BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
Can't have a trashcan in front of my damn house, 30 feet back from the curb? That's some bullshit.
I'll move it so its presence doesn't make the garbage people nervous, but you better empty the fucker if it's within 30 feet of the curb from now on. 11/28/2011 4:38:43 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I am sure that the sanitation department will be deeply offended when they read this thread. 11/28/2011 4:40:00 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
Food Trucks
Sign Ordinances preventing people from advertising on sidewalks
Permits to Panhandle
a whole slew of others 11/28/2011 4:41:36 PM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
bigman i love you but why you got a trash can in the front of your house 11/28/2011 4:41:53 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
I lazy
and my garage is occupado
[Edited on November 28, 2011 at 4:44 PM. Reason : it ain't hurting nobody ] 11/28/2011 4:44:11 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Permits to Panhandle" |
it should just be plain illegal. 11/28/2011 4:56:44 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
is there a law against standing on top of said trashcan to get on a roof? 11/28/2011 4:57:45 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
probably 11/28/2011 4:59:05 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and my garage is occupado" |
Are we going to see you on the next season of hoarders? 11/28/2011 5:01:18 PM
Wolfman Tim All American 9654 Posts user info edit post |
panhandle yourself a job 11/28/2011 5:02:33 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
i put a sign on it that says FOOD TRUCK
should be good to go now 11/28/2011 5:06:08 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Make sure you paid the city for your food truck parking permit. 11/28/2011 5:08:41 PM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
I lived on a corner, with the wrap around driveway on the larger road. We couldn't find a place to keep our trashcan where we wouldn't get nasty letters, but we never got a ticket. We didn't have a garage either, fwiw... Now, though, I live in a townhome and we have a dumpster, so there is no problem 11/28/2011 5:22:59 PM
craptastic All American 6116 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going to set up a hot dog cart on your street so you'll have to move your food truck. 11/28/2011 5:26:19 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
sonuvabitch  11/28/2011 5:29:10 PM
crazy_carl All American 4073 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Permits to Panhandle" |
they made this law specifically to make it illegal to beg, so they could arrest all the bums, i dont really think it is so dumb 11/28/2011 11:18:53 PM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
I believe it's called the Pack_Bryan Ordinance 11/28/2011 11:25:22 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
i <3 country.
f u city rules. f u HOA. 11/28/2011 11:28:08 PM
slaptit All American 2991 Posts user info edit post |
and hello trailers and white trash 11/29/2011 12:52:07 AM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
Is this a municipal ordinance or a HOA rule? 11/29/2011 12:59:46 AM
State Oz All American 1897 Posts user info edit post |
You aren't supposed to have anything on your porch that isn't designed as outdoor furniture either. That's a dumb fucking ordinance, and subjective as hell. Supposedly the law is 'overnight'.. whatever that means.
I was once moving things into my house. The UHAUL truck was parked right next my house, the back was open, and the ramp was down. There were 4 of us moving out of the truck so we could move the truck and not continue to block the entrance/parking lot of the apartment building behind my house.
Obviously, things began to pile up on the porch.
Someone from the city drove by, took a picture, and turned it in for a citation. I received it in the mail. $450 fine. The picture showed several pieces of furniture on the porch, the screen door propped open, the UHAUL truck next to the house with the back door raised, the ramp down, and a person handing down a piece of furniture to another person.
Got out of that one with only a medium amount of inconvenience and $0.75 in parking meter costs. 11/29/2011 1:11:04 AM
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
It takes a real big man to make a thread like this. 11/29/2011 1:20:22 AM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
The people with attached town homes and no dumpster have it the worst, in my opinion.
They have to haul their trash through the grass of all their backyards with no lights all the way out from behind x number of homes depending on what part of the row they live in, and then go hide it again the next day. And somehow town home people are jerks where they're like, "I don't want you dragging your trash through my backyard!!!" But there's no other way to get the trash in and out of the back of your home...unless you actually manage to squeeze the large trash container inside your patio door and drag it through your living room and kitchen.
VERY IMPORTANT STUFF!!!! 11/29/2011 1:56:08 AM