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 Message Boards » » Local White Rapper - Chris Marrell Page [1]  
All American
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Warning: Blog Post

So I was craving some Weird Al and decided to watch 'Eat It' video, when lo' and behold, this was one of the first comments.

Quote :
"If you just give me 3 minutes I can show that I'm not only a 17 year old rapper, but a rapper with a dream that can be possible with your help. I'm from Raleigh, NC and I started writing remixes and spitting freestyles about a year ago. People say I can use some impovement, that's why? I seek more viewers so that I can have more advice and hopefully more appreciation at what I do. All I ask for is a chance and please come check me out! appreciation if u'd ^THUMB THIS UP^ so others can c. thnx "

Since he's from Raleigh, I figure I'd give him a chance...

I knew a mistake had been made when I saw the UNC hat.

4/22/2012 2:44:23 AM

All American
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Wonder how much he payed the mildly attractive whores to pretend to like him?

4/22/2012 3:16:50 AM

All American
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I don't know, but it seems improbable that a guy that raps like that could persuade a bunch of teenage girls to dance with their shirts off in a youtube video.

If you look at his other raps, all his videos have way more likes than dislikes, even though they only have a thousands views. All the comments are about how much he sucks, too.

4/22/2012 3:32:01 AM

All American
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even for a shitty white boy in suburbia he sucks.

4/22/2012 3:34:51 AM

15294 Posts
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daaaaaang that video editing is off the chain

coupla fly honeys in his crib too

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

4/22/2012 3:35:20 AM

Collector of Gnomes
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^his momma's crib

4/22/2012 8:38:46 AM

The E Man
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I'm sure the kids in his circle all think he is the next mac miller

Quote :
"I don't know, but it seems improbable that a guy that raps like that could persuade a bunch of teenage girls to dance with their shirts off in a youtube video."

you must not know many teenage girls. They didn't need to be persuaded to dance with their shirts off. He's a cute guy that raps which is like the coolest thing a teenage boy could do. You have to remember for every pathetic suburban boy there are 2-5 pathetic suburban girls.

4/22/2012 8:46:45 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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can we get married at the mall?

These lyrics, they speak to me.

4/22/2012 9:04:45 AM

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4/22/2012 12:35:32 PM

427 Posts
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Chris Marrell sold me cocaine product laced with deworming agent

4/22/2012 12:38:08 PM

All American
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4/22/2012 12:51:52 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Better hope you be able to swim or I might bite your dick off

4/22/2012 1:05:06 PM

All American
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that was...

awesome in a terrible way.

i do want to start a petition to get "itsya boy" taken out of every rap song.

4/22/2012 1:07:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If you just give me 3 minutes I can show that I'm not only a 17 year old rapper, but a rapper with a dream that can be possible with your help. I'm from Raleigh, NC and I started writing remixes and spitting freestyles about a year ago. People say I can use some impovement, that's why? I seek more viewers so that I can have more advice and hopefully more appreciation at what I do. All I ask for is a chance and please come check me out! appreciation if u'd ^THUMB THIS UP^ so others can c. thnx "

he's got fairly good grammar and spelling. And just look at that punctuation. He even made sure some of his e-slang was a contraction
This puts him in contention for legendary status as a youtube uploader.

4/22/2012 2:26:55 PM

All American
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4/22/2012 2:41:58 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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He only owns one hat.

4/22/2012 2:43:16 PM

All American
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that picture is hilarious.

4/22/2012 2:45:34 PM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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Kim keeps holding him back.

4/22/2012 2:58:06 PM

16786 Posts
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The girls in the video aren't dancing, they are trying to communicate with the worm overlords.

4/22/2012 3:00:09 PM

All American
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Kids got talent, but he's no Krispy Kreme

4/22/2012 8:35:24 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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If he'd put the lyrics on his computer screen he wouldn't have to break eye contact to read off his cheat sheet.

LOL at the girl in the background scooting across the floor on the dinner table.

4/22/2012 8:40:13 PM

37776 Posts
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Please take video cameras and the Internet away from teenagers.

4/22/2012 8:47:55 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Local White Rapper - Chris Marrell Page [1]  
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