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 Message Boards » » I made the evening news! (in the background) Page [1]  
supple anteater
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"Activists rally for transparent government"

I'm the guy in the NCSU I <3 Diversity shirt (because I was in there in part to show my opposition to the amendment) and holding the big heart poster (it was a multi-issue, but transparency focused rally on the day the General Assembly came back into a special session b/c last time they did some surprise legislating after midnight).

I r famous now.

2/16/2012 7:55:35 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Not sure this will supplant Sawahash's cartwheel, but fucking kudos regardless.

2/16/2012 7:59:26 PM

Double Entendre
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You are a true activist! How many causes do you fight for?

2/16/2012 8:04:31 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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The past month for example:

2/16/12 - government transparency rally
2/11/12 - HKonJ civil rights march
1/30/12 - anti-amendment voter registration event
1/26/12 - women's rights meeting
1/24/12 - anti-amendment event
1/21/12 - healthcare/environment community forum
1/19/12 - a stop of a statewide poverty tour meeting
1/16/12 - MLK march

Also gone to some anti-Citizens United type events and college student voter registration events lately too. Going to an immigration event tomorrow, and I'm planning on going to 3 more anti-amendment events next week. There are so many issues out there that it's hard to feel like you're making a meaningful difference. So I've been mostly focused on the good government/fair elections stuff and anti-amendment stuff lately.

2/16/2012 8:26:52 PM

All American
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2/16/2012 8:33:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Not sure this will supplant Sawahash's cartwheel, but fucking kudos regardless.


It was more of a sideways crab dance?

Anyway...right on Supplanter!

2/16/2012 8:44:10 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Well no one can compete with crab dances, but thanks

^Do you still have that video clip?

2/16/2012 8:51:32 PM

All American
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I won't embed...but here it is

2/16/2012 8:53:42 PM

All American
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Here is mine for the past month:

2/16/12 - mexican bowel movement rally
2/11/12 - gas release rights march
1/30/12 - anti-diarrhea event
1/26/12 - women's rights meeting and cook-off
1/24/12 - anti-women drivers event
1/21/12 - healthcare for no one community forum
1/19/12 - a stop of a statewide poetry tour meeting
1/16/12 - MLK march and tractor pull

2/16/2012 8:58:48 PM

All American
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Anyone else going to the Stop Asians From Driving event on 3/14/12?

2/16/2012 9:07:13 PM

All American
3001 Posts
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Quote :
""Not sure this will supplant Sawahash's cartwheel, but fucking kudos regardless."

I really thought this was a sawahash thread at first.

2/16/2012 9:47:44 PM

1136 Posts
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People who attend these types of things are usually crazy and delusional.

I can't imagine getting to a point in my life where I would attend some sort of activist rally. Willingly.

2/16/2012 9:53:03 PM

supple anteater
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^You do have to be selective in what kind rallies you attend to find the line between effective, and I wouldn't say delusional necessarily but to avoid events with people just spouting off without doing anything about it.

The MLK march ended with planning to offer more community based and run after-school programs after a recent bout gang violence and young people getting hurt. Many of the events involved direct interactions with legislators so there was an option to weigh in with someone who has some power to address issues. The voter registration events are great because you have a quantifiable sense of what is being accomplished.

Not everyone's cup of tea to be sure, but it beats just sitting around the soap box arguing about the issues. (didn't intend for this to become a discussion of the merits of activism though, just wanted to say I made it in the background of the news )

2/16/2012 11:00:05 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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I want my government made from glass people. Ultimate transparency...

Also, people need to learn how to make better fucking signs...

2/16/2012 11:12:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"She is legal but she looks 12.

The perfect combination. "


2/16/2012 11:32:09 PM

All American
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^ lol

Looks like somebody just came from the Pick a Number thread

2/16/2012 11:37:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I really thought this was a sawahash thread at first."

I only make the news during hurricane season.

2/16/2012 11:41:03 PM

All American
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I wrote an article in the newspaper back home once

2/17/2012 12:15:46 AM

37709 Posts
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That's pretty awesome.

How do you have time for all of those?

2/17/2012 12:19:20 AM

Eaton Bush
All American
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Quote :

You do have to be selective in what kind rallies you attend ...."

This coming from the guy that attended 8 rallies in one month.
Do you think for yourself or do you just blindly repeat everything the guy with the bullhorn says?

Anti-amendment event? WTF is that?

[Edited on February 17, 2012 at 1:31 AM. Reason : -]

2/17/2012 1:31:13 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I made the evening news! (in the background) Page [1]  
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