on link, vote for Brooks and Scarpa. Apparently my dad is friends with one of the designers and wants to help him win. Right now they're in second place.Thanks, tdub
1/22/2012 9:26:37 AM
Alright, I suppose I can do that.But only because I hear rumors that you have a donk.
1/22/2012 9:30:21 AM
1/22/2012 9:44:49 AM
1/22/2012 9:46:08 AM
1/22/2012 9:51:32 AM
1/22/2012 1:54:10 PM
done!I scratch your internet back, you scratch mineplz to vote here
1/22/2012 2:11:18 PM
^ wtf I hit the plus sign and now it says he has zero votes
1/22/2012 3:19:23 PM,11/+1 vote for beaufort
1/22/2012 3:22:09 PM
the connection to TWW is pretty weaknot voted
1/22/2012 3:25:22 PM
Good job, tdub
1/23/2012 8:59:25 AM