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 Message Boards » » Arkansas is the best state to be a pervert teacher Page [1]  
41759 Posts
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but only in High School.

3/30/2012 11:40:28 AM

All American
19640 Posts
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Eh I'm not totally against this. The law in NC is basically if you are a school employee and you got caught sleeping with a student from your district you could be charged. My problem was what if you are a school district employee in a large district (like Wake) and you meet somebody outside of work and then find out they are of legal age, but still a student at another school. I know it is a very specific case, but if they are two consenting adults of otherwise legal age and one is not in a position of authority over the other, then I don't have a problem with it legally. If it is the teacher doing it I do not have a problem with it legally either, but I do have a problem with it ethically. They should easily lose their jobs, but again if they are both of age and consenting, then its tough to say that person should spend their next 30 years in prison.

3/30/2012 12:21:04 PM

16786 Posts
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fuck yes!

finally, some freedom.

3/30/2012 12:31:30 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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but dating a student you are teaching is a big big no no big time

[Edited on March 30, 2012 at 12:33 PM. Reason : v]

3/30/2012 12:33:01 PM

All American
3958 Posts
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Yeah, I'm cool with this. Lose their job and/or license? Sure. But don't throw them in jail for it.

3/30/2012 12:41:22 PM

35780 Posts
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where were all these blowjob giving teachers when i was in school!?

3/30/2012 12:42:10 PM

41759 Posts
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Pussification of America Reversed?

3/31/2012 5:39:05 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"where were all these blowjob giving teachers when i was in school!?"

blowing the good looking boys probably

3/31/2012 5:55:45 PM

All American
11921 Posts
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Quote :
"Eh I'm not totally against this. The law in NC is basically if you are a school employee and you got caught sleeping with a student from your district you could be charged. My problem was what if you are a school district employee in a large district (like Wake) and you meet somebody outside of work and then find out they are of legal age, but still a student at another school. I know it is a very specific case, but if they are two consenting adults of otherwise legal age and one is not in a position of authority over the other, then I don't have a problem with it legally. If it is the teacher doing it I do not have a problem with it legally either, but I do have a problem with it ethically. They should easily lose their jobs, but again if they are both of age and consenting, then its tough to say that person should spend their next 30 years in prison."


A lot of companies don't allow married couples, or two people that are dating to work in the same department, or even for the company. If they do and the boss finds out then they are fired, yet if one of them was working at any other company in the world they could bwn everyday and no one would care. Teaching shouldn't be any different than any other career.

3/31/2012 9:02:28 PM

Sup, B
53286 Posts
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well, the only problem with that thinking is that, in general, there's no other career where you are actually given in loco parentis authority over someone.

3/31/2012 9:04:09 PM

All American
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^True, but it is still the same thing. If you get caught bwning with the people who are around you at work, YOU'RE FIRED! This is consensual sex we are talking about, not rape. The difference here vs any other company is sex = passing grades instead of sex = promotion.

[Edited on March 31, 2012 at 10:12 PM. Reason : .]

3/31/2012 10:11:15 PM

Sup, B
53286 Posts
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sorry, misread what you were saying. I thought you were trying to say that teachers should be allowed to bwn students

3/31/2012 10:45:06 PM

All American
52916 Posts
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Quote :
"Lose their job and/or license? Sure. But don't throw them in jail for it."

3/31/2012 11:18:25 PM

41759 Posts
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I would bwn a teacher for better grades.

Hell I would bwn a teacher just to bwn a teacher.

Or just to bwn.

4/1/2012 12:25:17 AM

All American
11921 Posts
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^^^The other big issue with stuff like this is, what happens when they break up? The teacher could give the student failing grades for no reason at all.

4/1/2012 2:02:17 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Arkansas is the best state to be a pervert teacher Page [1]  
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