Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
Paula Deen confirms that she has type 2 diabetes
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
First 1/17/2012 3:17:09 PM
wlb420 All American 9053 Posts user info edit post |
moar fried chicken for me y'all 1/17/2012 3:18:30 PM
21814 Posts user info edit post |
from the comments:
Quote : | "Whoa there big mama!!!!
She's lying to herself or her fans when she says diet is only "part" of the problem. It's ALL of the problem. I nearly got into trouble with rising blood-sugar levels, but when I cut out most carbohydrates (mostly bread, rice, and sugary soda), the problem disappeared in six months. I also lost a lot of weight.
And, I agree that she's double-dipping. Watch her show and learn how to make super-fatty goods, buy her cookbooks and learn how to make fatty foods, and then buy her diabetes medicine and blood pressure medicine to control your fat-induced health problems." |
1/17/2012 3:24:35 PM
BIGswoll187 All American 3729 Posts user info edit post |
wait she cooks diabetes meds to, oh my word thats great YALL 1/17/2012 3:26:22 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
double-dipping seems oddly appropriate for paula deen y'all 1/17/2012 3:49:37 PM
CharlesHF All American 5543 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "And, I agree that she's double-dipping. Watch her show and learn how to make super-fatty goods, buy her cookbooks and learn how to make fatty foods, and then buy her diabetes medicine and blood pressure medicine to control your fat-induced health problems."" |
Fat does not make one diabetic.
Excess carbs? Yes. Fat? No. 1/17/2012 4:34:09 PM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
Yea she definitely cooks with a lot of excess ingredients besides fat. 1/17/2012 4:58:07 PM
grimx #maketwwgreatagain 32337 Posts user info edit post |
paula deen riding things resurgence coming soon 1/17/2012 4:58:50 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
Does it have to be something that was unexpected for it to truly be breaking news? 1/17/2012 5:31:38 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
The solution must be, more butter. 1/17/2012 5:36:13 PM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
i one time watched this woman make a casserole whose main ingredient was a box of glazed krispy kreme doughnuts. 1/17/2012 5:36:48 PM
Shadowrunner All American 18332 Posts user info edit post |

1/17/2012 5:37:10 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
^ Well played. 1/17/2012 5:37:57 PM
Netstorm All American 7547 Posts user info edit post |
^^^The icing on the cake for that recipe is when she make a fucking pot of icing to put onto of the "casserole".
[Edited on January 17, 2012 at 5:38 PM. Reason : f] 1/17/2012 5:38:08 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Chef Anthony Bourdain isn't one to mince words when it comes to his nemesis Paula Deen, who announced this week she has been diagnosed with diabetes.
After announcing she was teaming up with a drug company to promote a diabetes medication, Bourdain tweeted a thinly-veiled diss at the Food Network star who is known for her fattening recipes.
"Thinking of getting into the leg-breaking business, so I can profitably sell crutches later," he wrote.
But Bourdain was quick to clarify his criticism of Deen. "For the record: Never called anybody a 'diabetic scam artist,'" he wrote in response to a TMZ headline about his earlier tweet." | 1/18/2012 6:41:21 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
that's just fantastic! 1/18/2012 6:49:09 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Fat does not make one diabetic." |
technically you are correct with the carb intake but it is the excess fat that the body can't get rid of that crowds around the insulin hormone and the nutrient cells to prevent insulin from getting to the nutrient cells to open the doors to let the nutrients in the cell. Fat crowds it out and slows down the mechanism which in turn causes nutrient cells to die.
Paula Deen Krispy Kreme donut casserole
[Edited on January 18, 2012 at 7:51 PM. Reason : thx aburro] 1/18/2012 7:28:46 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
Deen responds: "I just live, ya'll"
I mean, it did take 60+ years for her to be diagnosed, kinda impressive actually 1/18/2012 7:40:16 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53288 Posts user info edit post |
1/18/2012 7:48:05 PM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |
daaaaaaang 1/18/2012 9:40:31 PM
21814 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^lol I sooooo just pinned that recipe  1/19/2012 10:35:39 AM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
i love anthony bourdain 1/19/2012 10:50:10 AM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I watched True Life: I'm a Diabetic last night
good timing mtv...good timing 1/19/2012 10:51:25 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I mean I like Anthony Bordain, but as much as he glorifies unhealthy living I'm surprised he has a problem with her. 1/19/2012 10:54:15 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
That sounds horribly disgusting. 1/19/2012 10:55:55 AM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I mean I like Anthony Bordain, but as much as he glorifies unhealthy living I'm surprised he has a problem with her." |
I can see your point, but to be fair, he doesn't market his unhealthy habits as virtuous. She's also a corporate whore, and her brand of cooking is to use pre-cooked, processed, and wholly unhealthy ingredients, in general. It's a disgraceful way to teach people to cook, and absolutely contributes to our obesity problem
[Edited on January 19, 2012 at 11:10 AM. Reason : .] 1/19/2012 11:08:31 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
He does market them as cool and fun though, which is just as dangerous. Besides the heavy drinking and smoking, he eats plenty of things (including processed food since he has such a huge thing for street vendor hot dogs) just as unhealthy as what she makes.
[Edited on January 19, 2012 at 2:08 PM. Reason : ] 1/19/2012 2:08:26 PM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
enjoying processed foods every now and then is miles apart from basing your career off them and teaching people to rely on them for their own cooking 1/19/2012 2:36:41 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I've watched her show many times before and don't remember this being anywhere near the problem you are making it.
She's far from someone like Sandra Lee or Rachel Ray as far as including pre-cooked or processed food. And when she does it's normally because the pre-packaged food isn't that much different and is much easier than totally homemade (like pie crusts). 1/19/2012 2:40:58 PM
adultswim Suspended 8379 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah to be honest I haven't even watched her show or anything, so you may be right. Just going off what I've heard Bourdain say. 1/19/2012 2:41:51 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
his books glorify cocaine use so he has no room to talk... that said, i hate paula deen 1/19/2012 9:05:43 PM
TallyHo All American 11744 Posts user info edit post |
well he doesn't also pitch detox centers or rehab clinics so it's not really the same 1/19/2012 9:44:02 PM
A Tanzarian drip drip boom 10996 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ Sandra Lee is the worst. Somehow mixing sour cream and a packet of dry onion soup mix warrants its own cooking show. The second half of the show is mixing cream cheese with bottled salsa to put 'a Spanish flair' on your 'cooking'. 1/19/2012 9:52:00 PM
qntmfred retired 40982 Posts user info edit post |
 1/24/2012 3:57:19 PM