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 Message Boards » » Girls who are your friends who have sex with you Page [1]  
All American
6606 Posts
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Pros and cons - discuss

12/16/2011 11:34:09 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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the drunk oneS??


12/16/2011 11:35:33 PM

All American
3791 Posts
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12/16/2011 11:45:15 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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there's a reason they're called "friends with benefits"

it means you're a stud~♥

12/16/2011 11:53:12 PM

15294 Posts
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You can be friends with a woman who isn't a receptacle for your wang?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

12/17/2011 12:16:10 AM

All American
52917 Posts
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Pros and cons - discuss

12/17/2011 12:27:56 AM

All American
14415 Posts
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If they can remain friends with benefits, awesome

Guys can manage this

From my experience, girls cant.

At that point, they become crazy as hell and the friendship is over in an epic shitstorm fireball.

12/17/2011 12:36:26 AM

All American
7547 Posts
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Friends with benefits as a successful social model is a mass myth born out of a few special exceptions and the inability of the common person to assess interpersonal relationships with any accuracy.

I.e. they're okay I guess.

12/17/2011 12:56:41 AM

11583 Posts
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sometimes guys catch feelings too

12/17/2011 12:57:30 AM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"there's a reason they're called "friends with benefits"

it means you're a stud~?"

So are you forever alone???

12/17/2011 12:57:46 AM

All American
4328 Posts
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sounds good in theory

rarely works

somebody has feelings, both sexes are equally guilty

and once one of them finds someone else they want to actually date, the shit hits teh fan

12/17/2011 12:59:04 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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no cons as long as thats what you want

12/17/2011 12:59:32 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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unless you pretend it never happened

12/17/2011 1:00:18 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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It works for a while, then it fails pretty spectacularly. But let's compare this with the alternative: relationships. These also work for a while, then fail pretty spectacularly, and you have to put up with more shit in the interim. Meanwhile, they both have statistically small but comparable chances of ending in a lifetime bond. All in all, friends with benefits wins that comparison.

12/17/2011 1:03:30 AM

New Recruit
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I've had a couple that didnt fail miserably. they were ended with ease and minimal drama

12/17/2011 1:07:02 AM

wear sumthin tight
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12/17/2011 1:09:07 AM

11583 Posts
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^^ when it was over you didn't feel anything?

12/17/2011 1:09:18 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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you do, but pretend you don't care

12/17/2011 1:10:24 AM

New Recruit
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the one I ended no, because I had found someone I wanted to date seriously. the other of course I was sad that I was losing a consistent source of vag but it wasnt that big of a deal

I mean compared to ending an actual relationship, its a walk in the park

[Edited on December 17, 2011 at 1:16 AM. Reason : .]

12/17/2011 1:11:12 AM

All American
14415 Posts
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Quote :
"It works for a while, then it fails pretty spectacularly. But let's compare this with the alternative: relationships. These also work for a while, then fail pretty spectacularly, and you have to put up with more shit in the interim. Meanwhile, they both have statistically small but comparable chances of ending in a lifetime bond. All in all, friends with benefits wins that comparison."

Holy shit...that makes a lot of damn sense

Good points, ITT

12/17/2011 1:38:11 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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as long as you are a good friend and a nice friend and then hit on them one day

it will last a long time

[Edited on December 17, 2011 at 1:43 AM. Reason : science just happened]

12/17/2011 1:41:43 AM

All American
7547 Posts
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Quote :
"Holy shit...that makes a lot of damn sense

Good points, ITT

What? Poorly reasoned blanket generalizations about relationships and your mind is being blown?

12/17/2011 1:48:43 AM

37776 Posts
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The trick is to bang them like theyve never been banged before. Then spit on her face and leave.

She won't like you, therefore she won't fall in love. But the next time she wants the D, she will call.

12/17/2011 7:25:02 AM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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Quote :
"as long as you are a good friend and a nice friend and then hit on them one day

it will last a long time"

true. however, one day they realize they want more than fucking and if they're smart enough to know it won't happen with you, the fucking ceases.

when it's working, it's pretty great imo. I'd rather have a few fwb than a gaggle of skanks or a single gf.

12/17/2011 7:57:04 AM

All American
4445 Posts
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never really had one

one chick i was ~sorta friends with and we drunkenly hooked up and then never saw/spoke to each other again and i kinda felt bad about that. She used to date a friend of mine so it was a little awkward.

another girl whos really good friends w/me wanted to hook up w/me really bad but I chickened out and wouldn't do it cause I was worried it would ruin our friendship. Too easy to let feelings get involved there.

I have some close girl friends that I would hook up with, but it would be because i actually want to date them and have a relationship, so unless they are on board with that too I wouldn't do it.

damn my nice-guyness

12/17/2011 8:41:27 AM

21958 Posts
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Huge fail most of the time.

In my experience, about 80% of friendships are ruined.

12/17/2011 8:59:41 AM

All American
1183 Posts
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ride that gravy train while you can because she will eventually find a friend who has a bigger p33n

12/17/2011 10:06:03 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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you marry them.

12/17/2011 10:12:46 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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I did this once back in like 1998.

She caught feelings.

Tried to set expectations that we could hang out and we could bang out, but that was about it.

she started getting really creepy and shit, showing up and waiting for me outside my dorm room, waiting for me after class, leaving notes on my car.

finally just had to cut off all communication. It took two months before the calls stopped. I parked my car off campus for a while b/c i was worried she was gonna do something to it. This was back before facebook and shit, so it would probably be a lot more difficult to deal with today.

12/17/2011 10:25:34 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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Quote :
"In my experience, about 80% of friendships are ruined."

I dunno, the two I mentioned earlier we werent friends afterwards but we werent friends beforehand either so maybe they dont count, maybe thats just extended fuck buddies?

the one I have now has been going on for 6 months but we were friends for 15 years beforehand. I don't foresee any problems moving on when the time comes and keeping our friendship. course it helps we're firmly entrenched 3 hours apart from each other.

12/17/2011 11:58:35 AM

All American
551 Posts
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I recently was the jackass that caught feelings. Then after hurting my back and pinching a nerve that prevented me from being able to do the deed she moved on. I got butt hurt and flipped shit. Next day I woke up and felt like I needed to turn in my man card

12/17/2011 12:03:54 PM

21958 Posts
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Quote :
"we werent friends afterwards but we werent friends beforehand"

Yeah, I'm not counting acquaintance sex. That actually works out.

12/17/2011 12:15:23 PM

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