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 Message Boards » » Look, we got a situation here, I didn't get my egg Page [1]  
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I was waiting for my Chinese take out, and these two black people, a woman and a man, come in and are like "where my egg roll?" Guy is like "let me see the receipt." Then he said, "well, you didn't get charged for an egg roll." Then the black guy is like "I drove all the way back here, where my egg roll. She told you I want an egg roll." Then the chinese guy is like "you didn't get charged for one, you can pay for one and then you can have it." The black guy is all like "Naw man, I want my egg roll that I asked for to begin with or you give me back my money. I drove all the way back here because you screwed up." So the chinese guy is like, "look, you pay for egg roll, you get egg roll." So the black guy is like "fine, here, take the food, give me my money back." So the chinese guy says, "ok, give me your card, I'll take it off." Then the black guy says, "Aww shit, I forgot my card back at home. Oh wait, no it's in the car." He comes back, gives him the card, he takes it off.

So now, he's got no egg roll and no food and the chinese place has 20 people waiting for food, where they will probably re-package the food and give it to someone. Just another fail.

TLDR, Niggas being niggas.

2/2/2012 9:12:59 PM

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2/2/2012 9:13:42 PM

37776 Posts
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He's not a real nigga unles he ate 3/4th of the food then brought it back to get his money back.

2/2/2012 9:15:05 PM

13178 Posts
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I never got to see inside the bag.

2/2/2012 9:18:03 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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this is because his ancestors were slaves.

2/2/2012 9:18:51 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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our local chinese place staples the boxes closed to prevent this exact problem. People were alllll the time trying to cheat 'em.

2/2/2012 9:19:50 PM

13178 Posts
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They do the same thing. But they bought $15 worth of food, so it was all inside a larger box. I didn't get to see inside it.

2/2/2012 9:21:16 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Here's your egg roll:

2/2/2012 9:23:54 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Look, we got a situation here, I didn't get my egg Page [1]  
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