wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The $130 million project, which calls for two parking decks, a five-star hotel and a cultural center to be built on-site, would turn the Prime Outlets mall near the airport into one of the most colorful and distinct structures in the state.
"You're going to know you're in Chinatown," said Mark Herman, CEO of Panda Properties Sino, the Durham company that has put the property under contract. "It's definitely taking lemons and turning them into lemonade."
A six-minute video promoting the project shows pieces of the mall morphing into Chinatown, complete with sloping roofs and upturned eaves. There's even talk of turning the mall's 90-foot central tower into a Chinese pagoda." |
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/02/05/1831611/a-new-neighbor-for-rdu-chinatown.html#storylink=cpy
Traffic's going to blow over there when this gets completed  2/5/2012 3:53:32 PM
InsultMaster Suspended 1310 Posts user info edit post |
better than what is there now 2/5/2012 3:54:40 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^ You mean better than nothing? But seriously, that mall is sad sad sad. They might as well use it for giant zombie paintball sessions now considering there's only like three stores in there. 2/5/2012 3:57:25 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148877 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "complete with sloping roofs" |
racist 2/5/2012 3:58:07 PM
moron All American 34484 Posts user info edit post |
^LOL 2/5/2012 4:51:17 PM
The5thsoth All American 4813 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Panda Properties Sino" |
2/5/2012 4:51:38 PM
ctnz71 All American 7207 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Traffic's going to blow over there when this gets completed " |
Lots of DWA convictions 2/5/2012 5:04:07 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
tacoru gets his wish after all
I'm Krallum and I approved this message. 2/5/2012 5:05:42 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
I really hope they call it 'Little Tokyo'. 2/5/2012 5:15:01 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
Funny I always thought Chinatown was created by the many years of culture brought to the region by Chinese residents.
Quote : | "sloping roofs and upturned eaves" |
Quote : | "a Chinese pagoda" |
Oh nevermind. 2/5/2012 7:19:42 PM
Agent 0 All American 5677 Posts user info edit post |
in most larger cities that population ^ is tapering off because a lot of them are moving back to China for better opportunities. Real actual Chinatown is down to about 2 blocks here in DC, 3 or 4 if you count the chains that use chinese lettering in some aesthetic appeal to the neighborhood's roots.
what a retarded facade.
have fun with your manufactured, kitschy development.  2/5/2012 7:43:09 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ ie years of segregation that forced them to live in concentrated areas. There's a reason that in cities where Chinese immigrated in large numbers after the 60s their influence is more spread out. 2/5/2012 8:02:55 PM
merbig Suspended 13178 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I really hope they call it 'Little Tokyo'." |
Why? 2/5/2012 8:53:37 PM
Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
Little Korea! Korea ROKs!
[Edited on February 5, 2012 at 9:23 PM. Reason : *] 2/5/2012 9:22:03 PM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
MUNG VILLAGE 2/5/2012 9:38:41 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
this makes no sense
at all 2/5/2012 10:24:00 PM
InsultMaster Suspended 1310 Posts user info edit post |
except rdu/rtp is full of asians. yeah doesn't make sense at all except that. seth i hope you don't hate me after that... 2/5/2012 10:25:00 PM
BJCaudill21 Not an alcoholic 8015 Posts user info edit post |
well.. can they make them all live in that neighborhood? 2/5/2012 10:34:33 PM
tchenku midshipman 18598 Posts user info edit post |
yay more dim sum places 2/5/2012 10:34:58 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
you can't just put a new roof on that dump and dub it Chinatown 2/5/2012 10:37:14 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148877 Posts user info edit post |
Seth LeDong 2/5/2012 10:37:38 PM
skokiaan All American 26447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "you can't just put a new roof on that dump and dub it Chinatown" |
Why not? That's what actual China is like 2/5/2012 10:41:46 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
http://www.chinesegenerator.net 2/5/2012 10:42:01 PM
Byrn Stuff backpacker 19058 Posts user info edit post |
Bye, Van Heusen store  2/5/2012 10:55:33 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
It was funny in a South Park episode when they named the Asian area outside the City Wok, Little Tokyo. The Chinese owner flipped out. 2/5/2012 10:59:29 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
this is the stupidest thing i've ever heard 2/5/2012 11:09:22 PM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
this is where all the spies will be 2/5/2012 11:10:30 PM
InsultMaster Suspended 1310 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "you can't just put a new roof on that dump and dub it Chinatown" |
if you call it china town you can 2/5/2012 11:11:08 PM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
plz to embed 2/5/2012 11:13:37 PM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Xie said Chinatowns in cities such as New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.," |
Morrisville doesn't seem to fit with big cities like that, unless you think of the of the triangle as whole. I'm not opposed to it, that outlet mall seriously needs some kind of economic upturn to avoid dying. Looking at wikipedia, the demographic breakdown for Morrisville is 27.2% Asian, versus 4.3% for Raleigh and 3.64% for Durham.
