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no u
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so I can actually get shit done and not sit on my ass staring at my idiot box

talk me out of it TWW

4/5/2012 8:02:50 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Probably be better off quitting t-dub

4/5/2012 8:07:59 AM

45912 Posts
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4/5/2012 8:10:57 AM

37709 Posts
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1) cut tv service
2) keep internet
3) get netflix on your sexbox
4) ???
5) profit

4/5/2012 8:12:35 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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I haven't had cable in a year and a half. I'm still in the process of going insane

4/5/2012 8:12:50 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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OTA: $free
netflix: $8/month
hulu plus: $8/month
VUDU: $2/movie

at $18/month (after tax), you have access to most (i assume) of what you watch...and you can just order movies as you want them

for $30/month, i get basic digital's worth it to me to pay the extra bit for the convenience, but to each their own

4/5/2012 8:20:26 AM

32337 Posts
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just cancel and download the shows you want

4/5/2012 8:25:11 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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We canceled our cable months ago and I don't miss it one bit.

4/5/2012 8:25:31 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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guys the goal here is to not watch tv, not save money

[Edited on April 5, 2012 at 8:34 AM. Reason : please guys i have a match tonight]

4/5/2012 8:33:53 AM

32337 Posts
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cancel it and be a man

4/5/2012 8:34:36 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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I'm thinking about cancelling my directv and getting AppleTV. Only because of money and not because of watching too much TV. Worried about how I'll be able to watch my sports though.

4/5/2012 8:36:00 AM

All American
24674 Posts
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how much is just straight internet? last time I played with the idea of cancelling cable, the cost of internet was too high to make it worth it

4/5/2012 8:37:10 AM

All American
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My straight internet is only $24 a month. I use AT&T and it's much better than any Comcast/Time Warner internet I've had.

4/5/2012 8:37:57 AM

All American
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I'm pretty sure you can just restart your service if you start to go nuts so just do it. They'll probably start calling with some sweet customer retention deals so be ready for that. TV is mostly bullshit anyway, I have it on but at least half the time it's just background noise to whatever else I'm actually doing.

4/5/2012 8:38:34 AM

37709 Posts
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I wish we could ditch Time Warner but there just isn't anything else out here. I looked into Windstream since the previous tenants got a bunch of unpaid bills from them (so surely they'd get service here) but they don't offer internet around here. Its a shame too, because they allow ESPN360 on the sexbox with internet only packages.

^Yeah, my buddy cut the cable awhile back and was internet only for awhile...but he called Time Warner with a service issue question and ended up back on cable TV

[Edited on April 5, 2012 at 8:43 AM. Reason : lkj]

4/5/2012 8:42:14 AM

All American
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we dont have AT&T in our neighborhood, or I wouldve switched to u-verse already. It was something stupid like $70/month for internet only, so by the time we got hulu, netflix, etc we were paying almost the same as our cable/internet package. I mostly only watch tv for sports, so we would have to figure out how to get all of the channels to watch games on

too much trouble

4/5/2012 8:46:54 AM

5052 Posts
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4/5/2012 8:49:33 AM

Garage Mod
12301 Posts
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^ watching live sports is the main issue I went back to cable after doing the internet only + OTA TV.

4/5/2012 8:51:24 AM

15294 Posts
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TV is the opium of the masses

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

4/5/2012 9:01:14 AM

11149 Posts
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Sports is the only time it is really annoying not having TV. We do have an antenna and pick up local stations though. Also, I can't handle commercials anymore. After being away from them for a year and a half, I don't think I will ever want cable again.

I think I will start reading more and watching less netflix.

4/5/2012 9:07:18 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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sunday ticket and speed channel are what keep me paying for tv. you just can't download american race coverage

[Edited on April 5, 2012 at 9:10 AM. Reason : or nfl ]

4/5/2012 9:10:02 AM

All American
21537 Posts
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here's some pooper literature;txt

4/5/2012 9:18:05 AM

All American
3051 Posts
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my TWC 2-year Price lock guarantee contract is up next month

I'm probably gonna cancel cable and maybe get an antenna, possibly Netflix

need to find an affordable provider of internet and landline phone

4/5/2012 9:18:47 AM

All American
9053 Posts
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Canceled mine about a year ago and haven't looked back...the only time i miss it is for sporting events.

4/5/2012 9:34:35 AM


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4/5/2012 9:37:20 AM

All American
10774 Posts
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you can often find streams of sporting events, its not HD but the shit is free

4/5/2012 11:39:41 AM

All American
24674 Posts
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Quote :
"my TWC 2-year Price lock guarantee contract is up next month

I'm probably gonna cancel cable and maybe get an antenna, possibly Netflix

need to find an affordable provider of internet and landline phone"

good luck, that was my plan when we bought our new house. Two weeks without cable or internet later (cause I couldnt figure out the most cost-effective solution) and I succumbed to the TWC overlords

4/5/2012 11:42:57 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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People talking about streaming sports on some illegal grainy feed that buffers and could get shut down any moment...

