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 Message Boards » » YAY FOR GOOD FRIENDS AND NICE PEOPLE!!!!! Page [1]  
All American
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I am super happy. My awesome friend just hooked me up with a 2002 ford explorer... for suuuuuper cheap. This offer occurred after I was explaining to her what happened to my scooter!!!! YYAY silver lining!! And I can actually afford it and it is in awesome condition!!! She just got a fancy new truck and offered to let me use it during the winter, then just why don't you just buy it? LOVE HER!!!!!!!!

(p.s. thank you to everyone who offered me help fix up my scooter before, it made me tear up a little that people wanted to be so nice)

also feel free to post random acts of kindness that you received or have given this season!!!!

What a nice holiday!

[Edited on December 25, 2011 at 1:16 PM. Reason : happy bday 8lbs 6oz. baby jesus! werd to your mother mary.]

12/25/2011 1:08:18 PM

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My car broke down around sunset in the boonies for about 2 hours, had about a hundred cars/trucks pass without a single person stopping. No cell service. No houses or gas station within miles. Thankfully, after about an hour or so of sleuthing, I realized that it was a blown fuse.

I'm not saying I'm the best samaritan, but I'll be damned if I've ever had anyone stop for me when I've broken down. Spent 2 hours one night with some dudes in BFE trying to fix their POS car, in the process they tell me "we're surprised a white boy stopped for us. We never woulda stopped for you." They even had a friend driving a big, empty van that refused to give them a ride home.

I'm fuckin' done with this holiday cheer bullshit. Be glad you have a cooter.

12/25/2011 1:22:32 PM

All American
10774 Posts
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check your tire pressure OP

[Edited on December 25, 2011 at 1:24 PM. Reason : .]

12/25/2011 1:23:13 PM

All American
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eh, I dunno. I try not to be jaded about it, there is bad shit that happens to everyone. Sorry to hear about your breakdown though, I think part of the problem nowadays is everyone will assume that you have a cellphone and you can handle it.

I stopped and picked up a extremely drunk lady covered in bruises (maybe not the smartest plan, but it was xmas eve and she looked like she needed help) I gave her a ride. I bought lunch for the toothless lady who begs on hillsborough street twice this semester. I try to not hide in my shell and be nice to others, just because every now and again you are on the receiving end and you should pay it forward when you can.

But maybe now you will have more empathy for stranded motorists?!? and maybe you will help someone who really needs it, I think there is something to good karma. It sucks pretty hard though when bad shit happens to you alot and you have tried to be a good samaritan. But I think it was really cool that you did stop for those guys, good for you.

as for the holiday cheer crap, I hate it... I hate that people only want to be nice once a year to everyone, I hate the hypocrisy, I hate a lot about the holidays.... but I like seeing family and I do believe in being good to other people, and not for religious reasons.

[Edited on December 25, 2011 at 1:32 PM. Reason : ^will do, getting it checked out during the break... overrall in great condition though]

12/25/2011 1:31:37 PM

All American
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I bet you're going to pay a whole lot more for gas now going from a scooter to a SUV.

12/25/2011 1:37:07 PM

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And I've only known explorers to fall apart inside and out. But have fun with it while you can.

12/25/2011 1:47:47 PM

All American
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yes I know all of these things, and I am not an SUV type person, if anything my dream car is a subaru outback, and if I had my choice I would shoot for at least something above 28 mpg, but for $800 and 110K miles and I only plan to use it to get groceries and see my family more than once a year... then hell yea it is a bad ass deal.

12/25/2011 4:38:06 PM

All American
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That is indeed a badass deal! I hope to get a deal half as good as that when my car dies (could happen anytime)

12/25/2011 4:43:07 PM

All American
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12/25/2011 5:00:20 PM

All American
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that is insane

12/25/2011 5:02:08 PM

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you owe your friend a drink or two.

12/25/2011 5:07:43 PM

All American
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or 50, I also am probably going to give her $1000 for it... because damn

12/25/2011 5:13:37 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » YAY FOR GOOD FRIENDS AND NICE PEOPLE!!!!! Page [1]  
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