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 Message Boards » » TWW Lottery Pool Page [1]  
All American
23306 Posts
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Since its near half a billion dollars...anyone on here wanna go in on tickets?

the more the merrier. I say everyone put in $10 and we split whatever we win by whoever is in the pool

any interest?

and yes i know its like throwing money away but...theres still a chance!

3/29/2012 5:59:50 PM

15294 Posts
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UNC will closer than us

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/29/2012 6:01:23 PM

All American
6421 Posts
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Put me down for $10 lafta dollars.

3/29/2012 6:01:27 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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Put me down for $10 lafta dollars.

3/29/2012 6:01:49 PM

All American
23306 Posts
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no lafta bucks.

all dat 190% american Dollars.

3/29/2012 6:03:02 PM

All American
6421 Posts
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fuck your legal tender

3/29/2012 6:06:34 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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would consider, send pm if it materializes

3/29/2012 6:11:08 PM

45912 Posts
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I would, if I knew I could trust you.

I went in a pool with myself. If we win, I split it 20 ways with myself.

3/29/2012 6:26:37 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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I bet if I went in on the lottery pool with wdprice3, and I picked a lucky ticked, I would get Trayvon'd

3/29/2012 6:29:40 PM

All American
12710 Posts
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^2 lollercoaster

Exactly what I was thinking - I'll be damned if I go into a lottery pool with random people on the interwebz

[Edited on March 29, 2012 at 6:30 PM. Reason : .]

3/29/2012 6:30:01 PM

5290 Posts
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didn't we try this before and paypal shut it down?

3/29/2012 6:31:06 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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Split the winnings, huh?

Sounds like a hell of a deal.

3/29/2012 6:31:48 PM

All American
19599 Posts
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If I put my money in the mail today, when should I anticipate a return on investment?

3/29/2012 6:35:11 PM

All American
17605 Posts
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I never buy lottery tickets, but this is worth throwing $10 at. Yes, I know the odds are astronomical.

3/29/2012 6:41:01 PM


15145 Posts
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I'm in for $10

The larger the pool the better, and when the pot gets huge sometimes you can have a positive expected value.

How are people going to pay you? Mail a 10 dollarbuck bill?

3/29/2012 6:44:35 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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Quote :
"didn't we try this before and paypal shut it down?"

I think Paypal found the thread about the lottery and asking people to send the money via paypal

So yeah, they said to not do that again.

3/29/2012 6:47:08 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Don't waste your money I have the winning ticket in my wallet

3/29/2012 6:54:47 PM

All American
23306 Posts
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Quote :
"I would, if I knew I could trust you."

If everyone is in Raleigh we would just meet up at some random gas station and go from there.

we could start a paypal account with someone on here that everyone knows...all up to you ppl.

Im in.

that looks to be at least 5 that are interested.

3/29/2012 7:16:27 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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already bought my ticket


3/29/2012 7:42:58 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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I plan on winning this one myself. And when I do, I will buy a lifetime premie membership.

3/29/2012 8:23:06 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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if this pool actually won, you fuckers would go batshit crazy about how to split up the money, and eventually end up killing each other

there would be an epic "lottery won" thread followed by "a JT3bucky found hacked to pieces" thread

3/29/2012 8:29:48 PM

45912 Posts
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1. Need a written contract.
2. Each person signs said contract.
3. Each person gets a copy of said contract.
4. Each person gets a copy of each ticket purchased with pool money.
5. I'm armed, so don't fuck with my winnings.
6. Add in the contract that if a pool member wins with a personal ticket (i.e. non-pool ticket) then he/she will give pool members back, at a minimum, the amount they put in the pool... just to share a taste of the love.

[Edited on March 29, 2012 at 9:03 PM. Reason : .]

3/29/2012 9:01:55 PM

All American
23306 Posts
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if ANY of the numbers on the tickets the pool buys wins, we split up the winnings.

but I like the contracts ideas.

so theres like at least 7 of us now. $10 buy in.

PM me and lets get a legit talk going about this.

3/29/2012 9:32:10 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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I'm down. how we doing this?

3/29/2012 9:34:33 PM

All American
23306 Posts
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only 3 PMs so far.

looking to get at least 10 in this.

3/29/2012 10:56:57 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Pm sent

3/29/2012 11:15:02 PM

All American
23306 Posts
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5 as of now. looking 5 more.

3/29/2012 11:18:48 PM

11687 Posts
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3/30/2012 9:54:09 AM

35780 Posts
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how can i know for sure you people won't screw me?

3/30/2012 9:56:46 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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this sounds like a good idea

Quote :
"1. Need a written contract.
2. Each person signs said contract.
3. Each person gets a copy of said contract.
4. Each person gets a copy of each ticket purchased with pool money.
5. I'm armed, so don't fuck with my winnings.
6. Add in the contract that if a pool member wins with a personal ticket (i.e. non-pool ticket) then he/she will give pool members back, at a minimum, the amount they put in the pool... just to share a taste of the love.

3/30/2012 9:59:51 AM

428 Posts
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We did this before and its was a success, however, we didn't win. What we did was everyone sent the money to one person as a "gift" in paypal so paypal fees would not be taken out. Then one person bought the tickets and took clear pictures of each ticket with the numbers and emailed it to everyone involved.

3/30/2012 10:03:17 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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^yeah, we bought like $100 worth of tickets or something and didnt win that much

I was trying to find the thread about it earlier and couldn't find it

3/30/2012 10:05:18 AM

35780 Posts
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if I won I would buy TWW from Ken and then ban BubbleBobble, fire EMCE, and upload meatspin on the mainpage.

3/30/2012 11:31:07 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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Bought some scratch-offs along with my Mega-Millions tickets and won $50, so I'm in it for free, WOOT!

3/30/2012 12:13:20 PM


15145 Posts
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It's hardly worth the effort for a $100 pool.

3/30/2012 12:47:02 PM


15145 Posts
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so you have to buy it today or something, no?

3/30/2012 2:13:59 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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Yes, unless no one wins tonight. Then it just keeps going up.

3/30/2012 2:14:34 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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If we win I would invest half of my share in glorious mutual funds and take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities.

3/30/2012 2:19:02 PM


15145 Posts
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If I won I would put it in the bank or whatever and go swimming in the Durham quarry for free.

then I'd prob get shot.

3/30/2012 2:26:01 PM

All American
23306 Posts
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we have 10 if we really want to do this.

is everyone in raleigh?

3/30/2012 5:18:06 PM

All American
4549 Posts
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we have 220 tickets in our office pool

3/30/2012 5:23:08 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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hrm 215 people work in the ER ... if everyone put in for 10 tickets ... 2000 tickets

how many combinations are there theoretically again ?

3/30/2012 5:24:55 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » TWW Lottery Pool Page [1]  
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