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 Message Boards » » 2012: Ice Age Page [1]  
Sup, B
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already shaping up to be better than Swamp Volcano.

1st off, the US navy launches fighter jets from WWII Battleships.
The navy has a strange aircraft that looks like an F-16 one moment, then an F-15, then an F-22, and then an F-16.
Firing sidewinders at a glacier will break off chunks the size of skyscrapers and send them flying into the air.
A glacier can move at super-sonic speeds from the arctic circle, reaching Maine in a matter of an hour

after a giant glacier-snowstorm that causes a massive pileup, there will be no bodies or people anywhere near the pileup

[Edited on March 3, 2012 at 3:05 PM. Reason : ]

3/3/2012 2:59:10 PM

All American
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3/3/2012 3:08:38 PM

Sup, B
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in order to go supersonic, B-1B bombers fly with their wings fully extended.

An advancing glacier-storm will freeze people solid in seconds

"It gets so creepy when it gets dark in the middle of the night"

you can make almost half a movie using nothing more than a back alley, a sedan, and a van. But I already knew this from BangBus

The US Military uses CBs for communication, and anyone can listen in to them

the only person you will meet on a backed up highway full of cars is a crazy drugged out guy

the proper response to a crazy drugged out guy beating on your car with a stick is not to move at all.

when youre outside in a freakish blizzard, no one shivers

when rummaging through a house for food, the best place to look is a 5-year old's bedroom

this speeding glacier that made it from the article circle to maine in less than an hour will take a few hours to get to NY. you know, so you can save your daughter

[Edited on March 3, 2012 at 3:41 PM. Reason : ]

3/3/2012 3:13:05 PM

Sup, B
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random ass grunts in the national guard doing curfew sweeps will know everything about the military's response to a speeding glacier. and he'll tell it to you, after stopping a black guy from mugging you in a back alley. because everyone knows that black guys will mug you

you must bleep out the word "balls"

when landing in the middle of a break-away-glacier-induced blizzard in July at an airport with no one responding to your landing calls, the runway will be completely clean of snow.

when you airplane makes a crash landing due to being out of fuel, your airplane will leak fuel on the runway and explode

the parking cop that bitches at you when you don't move your car from the drop off lane at the airport will also greet you on the runway in the middle of a blizzard within 3 minutes after you crash your Cessna to berate you for crashing

when people freak out in an emergency shelter because shit is falling from the sky, no one will move, much less try to get to the exits

the part of new jersey just outside the GW bridge looks exactly like a rural country town in NC

people will need a cop to point out that the GW bridge, which they can see, is out.

you can easily hack into the cell network to track someone's cell-phone's GPS, using a cell-phone, even if you've never done it before. in about 30 seconds!

when you are trying to find someone, fire a gun in the air. it will instantly revive them

also, when you find her, knowing that you only had a few minutes left before all hell breaks loose, it's good to hug her for about a minute.

the inside of the statue of liberty is made up of steel and brick, and you can climb to the top of its internal stairs in 30 seconds

[Edited on March 3, 2012 at 4:07 PM. Reason : ]

3/3/2012 3:44:11 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » 2012: Ice Age Page [1]  
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