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15294 Posts
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Every day millions of baby foreskins are snipped and thrown away. Think of the sheer weight of all that flesh. There has to be some use. A couple ideas i've had so far are iPhone covers, ear plugs maybe rinds- could call 'em forek-rinds

This has been a Krallum presentation

3/13/2012 2:14:17 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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night light lamp shade

3/13/2012 2:20:03 AM

All American
17118 Posts
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Remo's new line of drum heads

condoms for those with latex allergy

Saran's new eco-friendly food storage wrap

steering wheel covers

skin grafts for burn victims

fried dickle-chips

3/13/2012 2:33:27 AM

15294 Posts
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I'd rock a wallet

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/13/2012 2:51:38 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"skin grafts for burn victims"

I'm 80% sure they already do this.

Also, supposedly there are stem cells there that can replace more controversial embryonic ones.

3/13/2012 4:00:04 AM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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Foreskin Face Cream and Other Beauty Products of the Future

3/13/2012 4:50:47 AM

All American
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replacement eyelids

3/13/2012 8:03:31 AM

All American
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For ladies who want extra flappy vaginas.

3/13/2012 10:09:15 AM

All American
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butt hole reconstruction surgery.

3/13/2012 10:14:43 AM

8379 Posts
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oh gross.

i googled that and found out anus removal is a thing

3/13/2012 10:24:51 AM

All American
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^well yea, if you have chrohn's disease... why are you googling asshole removals anyway?

were you trying to find a way to get rid of EMCE?

3/13/2012 10:32:19 AM

8379 Posts
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well i googled anus reconstruction. found a forum post made by a woman whose husbands anus was being removed

also read about a 2 year old in india who was born without one

all in all, it really made me appreciate being able to poop

3/13/2012 10:35:03 AM

All American
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i tell you what- the internet has gotten super sensitive about lil boy circumcision in the past couple years. all sorts of crazies on the facebooks

3/13/2012 10:35:11 AM

8379 Posts
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most first world countries have a <20% circumcision rate. are they all crazy?

3/13/2012 10:39:45 AM

35780 Posts
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i wouldn't want a foreskin iPhone case. i would hate having to pull it back every night and clean the dust out.

3/13/2012 11:04:39 AM

15294 Posts
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Okay so if you had foreskin iphone cover would using your phone be more or less pleasurable?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/13/2012 11:08:07 AM

All American
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i could give a shit either way, and when it's all said and done, i think most guys feel the same least when it comes to their OWN dick. the only people bitching about circumcision are the ones that try to tell other families what to do.

it should be totally up to the parents. i mean, seriously, what circumcised dude ever sat around ruing the day his parents chose to circumcise him?

3/13/2012 11:26:46 AM

All American
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paging disco_stu

3/13/2012 11:33:55 AM

15294 Posts
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This is not about whether or not people should be snipped its about what to DO with all the excess skin. Just think how many pounds a day of baby foreskin is going unused!

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/13/2012 11:39:21 AM

8379 Posts
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But Moses' wife, Zipporah, took a flint knife and circumcised her son. She touched his feet with the foreskin and said, "Now you are a bridegroom of blood to me."

3/13/2012 11:41:10 AM

All American
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I got an idea: let's use them as penis-covers

3/13/2012 1:00:59 PM

Eaton Bush
All American
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Put them all together and make a complete dick... like krallum.

Quote :
"replacement eyelids"

Side effects include being cockeyed

[Edited on March 13, 2012 at 3:37 PM. Reason : ]

3/13/2012 3:33:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I got an idea: let's use them as penis-covers"

like a condom for those who like the natural feel? disposable or reusable I wonder

3/13/2012 3:55:52 PM

balls deep
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Quote :
" why are you googling asshole removals anyway?

were you trying to find a way to get rid of EMCE?"

Holy fuck.... Ouch

3/13/2012 3:57:03 PM

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Let's put the skin of lambs around our dicks when we have sex

3/13/2012 3:57:39 PM

All American
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ugh, condoms are gross

3/13/2012 4:00:01 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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^^^ that was mean of me. I am sorry.

[Edited on March 13, 2012 at 4:10 PM. Reason : .]

3/13/2012 4:10:40 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"like a condom for those who like the natural feel? disposable or reusable I wonder"

they could be used as foreskins

3/13/2012 4:13:50 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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Quote :
"it should be totally up to the parents. i mean, seriously, what circumcised dude ever sat around ruing the day his parents chose to circumcise him?"

it is always a good idea to educate oneself about a subject before expounding on it.

