ncsuallday Sink the Flagship 9818 Posts user info edit post |
Near Kent. Strips to check speed then cops pull out when you round the corner.
Also saw a cop hiding off Powell. 2/16/2012 1:56:02 PM
BubbleBobble BACK IN DA HIGH LIFE 114652 Posts user info edit post |
oh my god you're such an asshole for posting this 2/16/2012 2:16:44 PM
wlb420 All American 9053 Posts user info edit post |
now how will we raise taxes to pay for schools?
[Edited on February 16, 2012 at 2:22 PM. Reason : ?] 2/16/2012 2:20:40 PM
jtw208 5290 Posts user info edit post |
isn't it possible that the strips are for measuring traffic volume, and the police officer is doing something unrelated?
you know, they're not always out to get you
[Edited on February 16, 2012 at 2:24 PM. Reason : or are they?] 2/16/2012 2:22:07 PM
TallyHo All American 11744 Posts user info edit post |
nope, the strips are highly accurate, unmovable, and calibrated to detect your make/model from 2 sets of ker-thuds
they are run by the the people who want us to BOLO for a suspect described as "male of some complexion wearing clothes" 2/16/2012 3:04:16 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
I'm Krallum and I approved this message. 2/16/2012 3:06:28 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "isn't it possible that the strips are for measuring traffic volume, and the police officer is doing something unrelated?" |
this 2/16/2012 4:43:01 PM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
I guy I met over at Kentwood today got pulled on the way there... said the cop was cool though and talked to him a lot about his car (he has an s6 wagon) 2/16/2012 4:49:28 PM
ncsuallday Sink the Flagship 9818 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "isn't it possible that the strips are for measuring traffic volume, and the police officer is doing something unrelated?
you know, they're not always out to get you" |
normally, this is completely true, but in this case they were actually using them to pull people over. I walked my dog by there and saw them get a couple people. right on the bend of the turn near kent
[Edited on February 16, 2012 at 8:49 PM. Reason : was just trying to be nice and help you people] 2/16/2012 8:48:58 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
2/16/2012 11:13:23 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "SOMETHING
2/16/2012 11:13:46 PM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "TRAP
2/16/2012 11:14:51 PM
jtw208 5290 Posts user info edit post |
so really it wasn't OFF KAPLAN
it was ON KAPLAN 2/17/2012 8:01:59 AM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28531 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Strips to check speed " |

[Edited on February 17, 2012 at 10:12 AM. Reason : also, it's not really a speed trap if there isn't a drastic change in speed limit.] 2/17/2012 10:11:31 AM