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13178 Posts
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I can kill a thread in a heartbeat.




I'm available for rent against your favorite troll who just won't STFU.

4/8/2012 11:57:19 AM

16786 Posts
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Summary: Pool troll pointing out that nobody responds to him

4/8/2012 12:00:57 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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Please get rid of that Don't be black in a white gated community thread.

4/8/2012 12:02:58 PM

13178 Posts
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^^I think you just proved yourself false on that one.

[Edited on April 8, 2012 at 12:03 PM. Reason : .]

4/8/2012 12:03:30 PM

16786 Posts
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Laser, did you hear something?

4/8/2012 12:04:32 PM

All American
5528 Posts
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So, you troll killed your own pathetic troll thread?

u run the internets

4/8/2012 12:20:55 PM

13178 Posts
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Yes. I am trolling right now. That is what this thread is about.

God damn. You guys are so used to this place consisting of trolls trolling trolls that you people are always on the defensive against someone maybe perhaps trolling which just leaves you on the offense when it comes to make yourselves look like dicks.

4/8/2012 12:31:53 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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or you need to get better material, and since calling you a troll seems to push your buttons.... well that is just a coincidence

4/8/2012 12:33:14 PM

13178 Posts
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Your uterus will be dried up, shriveled and unused when you die.

4/8/2012 12:43:31 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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fantastic, why the fuck do I want a devil spawn bungee jumping from my vagina?

4/8/2012 12:45:31 PM

13178 Posts
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Good point. Ask your mother why she made that decision.

4/8/2012 12:47:07 PM

15294 Posts
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for the delicious placenta

I'm Krallum and i approved this message

4/8/2012 12:47:23 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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because she is a horrible decision maker, this I know.

4/8/2012 12:47:36 PM

16786 Posts
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Kids are a nice investment to ensure retirement.

4/8/2012 12:49:26 PM

13178 Posts
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^^Agreed. If only she could be tried and convicted.

[Edited on April 8, 2012 at 12:50 PM. Reason : ^ No, they're not. 401ks provide a better return with less lip.]

4/8/2012 12:49:35 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"No, they're not. 401ks provide a better return with less lip."

You must not have been around in 2007

4/8/2012 12:50:57 PM

13178 Posts
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You must not have kids or speak to your parents much?

4/8/2012 12:52:30 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
Fuck you all.
10531 Posts
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You must not have kids or speak to your parents much? 4/8/2012 12:52:30 PM"

Quote :
Fuck you all.
10534 Posts
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don't you have a bastard? if you're not a faggot, then why do you run a business irresponsibly and not pay child support? and then why not marry the mother of your bastard if you're not a faggot? do you hate vagina?

3/18/2012 3:47:06 PM"

4/8/2012 2:01:06 PM

13178 Posts
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I'm glad I occupy so much of your mind.

Quote :
"I'm not drunk or high

If someone came upto you and told you to make something that weighed 500,000 pounds float in mid-air, you'd say "yeah right, that's impossible"

Yet look at what we have here:

If someone came upto you and told you to make something that weighed 200,000,000 pounds float on water, you'd say "yeah right, that's impossible"

Yet look at what we have here:

Do you think whatever created us wanted us to have these things? Electricity, Atomic Bombs, Periodic Tables...I think not. These are hacks that exist in the universe. Our universe is coded and we're hacking the system.

If our universe is coded, and we can manipulate it, that means EVERYTHING is possible.

If we can hack the universe, then we can hack any computer you may conceive.

But the shitty thing is... if everything is possible then an unhackable system is possible, too. but how can it exist if a hacker can always hack everything?

Which leads us to... If God can do anything, can God create a rock that he can't lift?

If he can, then he can't do everything because he can't lift the rock. If he can't, then he can't do everything.

You have to conclude that it's impossible.

Nope. you don't have to conclude it's impossible.

Aircraft carriers and Airplanes are simple. In less than a 100 years, we'll have space stations and colonizing other planets. Earthquakes and hurricanes will be soft gusts of wind compared to solar storms and black holes that we'll have to battle against.

I shouldn't say 100 years, because we'll figure out how to live 1000 years, the only way to travel between galaxies before we invent teleportation and find wormholes.

After that, I do believe, the game is over. We conquered the universe.

[Edited on June 30, 2011 at 5:15 AM. Reason : food for thought.]"

[Edited on April 8, 2012 at 2:06 PM. Reason : .]

4/8/2012 2:05:48 PM

16786 Posts
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I'm dying laughing so hard over here.

4/8/2012 2:09:09 PM

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