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 Message Boards » » What restaurants will you refuse to go to? Page [1] 2 3 4, Next  
I'm Eggscellent
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Not just something you don't like or too expensive. More like if your in a group and everyone else wants to go but you would sooner not go than eat there.

Cracker Barrel, Got crazy sick as a kid after eating there and now it still makes me ill to think about it.
Pizzeria Uno, Nothing on the menu that isn't done terribly.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 12:20 AM. Reason : add Arbys to my list]

2/15/2012 12:17:02 AM

45208 Posts
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Waffle House

2/15/2012 12:18:16 AM

114652 Posts
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I can't think of any for some reason

I'm not a big fan of Arby's doe

2/15/2012 12:19:08 AM

All American
39549 Posts
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awful, awful experience when I was a kid

2/15/2012 12:19:56 AM

15294 Posts
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I came in here to say cracker barrel & china queen (avent ferry place) if you can even consider either to be a restaurant. If we scale down to fast food i refuse to eat anything except hardees or bojangles and i cut that shit way back.

Oh jesus arby's is fucking disgusting- again thats not a restaraunt

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 12:21 AM. Reason : ]

2/15/2012 12:21:08 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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Cici's pizza. It's just terrible, terrible stuff.

That's about it I guess.

2/15/2012 12:21:45 AM

11725 Posts
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chilis and cracker barrel

2/15/2012 12:22:05 AM

15294 Posts
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cicis is not a fucking restaraunt. Its like a mcdonalds of pizza

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/15/2012 12:23:33 AM

41759 Posts
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The Bear Rock Cafe on Lake Boone Trail

The only sandwich place I have been to that can royally fuck up a sandwich, also got mild food poison was blowing ass for days.

2/15/2012 12:32:12 AM

I'm Eggscellent
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Also, extending into fast food, never any fast food inside an establishment like a Sears or a Walmart.

2/15/2012 12:34:44 AM

41759 Posts
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Mimi's Cafe - Not because the food is particularly disgusting, but because it is too bland/flavorless to pay restaurant prices for.

2/15/2012 12:37:27 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I can't believe Mimi's Cafe is still in business.


I always hate business trips where you inevitably end up at Chili's or Applebee's, or Ruby Tuesday, or some other blandness you can eat anywhere else in the United States.

In Philadelphia? Let's go to Ruby Tuesday!

In Orlando? Let's go to Chili's!

In Honolulu? Let's go to Cheesecake Factory!

2/15/2012 12:42:56 AM

41759 Posts
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Hibachi Sushi on Avent Ferry - Went there once and the sanitation grade was a low B, also food had more hair in it than a shower drain.

2/15/2012 12:43:30 AM

4549 Posts
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If we're including fast food in the considerations, I stopped eating at McDonald's like two years ago. It was long overdue. I used to eat there somewhat regularly because of my busy schedule and the ability to eat cheap via the dollar menu. Got a double cheeseburger or McDouble on two consecutive occasions that tasted like dumpster juice smells. I should have ended it there, but a few months later broke down and got breakfast, my bacon egg and cheese biscuit tasted like sanitizer. Spit it out, threw it all away, and made up my mind I would never let McDonald's fuck me into eating poisoned food again. Haven't totally learned my lesson, though, because I'm still eating lots of fast food, but I try my best to stay with the relatively healthier end of fast food options (both on the menu side as well as the restaurant side).

2/15/2012 12:51:44 AM

114652 Posts
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Quote :
"Cici's pizza. It's just terrible, terrible stuff."


2/15/2012 12:52:46 AM

15294 Posts
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Don't lie nigga you know what dumpster juice tastes like. I probably get a sweet tea from mcdonalds like 5 or 6 times a week. Nothing else though

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/15/2012 12:53:09 AM

All American
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2/15/2012 12:57:16 AM

All American
11921 Posts
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Avoid the ones with a C sanitation grade.

2/15/2012 1:18:35 AM

All American
12559 Posts
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i only go to restaurants where i have taken telephoto lens pictures of the female waitstaff and made collages of them and jerked it to the collages

2/15/2012 1:21:08 AM

All American
6576 Posts
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i see BubbleBobble's here holdin down the CiCi's fort. You got this, brah

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 1:43 AM. Reason : cici's 4 lyfe]

2/15/2012 1:43:14 AM

49741 Posts
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Golden Corral gives me more than the heebie-jeebies.

2/15/2012 1:58:05 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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motherfucking Applebee's

2/15/2012 2:10:07 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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Cici's, McDonald's, Arbys, Olive Garden, Applebee's, Burger King, most Chinese buffets, a couple of diners in Greensboro, and Church's Chicken.

That last is not because of racial issues. It's because of shitty-ass fried chicken. I will dine next to people of all colors and creeds in a Bojangle's or, if needs be, a KFC or Popeye's. But never a Church's. Never.

