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 Message Boards » » That episode of Cops Page [1]  
All American
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Where the woman tries to hire the hitman to kill her husband...


1/11/2012 8:28:45 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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my fav is one of the Mardi Gras episodes - some drunk guy gets kicked out of a club but keeps dancing outside. the cops were egging him on and telling him what great skills he had.

1/11/2012 8:47:08 PM

All American
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nah man, these my cousins pants...

1/11/2012 8:58:48 PM

All American
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1/12/2012 12:30:31 AM

All American
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^ wow. I had forgotton all about that video but fuck posting ratios, your win ratio just got a boner and jizzed a hole to china

1/12/2012 4:24:35 AM

TX R. Snake
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Video is classic. And hysterical.

1/12/2012 9:59:23 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Snapped (show on Oxygen that profiles women who "snap" and kill their husbands, lovers etc) just did an episode of Dalia Dippolito

1/12/2012 10:01:04 AM

All American
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^ that show is hilarious and sad.

I recently watched the hired man episode of cops too! All I was thinking was god damn that bitch is cold, couldn't you just fucking divorce him before getting him in trouble and going on probation and then trying to have him killed. She didn't even do a good job of pretending to be sad.

1/12/2012 10:33:58 AM

All American
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favorite episode was where a guy and a girl got pulled over, the guy had an expired registration.

the cop goes up to the vehicle, talks to the couple, then walks back to his car and pauses. Then walks back to the vehicle and asks the guy to come with him.

So the guy, a white kid that MIGHT be 20, is looking scared shitless. The Officer asks the routine questions... "have you been drinking?" "any drugs?" all those sorts of questions. Then he asks "ok, well, why did you pick up a prostitute tonight?"

The kid starts playing dumb and is like "whaaaa she's a prostitute!?" and the cop is like "um. yeah. everyone around town knows this. I've arrested her myself at least 30 times."

So the kid finally fesses up, and the cop gets the prostitute out of the car. He makes the prostitute call a cab, and gives the kid a ticket for expired registration, but not for solicitation. As the prostitute waits for the cab, the cop goes over to the boy and says " know thats a guy, right?"

The kid just looks at him blankly.

"That prostitute... you just almost took home... is a guy. Transvestite. Convincing, but definitely a guy. It's on her/his ID." At which point the cop asks for the Tranny's ID, and sure as shit, it's a guy.

Cop just lets the kid go at that point. Freakin hilarious.

1/12/2012 10:53:41 AM

All American
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At that point in time, there is nothing the law can do to him that life hasn't already done...

1/12/2012 11:00:47 AM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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or his friends/family once they see him on TV.

1/12/2012 11:06:23 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » That episode of Cops Page [1]  
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