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 Message Boards » » Copycat Recipes Page [1]  
All American
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Post your copycat recipes here! I just made this one today and it was SO on point:

Mussels Josephine (Bonefish Grill)

3 dozen fresh prince edward mussels ( about 2 pounds)
4 ounces chopped yellow onions
2 ounces chopped garlic
14 ounces chopped tomatoes, juice and all ( canned organic tomatoes can be substituted)
fresh basil
2 ounces sambuca romana or 2 ounces ouzo or 2 ounces Pernod
½ lemons, juice of parsley, garnish

Lemon Butter Sauce (use 3/4 cup)
¼ cup real butter
2 tablespoons minced yellow onions
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1/3; cup fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons dry white wine
kosher salt or sea salt
white pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons cold butter

1. Coat a hot skillet with melted butter. Add the fresh Prince Edward mussels to the skillet, and cover. The steam will cook the mussels, along with the heat of the pan. It will take about 1-2 minutes to cook the mussels. You'll know when they're done when the mussels begin to open.

2. Next, add into the pan: 4 oz chopped onions, 2 oz chopped garlic, 14 oz chopped tomatoes.
Add 2 ounces of sambuca (licorice flavored liquor) - let the alcohol cook off, then add fresh basil, lemon juice and lemon butter sauce to the pan. Cook for 45 seconds.

3. Discard any mussels that did not open. Serve in a large bowl, topped with fresh chopped parsley.

Lemon Butter Sauce
1. Melt butter over low heat;remove from heat and let sit until the milk solids settle to the bottom; skim the clear butter from the top; discard the sediment.

2. Sauté onion and garlic in 2 tbs of the clarified butter until transparent.

3. Stir in lemon juice and white wine and season with salt and pepper.

4.Simmer 2-3 minutes to reduce liquid.

5. Remove from heat and swirl in cold butter until sauce is smooth and butter is melted.

2/23/2012 8:09:34 PM

114652 Posts
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more like bwnfish

2/23/2012 8:10:12 PM

All American
6209 Posts
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you would.

2/23/2012 8:16:43 PM

All American
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Carrabbas Olive Oil Bread Dipping Sauce
* 1 tablespoon minced basil
* 1 tablespoon chopped parsley (Italian is best)
* 1 tablespoon minced garlic
* 1 teaspoon dried thyme
* 1 teaspoon dried oregano
* 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
* ½ teaspoon kosher salt or ½ teaspoon ground sea salt
* ½ teaspoon chopped rosemary
* ¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
* ½ teaspoon olive oil
* 1/8; teaspoon fresh lemon juice


1. Combine all of the ingredients, EXCEPT oil and lemon.
2. Put in a small food processor (I used my little food chopper). Chop briefly until all ingredients are about the same.
3. Stir in oil and lemon juice.
4. TO SERVE: Combine about 1 1/2 teaspoons spice blend to 3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil on a small Dish.

2/23/2012 8:18:17 PM

3870 Posts
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This thread ROCKS!

2/23/2012 8:19:38 PM

11725 Posts
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I used to have a spot on chik fil a copy cat recipe but I lost it when my old laptop died and I can't find it again

2/23/2012 8:26:17 PM

5290 Posts
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here's my chik fil a copycat recipe:

bread chicken in flour

fry in peanut oil


2/23/2012 8:30:54 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Grilled Cheese Sandwich (cracker barrel)

2 slices of bread
2 slices of cheese

Assemble, grill

2/23/2012 8:31:05 PM

11583 Posts
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fuck, ddk, we need that recipe

me and kadwackle are gonna sell that shit on Sundays to both straights AND gays

2/23/2012 8:33:30 PM

19447 Posts
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Here is one Chick-fil-A copycat nugget recipe I have not tried it though.

2/23/2012 8:39:03 PM

11725 Posts
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that looks pretty similar to the one I remember using. except i think the one I used had nutmeg

but omg i would bake it rather than fry it so I didn't feel as bad eating like a pound of chicken nuggets

2/23/2012 8:41:38 PM

11583 Posts
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chick-fil-a chicken strips are marinated in pickle juice?

2/23/2012 8:42:39 PM

11725 Posts
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i read that too on a few copy cat recipes but.....i marinate mine in milk and they turn out great

i feel like pickle juice would make them all.... icky

2/23/2012 8:46:39 PM

41759 Posts
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[Edited on February 23, 2012 at 8:52 PM. Reason : .]

2/23/2012 8:52:14 PM

All American
12559 Posts
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k8, use your science! same shit as marinatin in any acid. then BLACKAH BLOW built in pickle flavor WHAT

2/23/2012 8:53:56 PM

11725 Posts
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there is no way milk is as acidic as pickle juice though. also straight up pickle juice is

2/23/2012 8:55:11 PM

All American
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Paula Deen has a great Red Lobster cheesy garlic biscuit recipe. It comes with a side of diabeetus.

2/23/2012 8:56:03 PM

21958 Posts
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the chicken strips are definitely pickle juice. i wont eat them. pickles make me vomit. chicken nuggets are not.

2/23/2012 9:02:46 PM

11583 Posts
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now i'm reading shit that says they stopped the pickle juice nonsense years ago

2/23/2012 9:05:22 PM

1136 Posts
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Zaxby's Sauce

½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup tomato ketchup
½ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
½-1 teaspoon black pepper

Mix together the mayo, ketchup, and garlic powder, blending well. Add Worcestershire sauce and blend well. Cover the surface of sauce with lots of black pepper until just coated. Blend well. Repeat process covering surface with black pepper and stir until belnded well. Refrigerate for at least two hours prior to use to allow the flavors to mingle. Serve with chicken fingers.

2/23/2012 9:06:07 PM

All American
4670 Posts
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Quote :

That is a statement, not a question. A question mark is not needed.

2/23/2012 11:14:53 PM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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The chick-fil-a "recipe" itt made me think of this:

2/23/2012 11:44:55 PM

114652 Posts
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Quote :
"you would."

2/24/2012 12:26:48 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Are y'all going to Pinterest this thread?

2/24/2012 12:29:27 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Golden Corral Chocolate Fountain

Five pounds of low quality chocolate
A fountain
Live cultures of Hepatitis C

Serve at room temerature

2/24/2012 12:37:06 AM

All American
6209 Posts
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^Omg I actually tried that one before and it tastes EXACTLY like the one they have at GC

2/24/2012 12:55:33 AM

5290 Posts
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Quote :
"The chick-fil-a "recipe" itt made me think of this:"

lol i thought about that after i posted it

2/24/2012 8:25:00 AM

All American
4328 Posts
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they should have an attendant at the chocolate fountain that does all the dipping for you

that would make it much more sanitary and, ergo, much more appealing

2/24/2012 8:38:48 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Copycat Recipes Page [1]  
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