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 Message Boards » » The last minute of a hockey game Page [1]  
Burn it all down.
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usually lasts for about a minute...maybe 2.

The last minute of a basketball game, at least 5-10.

2/29/2012 11:04:16 PM

15294 Posts
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I'm not sure if football is a sport or if its a ref-off

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/29/2012 11:05:10 PM

All American
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I've also noticed that hockey is played on ice.

2/29/2012 11:07:57 PM

All American
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The goalie gets to wear whatever color helmet he wants!

That's so silly!

2/29/2012 11:09:17 PM

New Recruit
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Let us pray.

2/29/2012 11:11:02 PM

All American
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after the last minute of soccer games they play more minutes...what's the deal?

2/29/2012 11:12:26 PM

All American
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The final minute of a baseball game lasts exactly 60 seconds.

2/29/2012 11:13:09 PM

15294 Posts
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They let the play finish. Soccer is the superior sport /thread

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/29/2012 11:13:18 PM

All American
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2/29/2012 11:14:59 PM

15294 Posts
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Your average football 'player' runs maybe 4 minutes a game. The rest of the game they're sitting on the sidelines drinking kool-aid or standing 70 yards back watching 2 people run. I get it, Americans like to watch 400lb 7'4 dudes prance around in tights and body armor

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/29/2012 11:16:51 PM

All American
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The last minute of a soccer game

lasts a minute.

2/29/2012 11:17:13 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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Quote :
"They let the play finish. "

they add an estimated amount of time to the end of the game to cover time wasted during penalties and balls being out of bounds and such.

i think.

2/29/2012 11:21:37 PM

15294 Posts
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We are all clearly being serious in this thread

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/29/2012 11:22:44 PM

mainly potato
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your mom goes to college

2/29/2012 11:23:30 PM

148877 Posts
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i like how the referees estimate the time left in a soccer game, precision would be important in every other sport, but not when the game, er match ends 0-0 anyway

2/29/2012 11:26:58 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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In soccer the refs allow extra time so that the team they bet on have a last chance to score.

2/29/2012 11:27:34 PM

148877 Posts
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i thought the refs just paid hooligans to murder opposing refs, oh wait thats never happened in futbol

[Edited on February 29, 2012 at 11:30 PM. Reason : best sport ever]

2/29/2012 11:29:59 PM

15294 Posts
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Half the time in a handegg match is refs trying to figure out if the egg landed within an inch of 10 yards or not. Because the ball I mean egg didn't move at all and its exactly where the guy fell down.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/29/2012 11:30:33 PM

All American
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I think you mean elbow egg

2/29/2012 11:32:11 PM

148877 Posts
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i like when football players get held out of games because of concussions to their brains while soccer players get held out because they flop and pretend their foot is sore, just glad the majority of the 3rd world agrees with me about my sport, its definitely the best since Zambia and Kenya love it

2/29/2012 11:35:18 PM

All American
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We need some of that magic spray stuff in American hospitals, it's apparently a medical miracle.

Players go down with obviously grievous internal injuries, a quick blast of an aerosol can and they are totally fine!

2/29/2012 11:37:13 PM

148877 Posts
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i for one love spending 90 minutes (+ depending on how the officials want to estimate) watching guys jog around a field and never score, soccer is the best

2/29/2012 11:38:16 PM

15294 Posts
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I forgot. Overweight dudes running head on applied directly to the forehead into each other is a skill

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

2/29/2012 11:39:23 PM

45208 Posts
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that overhead throw from the sidelines is pretty boss you have to admit

2/29/2012 11:40:11 PM

15294 Posts
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Baseball is fascinating. So many different plays could happen.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

2/29/2012 11:42:06 PM

148877 Posts
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i like how the worst athletes in the NFL are former soccer players who get paid to kick a ball with their foot

2/29/2012 11:42:53 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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ice, field or tonsil?

2/29/2012 11:43:31 PM

All American
19599 Posts
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I'm ashamed to be a part of this thread

2/29/2012 11:44:22 PM

148877 Posts
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sports arent about competition, they're about jogging around and staying in shape

2/29/2012 11:45:17 PM

15294 Posts
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Implying the most paid athletes are in the NFL

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

2/29/2012 11:46:12 PM

148877 Posts
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rice is the most popular food in the world, therefore its the tastiest

[Edited on February 29, 2012 at 11:48 PM. Reason : dont get me wrong, nancy kerrigan is a great athlete]

2/29/2012 11:47:41 PM

All American
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The NFL, unlike soccer, has precision timing.

However, when they need to measure the matter of an inch, they have two fat guys run from 25 yards away with two sticks.

3/1/2012 12:16:39 AM

148877 Posts
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The NFL Every sport in the world, unlike soccer, has precision timing.

Maybe NFL refs should just estimate the down and distance like soccer does

3/1/2012 12:26:27 AM

All American
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^^ That's a valid point. I've often remarked that they should have laser measuring tools build into the sticks so they could just find out if it's a first down instantly.

Coaches would probably raise a shitstorm though because measurement is often used as and unofficial timeout.

3/1/2012 12:31:54 AM

148877 Posts
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2 instances per 60 minutes of measuring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some corrupt refs guesstimating how long the game should last

the NFL is a bunch of dumb thugs though, nearly brain-dead...Egyptian soccer fans are a lot classier

[Edited on March 1, 2012 at 1:11 AM. Reason : Ron Artest isn't a thug, he only punches fans, he doesn't murder referees]

^good ideas in theory, but how do laser sticks measure when a player's knee/elbow touches the ground?

[Edited on March 1, 2012 at 1:14 AM. Reason : .]

3/1/2012 1:09:40 AM

All American
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^ Probably the same way they'd estimate the length of a soccer game.

3/1/2012 2:05:08 AM

15294 Posts
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Football is a game of complexity and great drama

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/1/2012 4:03:27 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Quote :
"they should have laser measuring tools build into the sticks"

They would need more than that, since the chain crew simply eyeballs where the stakes should be set up on the sideline on first and 10 from 25 yards away also. It would be best if the chains just went away altogether.

3/1/2012 9:24:05 AM

37709 Posts
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I'm just waiting for RFID tags on the football with sensors on the pylons and first down marker

3/1/2012 9:27:39 AM

15126 Posts
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i'd enjoy basketball in general so much more if the endings of games were like hockey games.

it's why I can't stand watching the NBA. give each team 2 timeouts each and be done with it

3/1/2012 11:12:51 AM

15294 Posts
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Yeah the last 2 minutes is really the only bad part of basketball. Watching the same play over and over and over again rules

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/1/2012 11:14:18 AM

All American
45553 Posts
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i'd enjoy basketball in general so much more if every game followed Rock N' Jock rules.

Dan Cortese vs. Bill Bellamy ftw.

3/1/2012 11:31:03 AM

15294 Posts
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The superior sport has opportunities to shoot free points, without any chance for the other team to defend. That is talent right there. I dare anyone in this thread to block a free kick.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/1/2012 11:48:08 AM

All American
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I'd probably do just as well as every other goalie in the world at blocking a free kick.

3/1/2012 2:43:33 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Why do goalies in hockey like to leave the game early? What, are they trying to beat traffic?

3/1/2012 3:10:12 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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i think that we would see a lot less shitty last minutes if they made it where you get 3 free throws for every foul in the last 60 seconds of game time.

3/1/2012 3:38:58 PM

New Recruit
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3/1/2012 3:57:14 PM

148877 Posts
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3/1/2012 5:23:38 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » The last minute of a hockey game Page [1]  
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