That doesn't work. Maybe as a one time deal, but having to do that everytime a big game comes on would just be a monumental pain in the ass. And forget having friends over to watch the game. TNT, ESPN, MLB Network...these are absolute musts, and I'll probably keep paying these ludicrous prices for them.

4/5/2012 11:47:30 AM

45912 Posts
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4/5/2012 11:48:45 AM

All American
21263 Posts
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4/5/2012 11:53:11 AM

All American
24674 Posts
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I'm not trying to watch games with ads or inside a little popup window on my laptop.

[Edited on April 5, 2012 at 11:53 AM. Reason : asdf]

4/5/2012 11:53:26 AM

21958 Posts
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We have a Roku in one room and a Boxee Box in another room. My husband got the Boxee box for free through his work. I, personally, love the Roku.

4/5/2012 11:57:24 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Quote :
"TNT, ESPN, MLB Network...these are absolute musts"

For stuff on ESPN, you can watch on ESPN3 without a cable subscription. MLB games are on MLB.TV. Not sure about TNT but if NBA is what you're after, don't they have a streaming service also? And those are all available on set-top boxes.

My point is that it's possible to watch the sports you want without paying for cable and in HD, you just need to pay for whatever streaming package you want to watch.

4/5/2012 1:07:52 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Trust me, I've looked into it, and the options just aren't there. I'd rather pay a premium that hunt down each game I want on an individual basis.

4/5/2012 1:46:56 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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For a thirty dollar antenna (that is basically a sticker on your window), you can get all the major channels in HD (big networks, fox, tnt). If I could only get ESPN (not just ESPN3), I'd do it.

4/5/2012 1:51:26 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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Tell me more about getting TNT with an antenna.

4/5/2012 1:59:08 PM

45912 Posts
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4/5/2012 2:02:22 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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Quote :
"Sports is the only time it is really annoying not having TV."

This. If I could just be guaranteed all State football and basketball games, I would gladly give up cable.

Although, I would miss HGTV.

4/5/2012 2:02:41 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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I've not had cable in years and don't really mind. I can watch my hockey games on NHL GameCenter and catch a season of a show that I like on dvd. The only channels I really miss are Science Channel and DIY Network which I will watch when I visit my parents.

4/5/2012 3:19:09 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"This. If I could just be guaranteed all State football and basketball games, I would gladly give up cable."

dammit, i keep forgetting to consider this

4/5/2012 3:24:44 PM

35780 Posts
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no antenna, that i know of, will get you TNT. I've gone the antenna route, it's fine for local networks.

and ESPN3 does not offer half the programming and live events you find on the ESPN family of networks.

going the antenna/netflix/roku/streaming route is nice and all but there are still some things you can't access. I don't mind paying for the convenience of cable.

I haven't done the math on this, but i'm sure some of you have. You still need internet from somewhere to access all of these streaming options. After paying for internet and monthly subscriptions to netflix, MLB TV, amazon, and then buying an antenna and a roku box are you really saving that much more?

4/5/2012 3:28:22 PM

All American
24674 Posts
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^you might save $10-20/month tops, but you also have to keep up with all the different services every month. then you have to pay a chunk of money upfront to buy the roku box, antenna, etc. to get everything up and running

thats exactly why paying $105/month for cable/internet wound up being worth it for me

4/5/2012 3:42:08 PM

All American
3051 Posts
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Quote :
"This. If I could just be guaranteed all State football and basketball games, I would gladly give up cable."

What about the Go Pack All-Access subscription? I guess that's still on your computer.

4/5/2012 3:59:12 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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How many "local" channels are there??

If I read that an antenna can get you 15-20 channels, what channels are those?

4/5/2012 4:24:41 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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The networks, UNC-TV, PBS, UPS, PAX, some religious channel, etc.

They say 15-20, but for most its closer to 7-8

4/5/2012 4:27:13 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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you can get a few not available w/ cable...generally some offshoots of the cbs, abc and nbc affiliates, a few music channels and several mexican stations.

[Edited on April 5, 2012 at 4:28 PM. Reason : and 3 or 4 different unc-tvs...althought they never really come in all that good for me]

4/5/2012 4:27:16 PM

35780 Posts
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In Charlotte, my antenna got me around 10-12 channels

CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, Channel 64, the CW, UNC-TV, UNC-TV2, and a couple random channels OTA channels including sub-channels like 24-hour weather from one of the news stations.

4/5/2012 4:30:58 PM

5052 Posts
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Go to a sportsbar and watch the game...


4/5/2012 11:20:04 PM

All American
52916 Posts
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Quote :
"at $18/month (after tax), you have access to most (i assume) of what you watch...and you can just order movies as you want them"

My problem is that I don't really watch any series shows.

I watch:

-comedy central
-Speed channel

4/5/2012 11:23:19 PM

5052 Posts
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I guess I should retract my statement...I took off the filter at my box, and I get channels 1-70 something...

So I can see most of what you listed duke.

4/5/2012 11:29:41 PM

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