Hey this is pretty fun..http://drawception.com/How it Works1) A player begins a game with a short phrase - for example, "A cow jumping over the moon"2) A randomly chosen player then draws that phrase3) Another random player describes the new drawing4) Yet another player draws the new description5) Steps 3 and 4 repeat until 12 unique players have participatedExamples:http://drawception.com/viewgame/1WnLHTfWa8/http://drawception.com/viewgame/mFh1LwxSRT/
3/29/2012 2:46:52 PM
Its pretty clear to me that you searchedI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
3/29/2012 2:50:31 PM
My thread is better.
3/29/2012 2:51:20 PM
jesus was like, repost
3/29/2012 2:51:46 PM