GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Letting your nine year old daughter drive your van with you in it.
felony child abuse.
Letting your nine year old daughter drive your van with you in it. 12/3/2011 8:54:28 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
I drove at that age. Not with a drunken parent or on paved roads. Dude is a retard. 12/3/2011 8:56:23 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Hint: Dude's not retarded. 12/3/2011 8:57:58 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
I didn't mean that he's actually retarded. He is stupid for letting his kid drive him around drunk. 12/3/2011 9:00:47 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
No, he's not stupid. He's actually smart.
1) He spent 45 minutes training her how to drive.
"Weimer said she drove around a private road for about 45 minutes before heading to the gas station."
9 year olds are capable of driving.
At most, she should get a driving without a license.
Dude should not have been punished unless she crashed. 12/3/2011 9:34:56 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
I disagree. 12/3/2011 9:37:44 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
Lets just all agree that geniusboy is right about everything so that we don't have to do this thread
I'm Krallum and i approved this message. 12/3/2011 9:38:06 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
I hate cliff hangers!
what's 2) 12/3/2011 9:42:05 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
2) is probably that there isn't really any counter argument.
I'm Krallum and i approved this message. 12/3/2011 9:42:58 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
2) Nothing happened. Nobody got hurt. She successfully drove a car. Mission Accomplished. America, Fuck yeah!
What should we call America now that America doesn't symbolize freedom anymore? 12/3/2011 9:50:48 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
I'm Krallum and I approved this message. 12/3/2011 9:52:19 PM
BigFletch All American 3302 Posts user info edit post |
Just out of curiosity, what would be your response if she had gotten in an accident? 12/3/2011 10:11:35 PM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
Letting your 8yo eat whatever and get 200lbs
felony child abuse
besides what parent hasnt let their little kid drive the car? 12/3/2011 10:14:28 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
I drove my first car at 15 and have never been remotely close to being in an accident. EXCEPT FOR THAT TIME A DRUNK DRIVER TOTALLED MY CAR
I'm Krallum and i approved this message. 12/3/2011 10:19:39 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Just out of curiosity, what would be your response if she had gotten in an accident?" |
Adults don't get into car accidents and car accident don't happen on a daily occurrence for me to know what to do in case of a car accident. 12/3/2011 10:32:43 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
jesus fucking christ can we lock this shit
I'm Krallum and i approved this message. 12/3/2011 10:35:23 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
STupid QuEstions Deserve even stupider ANswers 12/3/2011 10:38:38 PM
ncstateccc All American 2856 Posts user info edit post |

12/4/2011 12:26:54 AM
MisterGreen All American 4328 Posts user info edit post |
^haha 12/4/2011 8:35:47 AM
Chance Suspended 4725 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "What should we call America now that America doesn't symbolize freedom anymore?" |
Oh yeah, America, where you're free to put every fucking person on the road at danger because of your incompetence. That is the America I want to live in!
Are you really a stupid fuck or do you just play one on the internet? 12/4/2011 9:03:19 AM
stateredneck All American 2966 Posts user info edit post |

