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 Message Boards » » Anyone else wish there was no upper & lower case? Page [1]  
41759 Posts
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I think capitalization is the stupidest thing ever, it should have been jettisoned when computers were invented. It serves no practical purpose (except to look pretty) and slows people down typing all day.

I know, I know, its easy to make fun of people that are too stupid or lazy to properly capitalize what they type. EPIC YARD SALE OFF KAPLAN, ETC...

Who is really stupid though? The person typing improperly, or all the people that made it so complicated to begin with?

2/15/2012 12:11:09 AM

45208 Posts
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2/15/2012 12:12:28 AM

15294 Posts
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Clearly you are trolling. There is an entire industry built on manipulating typeface, pt size, weight, proportion, posture, line spacing, letter spacing, line length etc to get you to do things with your eyes that you don't realize you are doing. Its called graphic design.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 12:16 AM. Reason : well not exactly]

2/15/2012 12:14:47 AM

41759 Posts
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There was once an entire industry built on writing not so much unless you are sending wedding invites.

2/15/2012 12:29:37 AM

15294 Posts
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Yeah you're probably right. Type face is not important in graphic design

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/15/2012 12:34:28 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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Sometimes it is elegantly denotative; as an example, the 2001 song by Live "People like You" has a very different meaning from the title "People Like You"; also the German language (and for a while, English) used capitalization to point out the nouns (e.g., Article I Section 8 Clause 16: "To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;").

2/15/2012 12:35:01 AM

All American
5021 Posts
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Imagine no capitalization, it's easy if you try.

2/15/2012 12:49:44 AM

15294 Posts
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^^Exactly. So much meaning is embedded in the way we see text its not even funny

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/15/2012 12:56:15 AM

All American
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2/15/2012 1:26:38 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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2/15/2012 1:27:42 AM

15294 Posts
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Studies suggest you only need the first letter of every word. Lets just speak in acronyms from here on out


2/15/2012 2:23:42 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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Without capitalization and other flourishes of written language it would be impossible to convey even a part of the subtleties inherent in spoken language. We don't do these things for the sake of complicating matters, we do them because text will always lack the nuance of speech and something has to be done to make up for it.

Also, because without capitalization the sentence "Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" would make no sense at all.

2/15/2012 2:29:38 AM

15294 Posts
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Haha I debated typing BbbBb instead of making my sig into an acronym

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

2/15/2012 2:36:02 AM

All American
849 Posts
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approved is two words ITT

2/15/2012 5:34:31 AM

11583 Posts
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without capitalization Coitus and coitus are the same thing

2/15/2012 5:53:24 AM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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Quote :
"I think capitalization is the stupidest thing ever, it should have been jettisoned when computers were invented. It serves no practical purpose (except to look pretty) and slows people down typing all day.

I know, I know, its easy to make fun of people that are too stupid or lazy to properly capitalize what they type. EPIC YARD SALE OFF KAPLAN, ETC...

Who is really stupid though? The person typing improperly, or all the people that made it so complicated to begin with?"

2/15/2012 7:30:05 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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over half your thread topics are all caps dude

2/15/2012 8:18:31 AM

41759 Posts
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Pussification of Human Race. :/

2/15/2012 8:48:19 AM

17379 Posts
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nobody is forcing you to use the shift key

2/15/2012 9:14:04 AM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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^^Yeah let's go back to the days of cave paintings when these pantywaists weren't wasting our time with their dumbass grammatical rules.

2/15/2012 9:25:22 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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ee cummings agrees with you

Also, from XKCD, relevant:

2/15/2012 9:42:45 AM

41759 Posts
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3/3/2012 6:07:14 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Lol LeonIsPro

3/3/2012 6:23:47 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Anyone else wish there was no upper & lower case? Page [1]  
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