 2298 Posts user info edit post |
I've seen lots of 32" for 200 11/24/2011 6:57:52 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
I'm kind of tempted to go buy sheets tomorrow. Everyone is having good sales on them it seems and we need some like whoa. 11/24/2011 8:01:40 PM
BubbleBobble BACK IN DA HIGH LIFE 114661 Posts user info edit post |
I wonder if I would have any chance of getting one of those blue Wiis at walmart if I went now 11/24/2011 8:10:40 PM
MisterGreen All American 4328 Posts user info edit post |
let's just get this over with! i am so sick of hearing about black friday doorbusters bullshit. they act like it's the only day of the year you're allowed to shop  11/24/2011 10:24:58 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Just nabbed Batman: Arkham City for 28 bucks. Waited on it for about an hour and there were tons of people crammed around the 360 display box, but I reached right through there, unintentionally groped a few people, then nabbed a copy of the game I wanted. Then grabbed a couple of $2 movies and hit the door.
I didn't even have to wait in line to pay, because everyone else was snatching up about 20 cheap movies or going to the other sections before they got in line. 
[Edited on November 24, 2011 at 10:27 PM. Reason : And that's all the black "friday" shopping I'm going to do.] 11/24/2011 10:26:27 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going get some $19 jeans at GAP at 3am  11/24/2011 10:31:55 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
hurry someone pick me out a pair of sneakers and tell me where to buy them
READY AND GO 11/24/2011 10:36:43 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |

11/24/2011 10:49:42 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
i dont understand buying a bunch of cheap movies. i could understand buying classics or your favorite movie but why not just get a netflix account if you are going to buy movies just because they are 2 dollars? 11/24/2011 10:55:13 PM
lewisje All American 9196 Posts user info edit post |
imma go to half-price books 11/24/2011 11:06:13 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
^^Can't give people a netflix movie for Christmas? But yeah, Black Friday is more about buying things for yourself than actual Christmas shopping.
Also, since the subject is Black Friday... can't wait for the inevitable news stories "stock plunge as shopping on Black Friday was only up 2% over last year instead of the projected 3%" or worse yet sales are down.
[Edited on November 24, 2011 at 11:15 PM. Reason : -] 11/24/2011 11:12:21 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Couldn't sleep last night so ventured out in search of bedsheets and towels we've been desperately needing. First went to Walmart which was a complete waste of time. The sheets they had on special were absolute garbage and the cesspool of humanity was more than I could bare. Left and went to Kohls which was much calmer. Apparently nobody buys bedsheets or towels on Black Friday so got my pick. Also scored one of the comforter doorbusters and a sweater for 75% off. All in all got almost $400 worth of stuff for about $120. I can see why people get off on Black Friday shopping.
Then again, I saw people buying the DUMBEST SHIT just because it was on sale. I watched one redneck lady fill her basket which a shitload of 50% off toys while her husband kept telling her their kids didn't want the crap. She would retort,"But it's so cheap!" First off, 50% is a normal, every day sale at Kohls. Secondly, people like you are the reason Hoarders exists.
[Edited on November 25, 2011 at 6:47 AM. Reason : Y] 11/25/2011 6:47:06 AM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
We went by the Walmart on our way back into town and saw the parking lot was about half fullof obvious Black Friday 7pm. Decided to stay home
Might try this morning again, or just say fuck it and spend the extra $20 and get it online 11/25/2011 7:26:40 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
I'm happy to say that I haven't stepped into a wal-mart in 6+ years. 11/25/2011 7:51:50 AM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I went to GAP this morning and passed by a bunch of people sitting on the floor waiting for Sephora to open....blew my mind.
Waiting hours to save 10% on cheap makeup makes no sense to me. 11/25/2011 9:26:18 AM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
hell no, i am sitting my ass on the couch and not moving. except to take a shower. maybe. 11/25/2011 12:49:32 PM
CassTheSass cupid 35382 Posts user info edit post |
Want to venture out but I might wait until later and hit up Loft at Cary Towne Center or Marshall's. 11/25/2011 1:45:12 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Went to walmart at 9 and got in line for tvs and laptop. it got so crowded that they let us put stuff in our cart for the 10 sale at 9:30 and let us checkout for the midnight sale at 10:30. The line was back to the garden center at this point and waited for about 30 minutes then they opened two registers in garden and I was out at 11 with everything. Spent about 600. 11/25/2011 2:08:23 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |
I did mine online. I'm not leaving the house until game time. 11/25/2011 2:13:31 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I'm looking forward to cyber monday  11/25/2011 2:17:23 PM
NCSUam0s All American Tease 2330 Posts user info edit post |
Cyber Monday is also more my speed. I can't deal with crazy people, especially in masses.
Plus, I bought a 32" HDTV online Wednesday night for $188 with free shipping and no tax. Pretty decent deal in my opinion. 11/25/2011 2:47:42 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
I went to Best Buy at noon:30, and the parking lot was filled.
I walked in the store, looked at a few things, then left.
I don't know why I thought I would succeed at something by going there. 11/25/2011 2:53:52 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
I went to Gamestop and Borders today around 10am wasn't very crowded. 11/25/2011 2:54:43 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
and the Turtle Beach headsets weren't even on sale!
However, seeing all those people buying large TVs and things of that nature really discouraged me from following in their footsteps. I choose not to fill the voids in my life with objects that provide some pseudo-happiness.
At least - until those headsets go on sale... 11/25/2011 2:59:25 PM
BubbleBobble BACK IN DA HIGH LIFE 114661 Posts user info edit post |
fffff someone sell me a blue wii 11/25/2011 3:01:16 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
Buy a PS3 and join us on the poorly ported side. 11/25/2011 3:03:11 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah they didn't have the headset so I had to get one of those blue wii's and the new Zelda.
Eh, whatever. I guess I'll play it a little bit and see how it is. It'll probably end up on craigslist anyways. 11/25/2011 3:08:44 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Hit up Petsmart for half off jerky. Not a soul in there. Then when to AC Moore to get some frames I needed for 90% off. Hardly anyone in there either. Went to Crabtree after lunch and it wasn't too bad. Was able to get a parking spot right in front of the food court. Wasn't much that piqued my interest though. Didn't look like many other people were buying either. I'm guessing the hardcore Black Friday shoppers were already long gone. 11/25/2011 3:42:10 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
Like people who go out at 2 AM to by sheets. 11/25/2011 3:49:22 PM