[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 10:59 AM. Reason : ']
12/4/2011 10:58:50 AM
BubbleBobble BACK IN DA HIGH LIFE 114661 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Dude should not have been punished unless she crashed." |
so you really ARE a troll? haha  12/4/2011 11:00:05 AM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think you understand.
Age has absolutely no affect on driving skills.
Ability has every affect on driving skills.
Instead of driving being age restricted, it should be driving ability restricted. If you don't score 100% on the driving test, then you should not drive.
Why 100%? Because if you just miss 1 question, it's like missing one step in any set of instructions. If you miss the direction to "tighten lug nuts" but get 99% of the other directions right, then there is still impending doom. YOU HAVE TO KNOW AND FOLLOW 100% OF THE RULES OF THE ROAD IN ORDER FOR ACCIDENTS TO DECREASE ON THE ROAD.
If a nine year old can pass the test and is restricted from driving, while half blind, handicapped seniors can't stay within the painted line and still drive, there is no justice.
[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 1:06 PM. Reason : .] 12/4/2011 1:04:32 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.
12/4/2011 2:16:06 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
1 dead, 5 injured in morning accident...a car driving the wrong way on I-64 hit another car head-on,-5-injured-in-morning-accident
Hint: driver was not 9 years old. 12/4/2011 3:37:45 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Age has absolutely no affect on driving skills. " |
holy crap you really are retarded, bona fide short bus 12/4/2011 3:46:41 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Explain the impact of age on driving.
[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 3:49 PM. Reason : .] 12/4/2011 3:48:58 PM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Age does have to do with maturity and the ability to think through things. And with the way that 16 year olds drive....I don't even want to think about the way 9 year olds would drive... 12/4/2011 3:49:35 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "And with the way that 16 year olds drive....I don't even want to think about the way 9 year olds would drive..." |
They drive just like some 20 year olds They drive just like some 30 year olds They drive just like some 40 year olds They drive just like some 50 year olds They drive just like some 60 year olds
What's your point 12/4/2011 3:51:03 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148885 Posts user info edit post |
this thread is trolls trolling other trolls who are trolling them 12/4/2011 3:52:19 PM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
So you're telling me you didn't do anything as a 16 year old driver that you now realize how lucky you are that you're alive?
Not to mention...there are some 9 year olds today that still require a booster seat...if you have to sit in a booster seat in the car, you probably shouldn't be driving.
[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 3:55 PM. Reason : don't answer...I'm going back to my how i met your mother marathon] 12/4/2011 3:53:23 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
The number of days you exist on the planet doesn't have anything to do with how well you can drive.
Want proof of the capabilities of hand-eye coordination of a 9 year old?
I'm sorry you guys are butthurt that I'm right. 12/4/2011 3:55:54 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
9 year old on a Motorcycle
How can this be?! Surely in this realm 9 year old can't drive motorcycles 12/4/2011 4:01:49 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148885 Posts user info edit post |
i've seen 5 year olds smoke cigarettes (on the interwebz)
i guess that should be legal 12/4/2011 4:05:05 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Umm, he's in the yard.
If she had driven the van around the yard there would be no problem. 12/4/2011 4:05:22 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
^^Because driving affects your health?
I dont get it.
[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 4:06 PM. Reason : .] 12/4/2011 4:05:50 PM
BJCaudill21 Not an alcoholic 8015 Posts user info edit post |
driving while you're drunk shouldn't be illegal unless you crash into something 12/4/2011 4:06:56 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I should be able to fire a gun randomly in the mall as long as I don't hit anyone. 12/4/2011 4:08:08 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148885 Posts user info edit post |
I think since Doogie Howser breezed through medical school at age 13 that all 13 year olds should be able to perform surgeries and operations on the general public
I mean, so my 13 year old botches your surgery and you die of complications, and you wanna charge ME with felony child abuse? F that noise.] 12/4/2011 4:13:55 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "driving while you're drunk shouldn't be illegal unless you crash into something" |
agreed. that guy should serve life in prison for killing someone while intoxicated and driving 12/4/2011 4:15:08 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I should be able to fire a gun randomly in the mall as long as I don't hit anyone.
" |
thats against the law for adults dumbass 12/4/2011 4:16:12 PM
ComputerGuy (IN)Sensitive 5052 Posts user info edit post |
What's next? Sex with underage kids?
"They are just so mature, we have a special love!"
-Ha! Enjoy prison! Kids shouldn't be driving. 12/4/2011 4:18:33 PM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "As with reporting this "grown man that's having sex with a 12 year old boy." Perhaps they're both happy? Who knows. It's not my business. It's between the parents, the boy, and the grown man." |
Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy? Perhaps they're both happy?
[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 4:20 PM. Reason : ^ I didn't see your post ] 12/4/2011 4:19:01 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
It's what happened with black people pre-1960s 12/4/2011 4:29:42 PM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |

12/4/2011 4:35:35 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "thats against the law for adults dumbass" |
But if I don't hit anyone what's the problem? 12/4/2011 6:57:46 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
It's not age discrimination. 12/4/2011 7:00:06 PM
rwoody Save TWW 38114 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "He spent 45 minutes training her how to drive.
"Weimer said she drove around a private road for about 45 minutes before heading to the gas station."
9 year olds are capable of driving.
At most, she should get a driving without a license.
Dude should not have been punished unless she crashed." |
i spent 45 min teaching my 9yr old about lion safety. then i got really drunk and put her in a cage with lions. but she didnt get hurt so stop busting my balls. 12/4/2011 7:04:18 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Okay. 12/4/2011 7:07:10 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
set em up 12/5/2011 8:53:09 AM