Poor star fish. Pretty cool footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4cX2EPt2zE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
2/29/2012 5:40:17 PM
2/29/2012 5:56:09 PM
2/29/2012 6:01:41 PM
are you fuckin kidding me? that is so awesome
2/29/2012 7:07:44 PM
Holy shit that's amazing
2/29/2012 7:32:28 PM
I hate icy fingers near my starfish.
2/29/2012 7:50:22 PM
me too Mr. Joshuame toowow you can't even tell that's underwater...crayyyyyy cray
2/29/2012 7:55:49 PM
DVR engaged
3/2/2012 12:36:32 AM
Dude is that Alec Baldwin's voice? Also...pretty awesome
3/2/2012 8:04:37 AM
pretty sweet. and yes obviously Alec Baldwin.
3/2/2012 8:08:46 AM
When i saw this thread title i thought it would be about sex.
3/2/2012 8:41:22 AM