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 Message Boards » » I'm announcing my Candidacy for 2012! Page [1]  
13178 Posts
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Hey guys,

Today I'm announcing my candidacy for the 2012 Presidential Election for the Republicrat party. I don't believe in choosing sides, but rather trying to make everyone happy.

Just some bullet points on my positions:

-Lower taxes! This is a must to stimulate the economy
-Free Healthcare for all! Don't worry, it's not mandated it's just provided, like I95.
-$2.49/gallon gas! I have a 3 point plan.
-Increase the social safety net! Poor people hurt the economy.
-Decrease our debt
-More wars! The only way to get more countries to take us seriously is to threaten them.
-More Jobs! Our current president isn't doing anything to return jobs to the wolf web. I will!
-Help the middle class! There has been a war on it since 1876. It's time to end it and sign the peace treaty.
-Expand border protection! AMERICA
-Let illegal immigrants stay but not give them citizenship. We'll mildly go after businesses who hire illegal immigrants. Enough to satisfy everyone.
-Homosexual marriage, except we won't call it marriage, we'll call it gayrage. It's like marriage, but it's for gay people. And we'll make it cool with cool advertisements and stuff. Maybe like a band or something. Only gay people can do it! THAT'S RIGHT, NO STRAIGHT PEOPLE CAN PARTICIPATE! TAKE THAT YOU HETERO HOMOPHOBES!
-Decrease the power of the executive branch.
-More executive orders.
-Keep America safe with more protection. It's unAmerican if you want to see terrorists win!
-Legalize marijuana.
-%100 tax on marijuana. Maybe only make it available to people who are gayraged.
-Decreased spending.
-Government subsidized college education.
-Better medicare.
-Removal of medicaid while integrating it with medicare.

Feel free to ask me questions.

merbig 2012!

3/17/2012 1:54:24 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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I want a job in the state department

3/17/2012 2:00:15 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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what exactly is considered the state department

3/17/2012 2:03:06 PM

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3/17/2012 2:03:42 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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Quote :
"-More Jobs! Our current president isn't doing anything to return jobs to the wolf web. I will!"

This is true.

3/17/2012 2:03:45 PM

All American
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3/17/2012 2:05:20 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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so when I hear "state department" they do actually mean "department of state"

wasn't sure if it just meant any federal jerb lol

3/17/2012 2:12:11 PM

All American
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3/17/2012 2:13:57 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Chit Chat doesn't care, soap box might.

3/17/2012 2:16:31 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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the time out of your life spent typing that was not worth the miniscule amount of humor presented

should have done a cost-benefit analysis

3/17/2012 2:22:13 PM

16786 Posts
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I'd rather vote for santorum

3/17/2012 2:25:20 PM

15294 Posts
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I'm in my twenties and I've never voted but I will argue on youtube in your favor. I care about the issues

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/17/2012 2:32:35 PM

13178 Posts
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Thank you guys for your support! I really think I have a shot. You can find me in the national republicrat caucus on April 15th.

3/17/2012 3:33:34 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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i'm announcing my konydacy for march

3/17/2012 3:40:14 PM

16786 Posts
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I'm sorry to inform the public that Merbig is dropping out of the race due to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

3/17/2012 4:15:46 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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it would be cool to be elected president in your 20's, you'd pull mad pussy

3/17/2012 4:59:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I'm announcing my Candidacy for 2012! Page [1]  
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