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All American
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For those lacking the intestinal fortitude to read a block of text:

Quote :



[Edited on January 27, 2012 at 1:12 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2012 1:11:06 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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that was a good article

non-readers don't lack intestinal fortitude

more like brain power

1/27/2012 1:24:09 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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"Stop nagging me."
"If you did it the first time, I wouldn't be asking you to do it again."

1/27/2012 1:32:29 PM

7062 Posts
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1/27/2012 1:34:34 PM

All American
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"If you don't like how I did it last time, do it yourself"

1/27/2012 1:34:40 PM

All American
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Bitch would get slapped for putting a post-it in the middle of my sammich.

1/27/2012 1:37:14 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"If you don't like how I did it last time, do it yourself"

This. Definitely this.

I would actually add a rule:

Don't give advice. No really, don't give advice at all. If he's cleaning the dishes wrong, then go do something else, why are you watching him clean the dishes? No, shhhh. shhh. Leave the room.

[Edited on January 27, 2012 at 1:42 PM. Reason : ]

1/27/2012 1:42:32 PM

All American
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What about when I "nag"?

I only ever nag about cutting back on smoking though... and I don't do it very much
I don't really have too much room to criticize since I smoke and work for a tobacco company

1/27/2012 1:44:55 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Yup, only 2 options really:

1 - Ask me to do something and then let me fucking do it without a bunch of advice, criticism, etc.
2 - Do it yourself.

Also, if it has a specific deadline, mention it. Don't say, "Will you please mow the lawn?" and then get pissy when the grass is still uncut 24 hours later. If it needs to be done today fucking say so. Otherwise assume that it will get done when it reaches the top of my to do list, prepare to deal with the fact that this may be at a different time than you would ideally prefer.

1/27/2012 2:05:34 PM

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1/27/2012 2:18:51 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"•If you are the nagger, realize you are asking for something. Use an 'I' not a 'you' statement. Say 'I would really like you to pay the Visa bill on time,' instead of 'You never pay the bill on time.'"

You're at rock bottom when the nagging has rationalization attached to it.

As in, a task is taken as an obligation. Doing it is a neutral outcome, not doing it is a negative outcome. She "shouldn't have to ask". Any request start with a "could" or a "can". You're not asking for yourself, it's for his benefit or mutual benefit.

1/27/2012 2:23:38 PM

All American
3001 Posts
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Quote :
""•If you are the nagger, realize you are asking for something. Use an 'I' not a 'you' statement. Say 'I would really like you to pay the Visa bill on time,' instead of 'You never pay the bill on time.'""

Seriously? Horrible example. You shouldn't ever have to ask that the bills be paid on time.

[Edited on January 27, 2012 at 2:38 PM. Reason : ^Exactly what he said.]

1/27/2012 2:38:02 PM

32337 Posts
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^^ and ^ agreed

[Edited on January 27, 2012 at 2:39 PM. Reason : ]

1/27/2012 2:38:52 PM


21814 Posts
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Pick 3 tiles, ask him to choose one.

1/27/2012 2:41:03 PM

All American
3129 Posts
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Quote :
"Yup, only 2 options really:

1 - Ask me to do something and then let me fucking do it without a bunch of advice, criticism, etc.
2 - Do it yourself.

Also, if it has a specific deadline, mention it. Don't say, "Will you please mow the lawn?" and then get pissy when the grass is still uncut 24 hours later. If it needs to be done today fucking say so. Otherwise assume that it will get done when it reaches the top of my to do list, prepare to deal with the fact that this may be at a different time than you would ideally prefer."


My wife used to nag me about how I did the dishes or folded/hung up the laundry (my way wasn't her way). Didn't take but a couple of times of her nagging me before I stopped doing them completely and she got the point.

Quote :
"Pick 3 tiles, ask him to choose one."

I like this approach, as long as she really doesn't care which of the three he picks. My wife will show me two or three options of something and tell me to pick. When I do, she gives me that, "are you sure?" look because she was really hoping I picked the other one. IF YOU REALLY WANTED ME TO PICK THAT ONE, TELL ME IT WAS THE ONE YOU WERE LEANING TOWARDS IN THE FIRST PLACE. It would make things much easier

[Edited on January 27, 2012 at 3:24 PM. Reason : d]

1/27/2012 3:21:26 PM

15294 Posts
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Kill your pregnant wife

I'm krallum and I approved this message

1/27/2012 3:22:36 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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literally kill it?


1/27/2012 3:30:40 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Go on...

1/27/2012 3:33:05 PM


15145 Posts
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oh, oh, and "he should want to do it anyway". "If I don't remind him he'll forget".

1/27/2012 3:43:11 PM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"I like this approach, as long as she really doesn't care which of the three he picks. My wife will show me two or three options of something and tell me to pick. When I do, she gives me that, "are you sure?" look because she was really hoping I picked the other one. IF YOU REALLY WANTED ME TO PICK THAT ONE, TELL ME IT WAS THE ONE YOU WERE LEANING TOWARDS IN THE FIRST PLACE. It would make things much easier "

lol yeah, that's more of a "pick what you want, and show him to make sure he doesn't absolutely hate it" if he does, start over

1/27/2012 3:45:51 PM


15145 Posts
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One time I asked a girlfriend to do something.

Turned out we broke up before it got done

1/27/2012 3:58:54 PM

All American
11772 Posts
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Quote :
"Other people are naturally resistant—some might say lazy—and could bring out the n_gger in anyone.

From the article.

1/27/2012 4:04:05 PM

All American
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sigh, how do you deal with someone who wants attention and recognition for doing a small household task finally, but it's never completed? i've tried explaining lovingly that I think that cleaning up the mess left over is part of fixing something, or that vacuuming the floor (or the guest room, good god) doesn't end until the cord is tied up and the vacuum is back in the closet, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference in task completion.

and yes, yes, if you don't like it do it yourself.

1/27/2012 6:33:08 PM

All American
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I read everything and had some thoughts but decided the best thing I could add to the topic is:

fuck it

1/28/2012 12:31:28 AM

All American
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if yall pussies dont know how to compromise and find something that works for everyone then you're silly!

we only do the dinner thing, i dont like to nag, nagging is annoying, but i def do the "i dont caare, what do you want?" then he says chinese and im all YOU KNOW I DONT LIKE CHINESE but i hate always being the one to choose and sometimes i really dont know what i want!


1/28/2012 10:04:53 AM

All American
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Bitch just eat the damn chinese

[Edited on January 28, 2012 at 10:31 AM. Reason : ]

1/28/2012 10:31:10 AM

All American
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How can someone not like Chinese

1/28/2012 10:33:15 AM

All American
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hahaha im not a fan of rice and they give you so much of it, or the meats they make. I will eat an eggroll. gross lol

1/28/2012 11:01:57 AM

All American
9012 Posts
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How to kill a marriage:
1 - claim to hate chinese food
2 - the other million ways

1/28/2012 11:09:36 AM

All American
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1/28/2012 11:10:06 AM

All American
34484 Posts
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that article was dumb

1/28/2012 11:52:53 AM

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