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...and takes it to fertility clinic.

Quote :
"NEW YORK – A New York man was stunned to find out that his four-year-old twins were not an accidental pregnancy after all -- but that his desperate girlfriend secretly stashed away his sperm and used it for an in-vitro procedure, he charges in a lawsuit.

Joseph Pressil, 36, was not planning on having children with Anetria Burnett, with whom he was in a relationship for six months in 2007, he said.

So she took matters into her own hands, he told the New York Post, in order to remain in his Texas house and make a legal bid for half of his possessions.

"A gold digger is an understatement. She was trying to get community property and alimony. She's ruthless," he said.

Now, Pressil is suing Burnett in Texas for custody of their sons.

"This is more than a nightmare -- it's a horror story," he told the Post.

Pressil, a telecommunications manager, said he hooked up with Burnett, 34, when he lived in Texas -- and was a little surprised when she announced she was pregnant.

"We always used condoms," he said. But when a DNA test proved him to be the father, Pressil said he began paying $800 a month in child support.

"At first, I doubted [the children were mine], but I figured I would wait until the twins were born," he said. "But when the kids were born, they looked just like me."

The real bombshell dropped last February, when Pressil got a strange receipt in the mail for sperm cryopreservation.

Confused, he called the company that had sent him the paperwork, which referred him to the Advanced Fertility Center of Texas, where a manager asked him to sign a release form.

That is when he said he uncovered the bizarre plot.

"She was taking [the semen in condoms] after the fact and running down to the clinic with it," said Jason Gibson, who is representing Pressil in his suit. He now has joint custody.

The fertility clinic's manager simply assumed he and his ex were married when she got the successful in-vitro fertilization procedure that resulted in the birth of the twins, his suit says.

Pressil then said he confronted Burnett, an exotic dancer, who allegedly told him, "Oh you're not stupid. I thought you knew."

"Her reason for doing it was to stay in the home -- because I had told her she had to leave my house when we broke up," he said.

She even filed to have him declared her common-law husband, he said, which would have entitled her to half his property. The filing was denied.

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11/27/2011 8:50:02 AM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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oh fuck that. I'm breaking up with my girlfriend right fucking now.

11/27/2011 8:55:38 AM

41759 Posts
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Just put your used condoms in a bucket of bleach.

11/27/2011 9:02:27 AM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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I'm going to get a dog. Dogs love to eat used condoms.

11/27/2011 9:04:12 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Poor kids

11/27/2011 9:05:19 AM

5290 Posts
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in before dje "lol you use condoms"

11/27/2011 9:35:28 AM

All American
579 Posts
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NOW THIS is frightening news

11/27/2011 9:39:37 AM

All American
52917 Posts
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I try to hide used condoms under something in the trash can, for this reason.

11/27/2011 9:40:04 AM

37776 Posts
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Thats why I flush them down the toilet after

11/27/2011 9:42:21 AM

45208 Posts
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gross..don't flush them!

but yeah I have to put them in a covered trash can or my dog will find them in like .3 seconds

11/27/2011 9:47:14 AM

21958 Posts
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Flushing them will back up your toilet.

11/27/2011 9:50:25 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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11/27/2011 9:53:54 AM

37776 Posts
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not if you tie the top in a knot. Never had a toilet backup due to a rubber.

11/27/2011 9:54:41 AM

41759 Posts
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I boil them on the stove to sanitize.

11/27/2011 10:01:32 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Properly dispose of condoms so you don't have unwanted litters.

11/27/2011 10:01:54 AM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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At one point does it ever occur to person, "Hey, wait a minute, I can just steal the used condoms, harvest the content, and have my doc fertilize my eggs. "?

Seems like it would have been easier to poke holes in the condoms.

[Edited on November 27, 2011 at 10:06 AM. Reason : ]

11/27/2011 10:04:58 AM

434 Posts
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that is creepy, and reason # 24 why you shouldn't date strippers

11/27/2011 10:10:52 AM

All American
6428 Posts
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That's what you get for bringing home a stripper...
He looks Classy

11/27/2011 10:12:20 AM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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But what if you're in love with a stripper?
And she poppin, she poppin, she rollin?
She climbing that pole?

11/27/2011 10:12:41 AM

21958 Posts
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It sure as heck speaks to the hardiness of sperm.

[Edited on November 27, 2011 at 10:36 AM. Reason : hearty hardy har]

11/27/2011 10:36:36 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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Quote :
"Poor kids "

11/27/2011 5:59:45 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :



11/27/2011 6:06:07 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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I would love to see him get custody of the kids and start taking her stripper money as alimony. Unfortunately the legal system is so ass backwards against men in these situations that they'll probably decide she is the "fit parent" and do the exact opposite.

11/27/2011 6:11:41 PM

37709 Posts
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This is just fucking crazy

11/27/2011 6:21:37 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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I wonder if she got the idea from:

11/27/2011 6:23:04 PM

All American
11921 Posts
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Wouldn't it be illegal for the sperm bank to take sperm without the man donating on the spot and signing papers?

11/27/2011 6:24:57 PM

37776 Posts
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I can not believe the sperm bank would take sperm that a women that brought it in in a condom.. wtf

11/27/2011 6:28:55 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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Quote :
"He looks Classy"

why do you say that?

11/27/2011 6:39:47 PM

41759 Posts
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worthless without pics of the stripper

11/27/2011 6:42:06 PM

37709 Posts
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11/27/2011 6:56:04 PM

41759 Posts
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so strippers still use myspace?

11/27/2011 7:00:14 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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IMO it's not exactly a sperm bank, where the sperm are kept ready for any willing taker, but rather a fertility clinic, where each man's sperm is intended for a specific partner.

11/27/2011 11:20:43 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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I hope I never have a daughter.

11/27/2011 11:21:17 PM

All American
2856 Posts
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that dog picture is going to give me nightmares

11/27/2011 11:23:15 PM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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11/28/2011 12:11:29 AM

41759 Posts
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I am going to take the following steps in the future pertaining to sex with strippers.

1) Use Condom
2) Remove Condom and seal it in tamper evident cash bags from my work
3) Microwave Bag for 23 seconds
4) Poke Hole in Cash bag with condom inside
5) Fill with bleach using a turkey baster
6) Burn Condom, Bag, and Turkey baster in an open flame outdoors
7) Dig a hole
8) Place ashes from condom, bag, turkey baster at bottom of hole
9) Pour bleach on everything
10) Cover with concrete

11/28/2011 10:15:37 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"I can not believe the sperm bank would take sperm that a women that brought it in in a condom.. wtf

Yeah something tells me they're going to lose a lot of money in court for this one.

11/28/2011 10:35:05 AM

All American
10527 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm going to get a dog. Dogs love to eat used condoms"

what is it with dogs and condoms. So so so sosooooo gross.

11/28/2011 10:43:21 AM

16786 Posts
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wut?? who has a dog around while they're fucking?

11/28/2011 12:46:22 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ Well I mean, these are the same creatures that like to eat underwear.

11/28/2011 12:58:31 PM

41759 Posts
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When pulling out and condoms fail.....kill the stripper.

11/29/2011 11:16:58 PM

All American
3302 Posts
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Flush that shit

11/29/2011 11:18:00 PM

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