Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
hot or not? 3/2/2012 5:00:04 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Some guys can pull it off. Many cannot. 3/2/2012 7:46:13 AM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
from watching No Reservations, I didn't know they can be that expensive. IIRC, Anthony Bourdain dropped some serious cash on one. 3/2/2012 8:24:09 AM
Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, Tommy Bahama shirts start at around $150. 3/2/2012 8:39:44 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
only cool if you are in Hawaii, from Hawaii, or as big as a Hawaiian. All else is referenced to the 1980's and considered "tacky" unless its a Hawaiian themed party or work day... then it's just lame and unoriginal. 3/2/2012 8:45:03 AM
golbasi984 Veteran 427 Posts user info edit post |
It was a question for the ladies.
Jbaz is a pecker checker. 3/2/2012 8:48:06 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
Evan is my BFF...  3/2/2012 8:50:13 AM
darscuzlo All American 1257 Posts user info edit post |
Worked for Tom Selleck, but then that was 30 years ago 3/2/2012 8:56:16 AM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
Acceptable if you are in Hawaii and they are real quality Hawaiian shirts. i.e. not some knockoff, but a true Hawaiian shirt where the pattern continues uninterrupted across the chest and sleeves. 3/2/2012 9:16:24 AM
piddlebug ow 2293 Posts user info edit post |
Ugh, I think they are horrendous...only possible exceptions are if you are in Hawaii, if you are participating in a tacky shirt day, or if you've completely given up hope on getting laid.
Just my personal opinion. 3/2/2012 10:03:19 AM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
I wish my boyfriend wore hawaiian shirts so I could laugh uncontrolably all day. 3/2/2012 10:06:18 AM
Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
Whats the turn off? 3/2/2012 10:08:29 AM
dharney All American 4445 Posts user info edit post |
used to wear them.....didn't get laid.
don't wear them on tww. 3/2/2012 10:12:58 AM
jdennis86 All American 3004 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Hawaiian themed party or work day" |
Hawaiian Shirt Friday the Friday before spring break 3/2/2012 10:21:26 AM
piddlebug ow 2293 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ usually they're ill-fitting, the patterns are too busy and distracting, and if you have a beer gut they greatly accentuate it. 3/2/2012 10:50:05 AM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
GrumpyGOP is gonna be so mad when he reads this thread  3/2/2012 10:53:57 AM
Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
lol. 3/2/2012 11:07:42 AM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
This thread also reminded me of grumpy. 3/2/2012 11:14:45 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "from watching No Reservations, I didn't know they can be that expensive. IIRC, Anthony Bourdain dropped some serious cash on one." |
Yeah I've got one that full price would have been over $100. Thankfully the shop had it on clearance so I didn't pay nearly that much. It kind of looks like this one they currently sell:

[Edited on March 2, 2012 at 11:41 AM. Reason : a] 3/2/2012 11:36:43 AM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
Yes, that's one of the "real" ones I was referencing. See how the pattern continues across the front of the shirt? 3/2/2012 11:44:27 AM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
I bought a bunch of Wrangler hawaiian shirts on the irregular rack at J&R Tobacco Outlet a while back at around $6 each. They're still some of my favorites. The downside is that the gf refuses to touch me if I wear them.
Hawkeye on MASH didn't have that problem.  3/2/2012 11:45:15 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
that actually looks pretty nice... 3/2/2012 11:53:32 AM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
not. at all. 3/2/2012 11:55:47 AM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
unless its Hawaiian shirt day or if you're on vacay
now I like the cut of the shirt...get a cute camp shirt instead 3/2/2012 11:57:24 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ Yeah I like their stuff. It's definitely one of those you get what you pay for things. I even like some of their whole pattern shirts. If I had $80 to blow I'd be tempted to get this one.

I would rock that in the summer time lol. 3/2/2012 12:08:29 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
The one he got on No Reservations was vintage and belonged to someone famous IIRC
It was like $1500 3/2/2012 12:13:25 PM
Beethoven86 All American 3001 Posts user info edit post |
I have quite a few ladies Hawaiian shirts, and I really like the long sleeved ones. But, I get one a year from relatives who live in Hawaii, so it seems like the husband and I have an endless supply.
He loves to wear them. I think they make him look fat. Mine aren't the button down ones, so I think they look feminine and awesome (at the beach, or in Hawaii). 3/2/2012 12:16:01 PM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
I donno if I could ever spend $80 or more for a simple Hawaiian shirt... since I know exactly how much it costs to make one. Then again, my fashion sense for myself is bland and solid colors. No excitement from me. 3/2/2012 12:21:29 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
With the really nice ones though they use nicer, more sturdy fabrics, are often hand screen printed, sewn in the shop, etc. Definitely wouldn't pay anywhere near $80 for some Chinese made knock-off version.
This thread reminds me I should really get my shirt starched and pressed if I plan on wearing it anytime soon. It doesn't look nearly as crisp washing at home all the time. 3/2/2012 12:35:40 PM
GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
I have worn Hawaiian shirts pretty much every day for the last 10+ years. In my experience, women do not find them to be particularly attractive. I wear them anyway because I enjoy them and I'm not going to subject myself to discomfort day in and day out in the ludicrous hope that this one change will be the tipping point between "not getting laid" and "having more sex than I know what to do with."
Sadly I don't own any Tommy Bahama ones. As something of a connoisseur on the subject, I can say that the ones I've seen are very high quality and worth the money to someone who wants a good Hawaiian shirt. Sadly it doesn't matter how "worth it" they are when you "don't have $200 to blow on a shirt."
Edit: And Casey, I ain't mad. I know the Hawaiian shirts aren't exactly a dinner bell for ladies. I wear them for much more important reasons.
[Edited on March 2, 2012 at 12:39 PM. Reason : ] 3/2/2012 12:36:30 PM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
Aww let's all pitch in a gdt grumpy a nice hawaiian shirt 3/2/2012 12:39:46 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i don't think i would recognize you if you had on a polo shirt or something...
it's just part of your personality...and not what i would consider a bad part  3/2/2012 12:41:18 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "don't have $200 to blow on a shirt" |
3/2/2012 12:41:18 PM
GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
At my peak I had more than a hundred of the things, but over the years several of them have worn out and replacements have slowed down...which isn't a bad thing, sooner or later I'll have a real job and need real clothes (though I'll hate it) more than I'll need 100 Hawaiian shirts. As they wear out my mom collects them to make into the pimpingest-ass quilt ever.
[Edited on March 2, 2012 at 12:47 PM. Reason : Not all Republicans are rich, some of us are just poor people who want to hang people & shoot guns] 3/2/2012 12:43:48 PM
ncsuallday Sink the Flagship 9818 Posts user info edit post |
Have you ever been to Hawaii? or any tropical destination where such shirts are commonplace? 3/2/2012 2:08:32 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I wanna see a pic of that quilt when she finishes it. I bet it'll be amazing. 3/2/2012 2:37:35 PM
GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
I have never been to Hawaii, and I'm not sure you'd call any of my destinations "tropical." At any rate, I've never been anywhere they were common. Normally if someone else is wearing one they stand out, and I'll try to at least nod in their direction or say, "Nice shirt." Because people need to be encouraged when they don the Hawaiian.
Since I'm doing laundry anyway, figured I'd grab a quick shot of part of the collection...

