Goodnight, sweet prince
2/1/2012 9:51:38 AM
[Edited on February 1, 2012 at 9:57 AM. Reason : .]
2/1/2012 9:57:17 AM
He taught me how to dance. RIP.
2/1/2012 9:57:46 AM
2/1/2012 10:01:41 AM
2/1/2012 10:25:10 AM
damn i didnt realize he shot himself
2/1/2012 1:54:44 PM
G'night, prince
2/1/2012 1:55:37 PM
he went out like Cobain, on the top of his game
2/1/2012 1:57:52 PM
Kurt Cobain fucking sucked
2/1/2012 2:03:39 PM
He should have laid across some railroad tracks. That would have been cool.
2/1/2012 2:34:27 PM
I hope he had given his sooooooooouuuuuuuuuuulllllll to God
2/1/2012 3:40:02 PM
2/1/2012 3:47:26 PM
2/1/2012 4:26:34 PM
LOL at 19 year old Al Sharpton in the video.
2/2/2012 12:58:55 AM
Perhaps it's fitting that this be a DANCE thread FOREVERMORE!!!
2/3/2012 4:47:01 PM
2/3/2012 4:49:47 PM
I am sad he shot himself. hmmm...
2/3/2012 4:54:28 PM
2/3/2012 7:29:04 PM
2/3/2012 9:09:37 PM
^^^^ came here to post that one
2/3/2012 11:30:36 PM