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 Message Boards » » Do you believe this guy? Page [1]  
16786 Posts
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Do you believe this guy?

maybe someone can embed this for the nonlinkclickypeople

5/9/2012 11:59:45 AM

All American
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Economic reasons: US car makers that continually brag about a "gas sipping" 29 mpg would be destroyed by that kind of competition.

5/9/2012 12:29:01 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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is that the VW diesel video?

if so, yeah it's true, I've seen it firsthand.

5/9/2012 12:29:49 PM

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5/9/2012 12:57:42 PM

16786 Posts
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Well I believe him, too.

This government ruling our lives shit? It's got to go.

5/9/2012 1:05:53 PM

45912 Posts
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my work blocks but not youtube. fucking genius.

5/9/2012 2:00:04 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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free market my ass

5/9/2012 2:34:40 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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down right infuriating

5/9/2012 2:42:12 PM

All American
8005 Posts
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can i get a non-fucked-up link?

5/9/2012 2:45:44 PM

All American
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dammit. now what will i do with all this misdirected rage

5/9/2012 2:49:27 PM

Half American
772 Posts
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x3 1.8d made in spartanburg gets ~45mpg highway. Even with sitting in traffic in Columbia for a hour. 3pedal 6speed also. Fun to drive.

5/9/2012 2:50:17 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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The link works here.

5/9/2012 2:52:48 PM

All American
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1) this thread should be interesting since most of you guys aren't car experts
2) salesmen at car dealerships don't know shit about the cars they sell
3)the VW Passat sold in the US is built in the US and is an entirely different vehicle than the one sold overseas. It is US specific.
4)GM & Ford both make even higher fuel mileage cars in Europe than here in the US...this is not news.
5)you guys are idiots if you believe there is a gov't conspiracy to prevent more fuel efficient cars from being sold in the US.

Oh yeah, and with extreme hypermilling the VW Jetta is apparently capable of over 80 mpg

Quote :
John and Helen Taylor – Volkswagen calls them "mileage experts" and "the world's most fuel-efficient couple" – recently drove a stock 2012 Passat TDI SE all the way from Houston, Texas to Sterling, Virginia without refueling. That's 1,626.1 miles from just 19.3 gallons. Bad with numbers? VW has done the math for you: it's 84.1 miles per gallon (we came up with 84.2, but who's counting?)."

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 2:55 PM. Reason : read Fermet's link after my post...I see it's mostly agreeing with what i stated]

5/9/2012 2:52:54 PM

All American
12297 Posts
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Do you agree with Mike?

5/9/2012 2:53:09 PM

All American
8005 Posts
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Is this the video?

5/9/2012 3:00:42 PM

All American
17118 Posts
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Quote :
"5)you guys are idiots if you believe there is a gov't conspiracy to prevent more fuel efficient cars from being sold in the US."

care to explain? your previous four points appear to support the opposite.

5/9/2012 3:44:07 PM

Thots and Prayers
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just to clarify my earlier point:

I have no idea *why* the US bans ultra high efficiency diesels from being imported, i just know that you can't get 'em here.

I wanted to buy an Audi A4 avant TDI that gets 65mpg, but they can't fucking import them here.

fuck that noise.

5/9/2012 3:50:50 PM

All American
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the answer is in Fermat's link

5/9/2012 3:59:02 PM

All American
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^^^A lot of what I said was further explained in the link provided by Fermet. The VW Passat built and sold in the US is significantly larger than the Passat sold in foreign markets.

^^it's not that they "can't". It's because VAG doesn't view it as a profitable move. Thus, they won't. If you want to get angry at someone get angry at the US government for all the hoops they make automakers jump through to certify automobiles for sale here.


[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 4:05 PM. Reason : k]

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 4:06 PM. Reason : k]

5/9/2012 4:05:38 PM

16786 Posts
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Out of the 5 reasons the VW gives, the only one that makes sense is:

Third, a US gallon (3.79 L) is less than an Imperial gallon (4.546 L).

5/9/2012 4:05:52 PM

All American
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If that is all the info you got out of the link then there's no saving you.

5/9/2012 4:07:21 PM

Thots and Prayers
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^^^ you can buy gasoline Audis and take european delivery, you cannot do so with the european spec TDI models.

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 4:11 PM. Reason : european spec]

5/9/2012 4:07:36 PM

All American
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^you're still taking delivery of a US spec car.

5/9/2012 4:08:45 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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right. that's the problem. the US is wrong on their position here.

they need to allow euro-spec diesels to be imported to the US. There isn't a good argument against it.

[Edited on May 9, 2012 at 4:15 PM. Reason : .]

5/9/2012 4:12:45 PM

All American
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I'd love to have a Wrangler Diesel, but alas, the same problem applies.

5/9/2012 4:13:33 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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For those who do not feel like perusing the link, it's basically that many of these ultra-high-mileage diesels do not meet US emissions standards. However, as US emissions are calculated on a per-gallon basis, it's kind of absurd in that they still emit less pollution cumulatively because they use fewer gallons of gas per mile.

5/9/2012 4:28:53 PM

5290 Posts
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^^ or an FJ cruiser diesel

5/9/2012 4:33:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"they need to allow euro-spec diesels to be imported to the US. There isn't a good argument against it."

The argument against it is all the soot pollution that these engines produce. I'm not saying its a winning argument but that's part of it. I know for a while most of the high tech diesel engines in Europe didn't cross the Atlantic because of the diesel fuel (the US's diesel was too high in sulfur) however as of 2007 the diesel fuel available in the US is just as low in sulfur as European fuel (though I believe it increases the cost of the diesel fuel).

The problem with arguing over government regulations is that you try to use common sense, which has no place in arguing government regulations. This is the same government that mandates thousands and thousands of dollars in vehicle safety upgrades over the years but allows the most basic of idiots to get a driver's license without the slightest bit of training. A mandatory weekend long driving course would do much more good than mandating something like stability control (which only makes a driver think he's more invincible)

I'm with you on this Bobby. If I ever purchased a vehicle with a priority on fuel mileage I would turn to a diesel. Nonetheless, this thread was created for some conspiracy theorist BS...

5/9/2012 8:01:35 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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yeah, the conspiracy theory is bullshit.

ineptitude, yes... all day long in our government.

conspiracy... um no. the people making _those_ decisions are too stupid.

5/9/2012 10:02:51 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Do you believe this guy? Page [1]  
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