2/15/2012 2:16:16 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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pretty much every fast food restaurant

all burger and fried chicken places, and most pizza places

2/15/2012 3:55:12 AM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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2/15/2012 4:56:27 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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Fast Food

2/15/2012 5:05:37 AM

All American
6759 Posts
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applebee's because it is disgusting and i always get sick afterward. i don't know why people always insist on going there. i just politely decline nowadays. barf

2/15/2012 7:07:40 AM

45208 Posts
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Quote :
"i only go to restaurants where i have taken telephoto lens pictures of the female waitstaff and made collages of them and jerked it to the collages"

This made me LOL so hard

2/15/2012 7:12:59 AM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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I probably get a sweet tea from mcdonalds like 5 or 6 times a week. Nothing else though.

2/15/2012 7:44:39 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Applebees and Ruby Tuesdays. All fast food burger places.

Also one of the teams I work closely with ALWAYS goes to the cheesecake factory, and I've started declining doing lunch meetings there. Any time your menu is 32 pages long you've clearly over-reached yourselves. Stick with a fucking genre of food and commit to doing it well, not every ethnic staple you can think of and being mediocre at it.

2/15/2012 7:48:52 AM

no u
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2/15/2012 7:53:20 AM

All Amurican
5269 Posts
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This place here in Hoboken called Oddfellows - thanks to food poisoning

2/15/2012 7:53:30 AM

37709 Posts
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I refuse to go to Applebee's. I dislike going to Olive Garden. I'd refuse Ruby Tuesday too but no one ever goes there.

I'll definitely go to a Cheesecake Factory though, that shit is always good.

I also never choose to go to Taco Bell but I can't figure out why, since I'll eat some tacos.

2/15/2012 8:20:03 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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Golden Corral

2/15/2012 8:23:59 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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^ !

2/15/2012 8:32:02 AM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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I don't like quite a few but those constantly disappoint.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 9:03 AM. Reason : ...]

2/15/2012 9:01:49 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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panera bread is a bag of shit.

2/15/2012 9:03:54 AM

All American
24674 Posts
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Waffle House (especially if it has a USA Today box outside of it)
Red Lobster
Long John Silvers
any other "chain" seafood restaurant

2/15/2012 9:06:04 AM

All American
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this one

2/15/2012 9:06:59 AM

19447 Posts
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I don't think there are any that I will outright refuse to go to. However, in general I think most chain restaurants suck and I do try to avoid them.

2/15/2012 9:07:03 AM

All American
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Applebee's, Chili's, Ruby Tuesday, TGI Friday's, Arby's, Cracker Barrel, Ten Ten when it was still around, Carrabba's, Shoney's... Apparently I have something against restaurants with apostrophes in their name.

2/15/2012 9:07:22 AM

All American
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bob evans

2/15/2012 9:14:45 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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Carolina Alehouse is the worst restaurant I have ever been to.

Lied to me, made me really sick, and then the boy went back to a different one for drinks and they charged him for someone else's tab too. Won't set foot in that place. The worst thing is when I called and let them know they turned my ass into a volcano they lied to me again and offered me a refund, then never sent it. I never asked for the refund, so them offering and not following through makes them exceptionally horrible.

2/15/2012 9:18:57 AM

All American
12966 Posts
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Olive Garden

I wouldn't take a shit in an Olive Garden

Cheesecake Factory. It's just not that good. The menu is too fucking big & as a result they specialize in nothing (except cheesecake which is not dinner) so everything is terribly bland

Also strongly dislike Chilis, Ruby Tuesday etc.

My solid go-tos are sushi restaurants, Jimmy Johns & Mexican food bc it's hard to fuck that up in Texas (but I refuse Taco Bell bc that just seems illegal when you're in a geography rife with Mexican food)

2/15/2012 9:19:04 AM

All American
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Oh and Tyler's Taproom unless I'm just getting beer. The one time I got food there it tasted like they dumped an entire salt shaker onto my sandwich. SANDWICH. How is that even possible?

2/15/2012 9:21:25 AM

All American
3001 Posts
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I'm not picky. I can't say there's a restaurant that I would refuse to go out with a group of friends to, because I hate it so much. I don't get all the hate for Olive Garden.

[Edited on February 15, 2012 at 9:25 AM. Reason : Bojangles is probably the only place I would seriously consider refusing to go.]

2/15/2012 9:22:46 AM


21814 Posts
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any fast food but especially Taco Bell and Chick-fil-a

fuck that

2/15/2012 9:23:31 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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you're dead to me minka

2/15/2012 9:24:38 AM

35217 Posts
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2/15/2012 9:28:59 AM

17379 Posts
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KFC, chico's, subway

2/15/2012 9:29:13 AM

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