[Edited on March 2, 2012 at 4:35 PM. Reason : it's a shitty picture but I'm too lazy to get them all together] 3/2/2012 4:25:32 PM
kdogg(c) All American 3494 Posts user info edit post |
Lived in Hawaii for two years, and I have numerous Hawaiian shirts.
If you have to ask women what they think of Hawaiian shirts, you might as well turn in your man card and not wear the shirts. 3/2/2012 7:13:12 PM
ComputerGuy (IN)Sensitive 5052 Posts user info edit post |
I fucking love my hawaiian shirts. 3/2/2012 7:20:15 PM
thegoodoctor All American 1670 Posts user info edit post |
not hot 3/2/2012 8:27:26 PM
Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
I guess I learned something new. There are camp shirts and there are Hawaiian shirts. Hawaiian shirts are camp shirts but not all camp shirts are Hawaiian. With that out of the way I have both. I think when most people think of Hawaiian shirts they think of this:

The shirt wolfpackgrrr showed is more inline with what I like, but I also like WW II themed camp shirts with warbirds and ships on them. I wear these when I go boating or go flying

I also have a few in this style:
 I where these when I go out with my significant other. So, I'm not wearing these to get laid.... that is gonna happen.
I also have some really hideous ones that are for parties only.
I spend a lot of time of time around the Pacific rim lately, Hawaii, Southern Ca, Japan, Korea and other areas. I see Hawaiian shirts mostly where you would expect, but its not like everyone in HI is wearing one, but I have seen more people wearing them in CA and Japan and its mostly white guys.
[Edited on March 2, 2012 at 9:44 PM. Reason : ] 3/2/2012 9:15:12 PM
GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
People fail to realize that some Hawaiian shirts are pretty understated, even more so than the last one pictured. And of course, some are bright and colorful and busy and gaudy as holy hell. There is a time and place for all of these shirts. 3/2/2012 9:39:38 PM
HCH All American 3895 Posts user info edit post |
This thread is hilarious.
Keep fighting the good fight GrumpyGOP. Don't let anyone knock your personal style. 3/2/2012 9:52:58 PM
GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
I love some of the theories people have on Hawaiian shirts:
1) Only fat and/or guys wear them, I guess because they're loose-fitting. And maybe fat and old guys do wear them, but I started when I was 16 and still thin.
2) Hawaiian shirts are favored by gays. This is flat-out false. I've never seen nor heard of a gay man wearing one of these, possibly because they have better taste/more give-a-fuck about clothes than I do.
3) Hawaiian shirts are just for the summer. False. I get most of the genuinely positive comments on them during winter, because they remind people of happier times. Now, I couldn't give half a fuck about people who disparage the shirts, but it brings a smile to my face when someone tells me I've made them feel warm on a cold winter's day.
I would be happy to continue to dispel any Hawaiian shirt myths many of you may have.
[side note: until reading this thread I did not know there was any connection between Tom Selleck and Hawaiian shirts. So I've learned something too!] 3/2/2012 11:28:30 PM
Eaton Bush All American 2342 Posts user info edit post |
Man, that is all I hear is "Magnum" when I were one. I have one friend who does the theme song when he sees me in one. 3/2/2012 11:31:23 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |

we threw a hawaiian shirt party many years ago, although me and my roommates were the only ones to actually wear hawaiian shirts (esgargs spotting)
3/3/2012 12:01:17 AM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
personally, i love hawaiian shirts.
now i want to stock up for summer!  3/3/2012 12:04:45 AM
GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
Women in Hawaiian shirts might as well be unicorns for how rarely I see them. 3/3/2012 12:15:09 AM
EMACK105 All American 580 Posts user info edit post |
^dont get to many dyke joints? 3/3/2012 12:31:47 AM
MisterGreen All American 4328 Posts user info edit post |

Quote : | "I wear these when I go boating or go flying" |
i wear these never 3/3/2012 12:36:42 AM