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 Message Boards » » Happy MLK day, 0EPII1! Page [1]  
balls deep
89894 Posts
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I know that it's a little early, but Happy MLK day, 0EPII1 !

1/13/2012 5:37:04 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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wrong kind of nigger, EMCE

1/13/2012 5:37:28 PM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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You should be ashamed of yourself.

Happy MLK day to everyone!

1/13/2012 5:38:27 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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I am truly ashamed of myself. please forgive me, oh great and wise EMCE

1/13/2012 8:28:04 PM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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Happy MLK day to everyone!

1/16/2012 9:57:47 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Happy MLK day to everyone!

1/16/2012 9:58:40 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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is it just me or is it totally not fair that more rich white people get today off than anything else..

stupid bankers.

1/16/2012 9:59:01 AM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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That and the federal workforce

1/16/2012 10:00:46 AM

All American
10217 Posts
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google's doodle today is terrible - I'm hoping that a first grader colored it and sent it in or something.

1/16/2012 10:14:00 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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My wife and I are sitting at home today both off from work, while the two african american fellows who delivered our new washing machine had to work.

I tipped them 5 bucks so I would feel better.

1/16/2012 10:29:05 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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1/16/2012 10:30:12 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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Everyone is a little black on MLK Day.

1/16/2012 10:56:47 AM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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black dude drove me home from the car dealership today... he was all ಠ_ಠ

1/16/2012 11:08:21 AM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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He probably wasn't. He was probably just doing his job.

I dont think I know any black people that truly expect to get MLK day off because they are black. Sounds like some shit you rednecks made up to try to be funny.


1/16/2012 11:13:12 AM

Thots and Prayers
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today, aaronburro will burn a cross in is backyard to celebrate. he's probably too much of a coward to do it in his front yard.

1/16/2012 11:16:10 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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it will be a small cross, mostly obscured from view, so as not to draw notice from the neighbors

1/16/2012 11:20:34 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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lol.... its going to be like the spinal tap stonehenge

1/16/2012 11:24:40 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"is it just me or is it totally not fair that more rich white people get today off than anything else..

I always went skiing during the MLK holiday when I was in school. Thank you black people.

1/16/2012 11:25:01 AM

45208 Posts
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We have to work today, but you can take the day off if you'd like (using PTO)

Well last week people were like "WAT?!?!? YOU'RE NOT TAKING THE DAY OFF?!?! WTF" every time I was approached and I said I was working.

[Edited on January 16, 2012 at 11:32 AM. Reason : all my white friends went skiing this weekend....I couldn't go because I had to work]

1/16/2012 11:31:51 AM

45912 Posts
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I'm white and at work.

1/16/2012 12:41:34 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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I just stepped into the office. But only for a few minutes. There's an MLK parade going on outside my window. Made it a bitch to get to my parking spot.

1/16/2012 12:43:20 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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^ palindrome!

Quote :
"today, aaronburro will burn a cross in is backyard to celebrate. he's probably too much of a coward to do it in his front yard."

nah. but I did put a Ron Paul 2012 sign out in the front yard. does that count?

1/16/2012 12:49:03 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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only if you set fire to an obama sign next to it

1/16/2012 12:55:04 PM

40983 Posts
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just another data point proving it's pretty much impossible for me to be productive inside my own home.

1/16/2012 1:16:11 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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but you're damned good at being REproductive inside your house

1/16/2012 1:56:55 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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everyone wears green and gets drunk and annoying on st. patty's day, claiming to be irish.

so i figure i'll bust out some sean jeans, watch a Madea movie, and leave my girlfriend pregnant in honor of today.

1/16/2012 2:00:14 PM

40983 Posts
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^^ guess that helps explain the first data point

1/16/2012 2:10:23 PM

11097 Posts
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Quote :
"today, aaronburro will burn a cross in is backyard to celebrate. he's probably too much of a coward to do it in his front yard."

Nah, a lowercase t for 'time to leave'

1/16/2012 2:46:44 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Just back from an MLK march. It's no HKonJ, but for this first march in what is hoped to become an annual tradition, it wasn't a bad turn out.

1/16/2012 4:03:53 PM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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Supplanter, what do you think MLK's view would have been towards gays?

I , for one, welcome my gay brothers and sisters in the fight for civil rights.

1/16/2012 4:08:51 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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It depends on how you ask the question. What were his views back then, vs what would his views be if he were alive today? He died in 68. The Stonewall Riots, which mark the most commonly recognized beginning of the modern gay rights movement, happened in 69.

Embedded in a society with the views ours had those many years ago, I don't think much of anyone had what I'd consider ideal views towards LGBT equality, but from what I've read I'd believe he was probably more pro-equality on that front than most of his contemporaries despite the lack of a well structured gay equality movement.

If he was alive today to experience society as it is now and to meet openly gay people on a regular basis, I think he'd be a strong ally. One of his right hand men, and the chief organizer of the March on Washington where the I Have a Dream speech was delivered, was a gay man. I hesitate to anachronistically ascribe how people would or wouldn't fall on any issue though, given how often that Jesus falls on both sides of every issue, but I think it would be very interesting to hear what he would have said a few more decades down the line if he hadn't been assassinated.

Overall, when I see support like this coming from leaders of the modern NAACP for LGBT equality, I think yes, if he were alive today then he'd be supportive. (The North Carolina NAACP has been one of the strongest allies on the anti-amendment efforts in NC recently, and Julian Bond and others have been great on the national level)

1/16/2012 4:57:46 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Happy MLK day, 0EPII1! Page [1]  
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