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 Message Boards » » Brewgaloo Page [1]  
All American
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Anyone planning on going? They did a really bad job of advertising this, but it could be fun.

Local beer, food trucks, and live music.

4/28/2012 11:43:05 AM

37776 Posts
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The Electric Brewgaloo?

4/28/2012 11:44:33 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Saw them setting up this morning. I think the shitty weather is going to keep people home so at least it won't be crowded.

4/28/2012 12:41:46 PM

11583 Posts
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they didn't promote this shit at all

huge failure

4/28/2012 4:16:05 PM

All American
8006 Posts
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yeah, I hadn't heard a thing about it until Evan posted on facebook about it.

4/28/2012 4:17:11 PM

All American
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I heard an ad for it on the radio last night but too little too late imo.

4/28/2012 4:21:15 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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if a friend hadn't posted on FB about it, i wouldn't have known of this, either

wife and i had plans, anyway...probably would have gone had we known earlier, especially since we missed out on the beer festival a couple of weeks ago

4/28/2012 6:24:07 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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This got posted a few weeks back in the beerfest thread. I had thought about going but forgot about it so whatevs.

4/28/2012 6:26:56 PM

All American
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Shit sucked. Too many people. Not enough space or beer. Hopefully they will plan better and make it awesome next year.

4/28/2012 10:12:02 PM

All American
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That's sad to hear. Hopefully they take it as a learning experience instead of abandoning the idea. How many people do you figure showed up?

4/28/2012 10:15:41 PM

All American
2715 Posts
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a pic my friend posted on fb suggested a solid crowd.

4/28/2012 10:40:55 PM

All American
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^^^It looked like it was going to be pretty terrible from the info posted online... and the funky "beer ticket" system... i mean if you are going to sell beer for the same price you would get it at a bar, just sell it instead of going through the hassle of setting up a ticket system.

the WBF is a much better deal than this crap.

[Edited on April 28, 2012 at 10:41 PM. Reason : ]

4/28/2012 10:41:02 PM

All American
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No idea on the number of people. Just too many. Obviously getting people there with the funky ticket system wasnt an issue. I mean, yeah you are paying the same as a bar but it was cool day drinking on Fayettville with live music.

I think next year they could either find a way to limit people or have more breweries (or both). A friend of mine bought advanced tickets (25 for $20) and ended up getting one beer and giving the other tickets away. He got there around 6 and a lot of the places had run out of beer.

4/28/2012 11:22:38 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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^wow, i would be quite angry

4/28/2012 11:30:58 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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I went and it was OK. It was cool that you could just walk up off the street and participate in the festival. However, the lack of ticketing lead to some real bad inefficiencies in beer distribution. Furthermore, there just weren't enough food trucks to meet demand. Hopefully the local restaurants saw some extra business because of that.

The lines for everything were super long. It was a good idea, but they need better implementation. I ate at the Chirba Chirba dumpling truck. I waited in line for about 15 minutes to order and then waited 23 minutes to get my order. The Chirba Chirba people were on top of things in terms of their output versus demand. There was a pretzel truck a few spots further down the street where I though there was going to be fights due to messed up and lost orders. Food trucks don't really cope well with very high demand and they're not optimal for that kind of festival environment unless there are a lot of them.

^^^ My guess was that the ticket system was devised so that vendors wouldn't have to make change for anything and thus lines would move faster. So much for that idea.

[Edited on April 28, 2012 at 11:33 PM. Reason : not enough ^s]

4/28/2012 11:32:38 PM

All American
6116 Posts
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I don't have any complaints.

I'm also not as old and bitter as most of you people.

4/29/2012 1:18:56 AM

Mtan Man214
All American
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My wife and I happened upon the event but decided against it when we realized we had to stand in line for 20 minutes to buy tickets that we could redeem for beer after standing in line for the beer.

4/29/2012 1:40:47 AM

All American
580 Posts
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went down there specifically to watch mel melton play the blues...and the blues was good

4/29/2012 11:32:26 AM

Sink the Flagship
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Shit was terrible. 40 minute lines to find out when you're 10 feet away they cashed the keg on the beer you wanted. Also ran out of glasses. I gave my tickets away.

Cool concept, poor execution.

4/29/2012 2:48:45 PM

tommy wiseau
All American
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Shit sucked. Too many people. Not enough space or beer. Hopefully they will plan better and make it awesome next year.

4/29/2012 3:59:36 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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so for an event they underadvertised, there were too many people and not enough product... interesting

and I didn't hear about it until after the fact,but if it did run smoothly, it sounds like something i'd be interested in

4/29/2012 4:15:20 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Someone should email the organizers this thread lol.

4/29/2012 5:01:10 PM

All American
39534 Posts
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fine idea

horrible, horrible execution

4/29/2012 5:07:36 PM

All American
6116 Posts
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I got there at 7 and never waited in a line more than 5 minutes. Didn't seem too crowded either. And some vendors were giving away free beer at the end.

4/29/2012 5:16:20 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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i didn't hear about it until the day before and had already made plans with my mom. so anyone out there reading this -- more advertising next time!!

4/29/2012 5:28:45 PM

11583 Posts
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I got there at 6 and didn't wait in a single line. Got the food I wanted and a bunch of good beers. People were giving away their beer tickets so most of my shit was free.

4/29/2012 5:37:49 PM

All American
39534 Posts
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you must have gone to the bizarro Brewgaloo because I got there at 6 as well and every booth had a long line

some lines wrapped around other lines

4/29/2012 5:46:14 PM

11583 Posts
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maybe you were unlucky

my experience was different

4/29/2012 5:49:26 PM

All American
11921 Posts
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I had no clue either untill two guys on my soccer team were talking about it after our game and said they were planning on meeting up and going. I had a birthday party for a 2 year old to go to though.

4/29/2012 7:40:45 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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^yeah, and it's rude to miss your girlfriend's party.

4/29/2012 8:30:45 PM

All American
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4/29/2012 8:32:51 PM

All American
2385 Posts
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Like most people said good idea, poor execution. It was actually easier to get stuff at like 8 since a lot of people left by then. Got pretty drunk tho. Also walked up to Chirba Chirba at like 11 and got dumplings no problem.

4/29/2012 9:14:27 PM

Save TWW
4215 Posts
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Quote :
"I got there at 6 and didn't wait in a single line."

Quote :
"you must have gone to the bizarro Brewgaloo"

yeah, lines everywhere at 6. When I left around 7:30, there were still lines.

Despite the lines for the bathroom, lines for food, and lines for beer, I enjoyed myself. My gf and I both got an extra solo plastic cup (the ones they started handing out after the real cups ran out) and just got two beers every time we waited in line.

Next year I'm sure they'll plan for larger crowds.

[Edited on April 29, 2012 at 11:23 PM. Reason : ]

4/29/2012 11:22:57 PM

All American
11921 Posts
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Quote :
"^yeah, and it's rude to miss your girlfriend's party."

Well the invite to the party came before the invite to the Brewgaloo and I had already bought my friend's daughter a Mr. Potato Head's Silly Suitcase that I needed to deliver.

4/30/2012 1:59:51 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Brewgaloo Page [1]  
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