12/1/2011 2:00:07 PM
that is blowing up my Facebook feed
12/1/2011 2:02:53 PM
^ samei would hate being related to someone like this:
12/1/2011 3:09:38 PM
lolll frisby
12/1/2011 3:12:09 PM
12/1/2011 3:16:55 PM
12/1/2011 3:45:27 PM
bennett seems like a person that probably can't afford an iPhone
12/1/2011 3:46:07 PM
you can text from things other than an iphone
12/1/2011 3:59:16 PM
its fake.
12/1/2011 3:59:51 PM
and was posted a few days ago still hilarious
12/1/2011 4:01:06 PM
(149)i think my highest ever has been (2) :-/
12/1/2011 4:01:40 PM
12/1/2011 4:02:16 PM
thats why its not iMessage!
12/1/2011 4:13:09 PM
it wouldn't be iMessage if the other iPhone isn't iOS 5 yet either.
12/1/2011 4:24:00 PM
well he's allegedly 17 i think, wiggers can have rich parents, havent you seen the documentary Malibu's Most Wanted
12/1/2011 4:32:38 PM
5 dollas says he owns at least one UNC piece of clothing
12/1/2011 4:36:07 PM, and here's bennett's picture:]
12/1/2011 4:44:51 PM
Don't use a metal spatula in a non-stick pan.
12/1/2011 5:02:57 PM