3/13/2012 4:18:36 PM

All American
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3/13/2012 4:25:42 PM

Save TWW
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it does seem kinda crazy that they are still being done in this day and age.

a religious ritual being universally performed, no questions asked

[Edited on March 13, 2012 at 5:46 PM. Reason : I guess it is nowhere near universal, but still]

3/13/2012 5:45:28 PM

5052 Posts
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I hear it's more pleasurable if uncut.


3/13/2012 5:56:56 PM

All American
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I gotta say, I have seen an uncircumsized penis not something I would want to write home about, or get close too.

granted that was my one and only time seeing an uncircumsized penis, and it was skinny and favored the right side, almost like a backward j.

3/13/2012 6:21:22 PM

Bee Hugger
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Every one of my female friends are creeped out by uncut dongs.

Hence, if I ever had a son, he would be snipped. Religion has nothing to do with it.

3/13/2012 6:28:40 PM

All American
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^yeah, i don't think it's that much about religion at all in the united states. it's so ingrained into our culture, most people think uncut dongs look strange. i'm glad i'm cut.

3/13/2012 6:32:51 PM

Bee Hugger
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Although, if it's 9 inches, I am sure most of my female friends would get used to the extra skin

3/13/2012 6:33:55 PM

All American
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most females i know are creeped out by things they don't have any experience with. I'm going to do my part to make sure this continues.

3/13/2012 7:18:22 PM

45208 Posts
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I didn't click on this thread the whole time I was at work because I was sure there would be dick pics.

TWW, I am disappoint.

3/13/2012 7:23:25 PM

16786 Posts
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A dicksuckin discussion

3/13/2012 7:25:04 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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you want to see dick sweaters?

3/13/2012 7:25:10 PM

45208 Posts
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Show me dick sweaters

3/13/2012 7:25:29 PM

Save TWW
38106 Posts
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if a girl has seen an uncut w/ the "hood up" so to speak, then he must not have been too excited when he took his pants off. if your penis is flaccid the first time a girl sees it, you are doing something wrong.

[Edited on March 13, 2012 at 9:24 PM. Reason : "i'm gonna cut off a piece of my baby's body b/c there is a small chance it will get him laid more"]

3/13/2012 9:23:15 PM

All American
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You know...I think it's funny when I tell someone I'll let my kid decide if he wants to be circumcised. The reaction from the pro-malegenitalmutilationcrowd is usually "fuck that, I wouldn't get it done as an adult. It would hurt like shit."
Ok. If you wouldn't do it as a grown ass man why would you do it to a baby?

So djeternal, let's pretend you have a foreskin. Would you have it removed now if it meant you got laid?

hehe, this pic is funny. I see trees that grow together like this when I'm out doing field work. It's not nearly as cool on a dude's penis as it is on a tree though.

[Edited on March 13, 2012 at 11:53 PM. Reason : pic]

3/13/2012 11:49:00 PM

All American
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I remember dating a guy that had a penis like this. Freaked me out! I've only seen one that wasn't circumcised and then.......this one also. Yikes.

3/14/2012 12:09:29 AM

The E Man
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Sushi wrap

3/14/2012 12:12:11 AM

21958 Posts
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that is a skin bridge, a circumcision complication, not an uncut penis. that is one of many things that can and do go wrong.

i am against circumcision. it is socially sanctioned child abuse. i think they all look the same erect.

[Edited on March 14, 2012 at 4:15 AM. Reason : .]

3/14/2012 4:14:24 AM

15294 Posts
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Quote :
"Ok. If you wouldn't do it as a grown ass man why would you do it to a baby?"

People this is quality trolling.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/14/2012 10:37:57 AM

All American
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It's a serious question to make people think a little harder than the "durr...i'm cut, my son should be cut" bullshit

3/14/2012 12:07:54 PM

8379 Posts
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and "some girls think it's more attractive" even though most of the world is uncircumcised

3/14/2012 12:11:55 PM

All American
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I think uncircumcised penises look better. If a dude asks a girl if she thinks an uncircumcised penis looks good wouldn't you think her answer would be skewed by 1-never having seen one in person or 2-her answering whatever she thinks the dude wants to hear?

Why would you ever want to run the risk of an adhesion/skin bridge, missing chunks of penis head, ugly scars, or too tight skin? It'd suck to have to explain to your boy that his penis looks like a burn victim because you thought it would look better cut.

3/14/2012 12:45:27 PM

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