Quote : | "A 2009 Census Estimate put the population at 1,742,816. The Raleigh-Durham television market includes a broader 23-county area which includes Fayetteville, and has a population of 2,726,000 persons" |
2/5/2012 11:40:19 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
those are all Indians though 2/5/2012 11:56:41 PM
BJCaudill21 Not an alcoholic 8015 Posts user info edit post |
^ 2/6/2012 12:33:04 AM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
if there were some good restaurants I would go
dim sum place noodle shop maybe a duck place 2/6/2012 2:17:51 AM
laxman490 All American 2385 Posts user info edit post |
I've been to that hooters and cracker barrel multiple times and I never knew that was there 2/6/2012 2:28:58 AM
WillemJoel All American 8006 Posts user info edit post |
She's my sister AND my daughter! 2/6/2012 8:49:01 AM
Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
You did your Mom? 2/6/2012 8:54:35 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Morrisville doesn't seem to fit with big cities like that, unless you think of the of the triangle as whole. I'm not opposed to it, that outlet mall seriously needs some kind of economic upturn to avoid dying. Looking at wikipedia, the demographic breakdown for Morrisville is 27.2% Asian, versus 4.3% for Raleigh and 3.64% for Durham." |
The Chinatown in DC is only like two blocks these days. And somethings tells me like other Chinatowns in the country, this one will not only be Chinese businesses. The Triangle also has a crapload of Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indonesians, etc. Really I imagine this place being a lot like the "Chinatown" at Eden Center: http://edencenter.com/category.php?cid=3 2/6/2012 9:33:21 AM
tailsock Suspended 1616 Posts user info edit post |
i hope it's a bit better than the eden center. that looked kinda cheesy. DC's chinatown is a disgrace btw.. there's nothing authentic about it. you see Starbucks, Fuddruckers, and CVS... all the little asian shops and restaurants were muscled out by corporate america. word is they can't find tenants 2/15/2012 2:48:36 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53288 Posts user info edit post |
i believe the proper terminology is "chinkland" 2/15/2012 2:51:24 PM
ncwolfpack All American 3958 Posts user info edit post |
Partaaaaay next weekend! 2/15/2012 2:59:07 PM
Agent 0 All American 5677 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not sure you can really refer to DC's Chinatown as a disgrace when it has existed as a facade and referential designation for at least the last decade or two. The facades on the restaurants with the Chinese lettering and the arch over H St NW is not an attempt to look "authentic" so much as it is a nod to the history of the neighborhood.
You can still find pretty dope Chinese restaurants on 7th St NW on the backside of gallery place and a lot of them have been there since back when it WAS legitimately "Chinatown" in DC. 2/15/2012 3:02:09 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
On a sad note, the China Town buffet in Cary is no more.  2/15/2012 3:19:49 PM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Big Trouble in Little Morrisville? 2/15/2012 3:50:16 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
^^son of a bitch! I loved that place  2/15/2012 3:59:11 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
This will be successful if and only if they erect a statue of Jeremy Lin at City Center. 2/15/2012 4:05:21 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
I work off Airport Blvd so this would be super close by. 2/15/2012 4:12:09 PM
bonerjamz 04 All American 3217 Posts user info edit post |
nearby animal shelters won't be overcrowded anymore
[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 4:24 PM. Reason : think about it] 2/15/2012 4:20:10 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I'd like to open a strip mall named Taiwantown across the street and make faces at them. 2/15/2012 4:21:43 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
I'd like to open an apple store nearby just as, you know, a reminder. 2/15/2012 4:31:29 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
set em up 2/15/2012 6:18:17 PM