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 Message Boards » » Bill would end overtime pay for many IT workers Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"Bill would end overtime pay requirement for many more IT workers

A bill recently introduced in Congress would greatly expand the exemption to the Fair Labor Standards Act for IT employees, ending overtime benefits for many more types of workers, including network, database and security specialists.

Among other things, the FLSA mandates that employees get time-and-a-half overtime pay for working more than 40 hours in a week, unless they are executives or specifically exempted from the law's protection. There are already many exemptions, and the current text related to IT workers exempts "any employee who is a computer systems analyst, computer programmer, software engineer, or other similarly skilled worker," whose primary duties fall under categories including "systems analysis techniques and procedures," and "design, documentation, testing, creation, or modification of computer programs."

But a bill sponsored by Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC), titled the "Computer Professionals Update Act," takes the exemption's 131-word text and bumps it up to 205, adding job classes such as database and network specialists and security professionals along the way. The proposed text exempts "any employee working in a computer or information technology occupation (including, but not limited to, work related to computers, information systems, components, networks, software, hardware, databases, security, internet, intranet, or websites) as an analyst, programmer, engineer, designer, developer, administrator, or other similarly skilled worker," with primary duties including "the application of systems, network or database analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine or modify hardware, software, network, database, or system functional specifications.""

Hoard your overtime pay while you can

12/2/2011 2:08:50 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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boo fucking hoo, all desk jobs should be exempt by now anyhow

12/2/2011 2:17:55 PM

45912 Posts
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why the fuck does our government have to go so far as to make laws for specific positions like this?

12/2/2011 2:19:46 PM

El Nachó
special helper
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Who is this Bill guy? he sounds like a dick.

12/2/2011 2:25:57 PM

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12/2/2011 2:27:10 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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First your shitty ghost editing fucks up Sport Talk, now you're taking ot away from the people.

12/2/2011 2:41:52 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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Who is Fica and why am i paying him $55.

12/2/2011 2:44:38 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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Does anyone know why this is being done?

12/2/2011 2:57:07 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Quote :
"why the fuck does our government have to go so far as to make laws for specific positions like this?"


This bill actually undoes some of that government meddling. It would simply end the requirement for overtime for the affected job types-- companies could still pay it.

California has a state law that requires overtime for an even more comprehensive list of job types. A lawsuit was filed against Cisco about 4 years ago because we were not in compliance with that law.
So as a result we moved that part of the business to a different state (Texas).

admittedly I was all up in arms about this when I first read it, but i fell for the media trap that sensationalized what the bill actually does. It's definitely more employer friendly, but removes one incentive for businesses to move jobs overseas.

[Edited on December 2, 2011 at 3:01 PM. Reason : .]

12/2/2011 3:00:13 PM

All American
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^^ Why not, I always say.

12/2/2011 3:01:05 PM

In Pressed Silk
2978 Posts
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Quote :
"Who is Fica and why am i paying him $55."

12/2/2011 3:40:04 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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If I got paid for overtime I would be making $200k a year

12/2/2011 3:41:53 PM

232 Posts
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If you're working over time and not getting paid over time, you've made a mistake somewhere. Go home.

12/2/2011 3:51:08 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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^^ yeah, but sometimes you can get some under the table, IFYAKNOWWHATIMEAN

12/2/2011 3:53:59 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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I do have to say on governmental issues, wdprice3 is my hero. I should start post stalking him.

12/2/2011 3:54:28 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Sometimes it comes down to individual productivity.

I have one guy working for me that puts in probably about 80 hours a week. He is probably the least productive engineer on my team. Great work ethic. Really good guy. But just not the brightest bulb.

My top engineer does twice the amount of work and probably averages less than 40 hours a week.

Knowledge work should not be about hours, but about productivity.

12/2/2011 3:55:33 PM

11687 Posts
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Quote :
"why the fuck does our government interfere with everything?"

corrected it for you

12/2/2011 3:55:57 PM

41010 Posts
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PM sent

12/2/2011 5:07:46 PM

All American
23086 Posts
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Would this include those who contract, and are not full time employees for a company. Take IBM for example - they have lots of employees who just contract, and IBM does not let them work over 40 a week.

12/2/2011 6:11:55 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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Quote :
"Knowledge work should not be about hours, but about productivity."


and I don't know anyone that gets paid OT for the type of work that I do anyway.... you might get some comp time if you pull an extreme week, but otherwise it's pretty much expected that you're doing 50-60 hours a week.

12/2/2011 6:21:57 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Bill would end overtime pay for many IT workers Page [1]  
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