Me thinks momma got some $Texas from LSU & she's worried about returning that. Or he's just trying to get the hell away from her.
1/6/2012 9:52:11 AM
really though, who cares?
1/6/2012 3:42:55 PM
obviously no one
1/6/2012 3:47:12 PM
Watched it live. That was hilarious. Also, what a bitch. Also, someone lost out on a payday.]
1/6/2012 3:49:15 PM
1/6/2012 7:00:21 PM
if you're offered a full ride; why would you go ANYWHERE close to home? I'd go to a lesser school just to see the rest of the rock...
1/6/2012 7:22:43 PM
I was expecting a full on black lady neck weaving melt down. That was weak. [Edited on January 7, 2012 at 9:07 AM. Reason : A]
1/7/2012 9:07:17 AM