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All American
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maybe we should stop acting like it's not a big deal.

4/10/2012 11:56:57 AM

45208 Posts
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Maybe you need to get a life

4/10/2012 11:57:23 AM

5975 Posts
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and while you're out getting a life, give me your lunch money, you wont need it

4/10/2012 12:02:01 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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15 years ago I would have laffed but these days I'm going to agree it needs to be addressed seriously. It's just the way our society is going. What with the internet and all bullying pretty much goes 24/7 and out to a wider audience. Plus kids tend to be more easily butthurt due to wussie parents.

4/10/2012 12:05:06 PM

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4/10/2012 12:05:19 PM

All American
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^i meant society as a whole. this bullying just has to stop completely.

4/10/2012 12:06:05 PM

5290 Posts
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oh i agree wholeheartedly. but this is chit chat so i figured i'd throw some of emce's "humor" in first

4/10/2012 12:07:06 PM

All American
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[Edited on April 10, 2012 at 12:08 PM. Reason : .]

4/10/2012 12:08:37 PM

All American
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You're probably fat or attractive people dont have to worry about this

4/10/2012 12:10:35 PM

All American
6421 Posts
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Who do you identify with more?

4chan? The senseless, indifferent, hate-mongering butthole of the internet who are both creative and intelligent in their own strange way?


Reddit? The copypasta cheerleaders of the internet who yearn for positivity and the collective kumbaya by posting pics of their gay atheist uncle's one eyed cat for 'karma'. Iama YAY!

Society is turning too soft IMO. Not that I welcome bullying, but its causing no physical damage, people and kids need to learn to shrug it the fuck off. You can't do anything without offending someone. Fuck that.

4/10/2012 12:17:16 PM

All American
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Here's what we need to teach kids of today:

1. if you're being bullied, bully them back.
2. if someone is picking on you, bury your fist in their face.
3. a couple days suspension is worth finally becoming a man.

4/10/2012 12:33:05 PM

All American
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That depends... if the bullying is simple teasing, there is no need for physical retaliation. But I do believe that some of these kids need to learn to stand their ground and not get walked all over.

4/10/2012 12:37:21 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"But I do believe that some of these kids need to learn to stand their ground and not get walked all over."

Children should be more like grizzly bears.

4/10/2012 12:40:15 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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Quote :
"but its causing no physical damage"

a troll in my chit chat? of course bullying progresses to physical bullying all the fucking time.

4/10/2012 12:40:16 PM

All American
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4/10/2012 1:18:09 PM

148873 Posts
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is there more bullying going on nowadays or just more media coverage about it

4/10/2012 1:19:11 PM

5975 Posts
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I personally think kids are getting crueler, because the ones that are getting picked on are being taught not to stand up for themselves, that violence isnt the answer.

Curb stomp one of those bitches on the playground, and they wont fuck with you anymore.

4/10/2012 1:24:11 PM

All American
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4/10/2012 1:25:32 PM

All American
594 Posts
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In the 4th grade there was a kid who used to always hit me with things after recess...footballs, dodgeballs, rocks, etc... I asked my dad what to do and he said "the next time he hits you with something, walk right up to him and hit him as hard as you can in the face."

Next day, kid hits me in the back with a football and goes to get a drink from the fountain. I walk up behind him...tap him on the shoulder and when he turns around I punch him in the face as hard as I can.

What then followed was one of the great ass-whoopings of the 4th grade where I was placed in a headlock and punched repeatedly until the teachers came. There were no KOs but if there was a scorecard for that fight I would have lost by about 20:1.

However, he never hit me with shit anymore after that.

4/10/2012 1:29:55 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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I can't imagine what high school would have been like with Facebook - good and bad. mostly bad probably.

4/10/2012 1:29:57 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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^^lol, your ultimate goal was achieved tho.

you gotta stand up for yourself...even if you catch an ass whooping, atleast you've made it known you're not an easy mark.

of course this is much more difficult when people can just start/spread rumors on the iterwebs with such ease.

4/10/2012 1:57:31 PM

All American
594 Posts
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haha, yeah...bullies don't want to have to fight everyone they fuck with, it's too much work. Even if they can kick your ass...they'll just move on to an easier target.

But yeah that was way before facebook/internet. We were playing Oregon Trail off of 5 1/4 in. floppys on apple computers in the computer lab. I'm sure the bullying is a much different form these days.

4/10/2012 2:14:57 PM

All American
8685 Posts
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"Bare-bottomed bullying" results in arrest and $10,000 bond for Greene Central teen:

4/10/2012 2:19:58 PM

All American
6421 Posts
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C'mon now. Is this really what is considered 'bullying' these days???

4/10/2012 2:24:37 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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^^very appropriate username for that article.

4/10/2012 2:25:12 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I made a living out of rubbing my ass on people. Good thing I was born in 1984.

4/10/2012 2:36:39 PM

All American
8685 Posts
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^^ Ha.

Wasn't me, I swear.

4/10/2012 2:50:30 PM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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I always thought the anti-bullying thing started because of Columbine and other school shootings.

4/10/2012 3:07:34 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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i was never really punished for any of the physical altercations i was involved in during hs. at the time i didn't think bullying was involved, but if so then i was definitely the victim. oh well.

4/10/2012 3:09:46 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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its a buzzword itll go back to the way it was

the reason there is so much bullying is because no one is allowed to fight anymore

even if a bullied kid fought back and got his butt kicked people would lay off

4/10/2012 3:12:56 PM


15145 Posts
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maybe humans have just gone soft

4/10/2012 3:32:05 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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^ahahahahahahahhahahahahah. I semi-remember the goose problem in Cary a few years back. Is that what that's from?

4/10/2012 3:33:47 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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i'd kick the fuck outta that goose

4/10/2012 3:34:49 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » bullying Page [1]  
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