2/7/2012 2:57:35 PM
I've found it very difficult to count all of them
2/7/2012 3:01:26 PM
i think if line turns red you are good but if nothing changes you are under 20 million per millimeter. thats what i got out of briefly glancing at it at least[Edited on February 7, 2012 at 3:12 PM. Reason : wonder if ebay has them cheaper...][Edited on February 7, 2012 at 3:28 PM. Reason : 33 for 2 tests shipped]
2/7/2012 3:10:41 PM
2/7/2012 5:41:25 PM
oh my god, something i can order on amazon to answer a question i've been curious about for years... but it costs $50.this is going to be an internal struggle for the ages.
2/7/2012 6:00:55 PM
The lab at Wake Med is only $30 for a complete SA
2/7/2012 6:08:28 PM
yeah but now you can do it in your own home and not be embarrassed if you score low
2/7/2012 7:53:24 PM
Do you nut on the tray, or onto your chest and then scrape it off?
2/7/2012 7:56:51 PM
if i did it, i would stand and essentially give the tray a facial
2/7/2012 7:57:55 PM
Is it ok if there is saliva in the sample? Somebody's g/f volunteered to help me out.
2/7/2012 8:13:53 PM